
Checkout Vskills Interview questions with answers in Playwright to prepare for your next job role. The questions are submitted by professionals to help you to prepare for the Interview.  

Q.1 What is Playwright?
Playwright is an open-source automation tool developed by Microsoft for testing web applications across different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and provides a single API to interact with them.
Q.2 How does Playwright differ from other automation tools like Selenium?
Playwright offers more advanced features, supports multiple browsers with consistent APIs, has improved speed, and handles more complex scenarios compared to Selenium.
Q.3 Explain the architecture of Playwright.
Playwright follows a multi-process architecture with separate browser and driver processes, allowing for better isolation and control over the automation.
Q.4 What are the main components of Playwright?
The main components include the Playwright API, the Playwright tool (CLI), and the underlying browser-specific drivers.
Q.5 How do you install Playwright?
Playwright can be installed via Node.js using npm or yarn package managers by running npm install playwright or yarn add playwright.
Q.6 What programming languages does Playwright support?
Playwright supports multiple programming languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and C#.
Q.7 How do you launch a browser using Playwright?
You can launch a browser instance using Playwright by calling browser = await playwright.chromium.launch(); for Chromium, replacing chromium with the desired browser.
Q.8 Explain the concept of selectors in Playwright.
Selectors are used to locate and interact with elements on a web page. Playwright provides various selectors like CSS selectors, XPath, text selectors, etc., to identify elements.
Q.9 How do you perform actions on elements using Playwright?
Actions like clicking, typing, or navigating through web elements can be done using Playwright's methods such as click(), type(), fill(), etc.
Q.10 What is the purpose of the Playwright Inspector?
Playwright Inspector is a tool used for debugging and inspecting Playwright scripts by visualizing the browser's state during script execution.
Q.11 How do you handle timeouts in Playwright?
Timeouts in Playwright can be managed using methods like setDefaultTimeout() to set a default timeout for all actions or using specific timeout options for individual actions.
Q.12 Can Playwright handle file uploads? If yes, how?
Yes, Playwright can handle file uploads using the input.uploadFile() method to set the file path for file input elements.
Q.13 How do you handle authentication pop-ups in Playwright?
Playwright provides browserContext.authenticate() method to handle authentication pop-ups by providing credentials.
Q.14 Explain the concept of Playwright's page objects.
Page objects in Playwright are design patterns that abstract web pages into reusable components, enhancing test maintainability and readability.
Q.15 What are some best practices for writing efficient Playwright tests?
Best practices include using page objects, handling waits properly, using descriptive test names, leveraging selectors efficiently, and organizing tests into logical suites.
Q.16 What are locators in Playwright?
Locators in Playwright are methods used to identify and interact with elements on a web page, such as CSS selectors, XPath, text selectors, etc.
Q.17 Explain the difference between CSS selectors and XPath.
CSS selectors target HTML elements using CSS attributes, while XPath uses XML-like expressions to navigate through the elements in an XML or HTML document.
Q.18 How do you use CSS selectors in Playwright to locate elements?
You can use CSS selectors with Playwright methods like page.$(selector) or page.$$(selector) to locate a single or multiple elements on the page.
Q.19 What are some common CSS selector examples in Playwright?
Examples include element.querySelector('selector'), element.querySelectorAll('selector'), and specific CSS attributes such as input[type='text'] or .class.
Q.20 Can you explain how XPath locators work in Playwright?
XPath locators in Playwright allow for more complex traversal of elements in a document based on their attributes, hierarchy, and relationships.
Q.21 When would you prefer using CSS selectors over XPath or vice versa?
CSS selectors are generally faster and more readable for simple selections, while XPath offers more flexibility and power for complex selections or traversing hierarchical structures.
Q.22 How do you handle dynamic elements using Playwright locators?
Playwright provides various strategies such as using unique attributes, parent-child relationships, or XPath axes to handle dynamic elements.
Q.23 What are text selectors in Playwright?
Text selectors in Playwright are used to find elements based on their visible text content rather than HTML attributes.
Q.24 How do you locate elements by text using Playwright?
Playwright provides methods like page.locator('text=Some Text') or page.$$(text=Some Text')` to locate elements based on their visible text content.
Q.25 Can Playwright handle locating elements by attributes other than ID or class?
Yes, Playwright allows locating elements based on various attributes like name, data attributes, or custom attributes using CSS selectors or XPath.
Q.26 Explain the concept of custom locators in Playwright.
Custom locators in Playwright are user-defined methods that encapsulate complex logic to locate specific types of elements or handle unique scenarios not covered by default locators.
Q.27 How do you handle complex nested element locators in Playwright?
For complex nested elements, combining CSS selectors or XPath with logical operators allows for precise targeting of specific nested elements.
Q.28 What are the advantages of using Playwright's built-in locators over manual locators?
Playwright's built-in locators are more reliable, easier to maintain, and provide a consistent way of interacting with elements across different browsers.
Q.29 How do you handle situations where there is no unique identifier for an element using Playwright locators?
In such cases, you can use combinations of locators, traversing through the DOM, or utilizing nearby elements to create a unique identifier for the target element.
Q.30 What are some best practices for using locators effectively in Playwright?
Best practices include preferring IDs or unique attributes, avoiding overly complex XPath expressions, using CSS selectors wherever possible for better performance, and creating reusable locators for common elements.
Q.31 What are actions in Playwright?
Actions in Playwright refer to the interactions performed on web elements, such as clicking, typing, hovering, or navigating, to simulate user behavior.
Q.32 How do you perform a click action on an element using Playwright?
To perform a click action, you can use the method in Playwright, targeting the specific element you want to interact with.
Q.33 Explain the method to type text into an input field using Playwright.
Playwright provides the element.type('text') method to simulate typing text into input fields. It emulates a user typing action.
Q.34 Can you perform hover actions using Playwright? If so, how?
Yes, Playwright allows hovering over elements using the element.hover() method to simulate a mouse hover action triggering events like dropdown menus.
Q.35 How do you interact with dropdown menus using Playwright?
Dropdown menus can be interacted with by locating the dropdown element and using methods like selectOption() or click() to open and choose options.
Q.36 Explain how you simulate keyboard events using Playwright.
Playwright's method enables the simulation of keyboard events like pressing specific keys or combinations (e.g., Enter, Ctrl+A).
Q.37 Can you describe the process of handling checkboxes using Playwright actions?
Checkbox handling involves locating the checkbox element and using the element.check() or element.uncheck() methods to select or deselect the checkbox.
Q.38 How does Playwright handle file uploads as an action?
Playwright allows file uploads by interacting with file input elements and using the input.uploadFile() method to specify the file path.
Q.39 Explain the approach to simulate scroll actions using Playwright.
Playwright can simulate scroll actions by using methods like page.evaluate() with JavaScript code to scroll to specific positions or elements.
Q.40 How do you handle drag-and-drop actions in Playwright?
Drag-and-drop actions can be performed by using the element.dragAndDrop() method in Playwright, specifying the source and destination elements.
Q.41 What are the wait actions available in Playwright, and when are they used?
Playwright offers waitForSelector(), waitForFunction(), and waitForNavigation() to wait for specific elements, conditions, or navigation events to occur before proceeding.
Q.42 How does Playwright handle double-click actions on elements?
Playwright provides the element.dblclick() method to simulate double-click actions on elements, triggering corresponding events.
Q.43 Explain how to emulate keyboard input delays using Playwright.
Playwright allows input delays between keystrokes using the element.type() method's delay option, specifying the time gap between each character.
Q.44 Can Playwright handle right-click or context menu interactions? If yes, how?
Yes, Playwright supports right-click actions via the{ button: 'right' }) method to trigger context menus.
Q.45 What are some best practices for using Playwright actions effectively in test automation?
Best practices include using descriptive action methods, handling timeouts appropriately, combining actions with proper waiting strategies, and creating reusable action functions for common scenarios.
Q.46 What are events in Playwright?
Events in Playwright refer to browser-related actions or occurrences, such as page navigation, element interactions, or network requests, that can be observed and handled during automation.
Q.47 How do you listen for events in Playwright?
Playwright allows listening to events by attaching event listeners using methods like page.on(), element.on(), or browserContext.on().
Q.48 Explain the use of the 'page' object in handling page-level events.
The 'page' object in Playwright provides methods like page.on('event', handler) to listen to and handle various events specific to the web page, such as 'load', 'close', or 'console'.
Q.49 Can you elaborate on handling 'request' and 'response' events in Playwright?
'request' and 'response' events are used to intercept and modify network requests and responses, allowing monitoring and modification using methods like page.on('request') and page.on('response').
Q.50 How do you handle 'dialog' events in Playwright automation?
Playwright's page.on('dialog') method enables handling browser dialog events like alerts, prompts, or confirmations during automation.
Q.51 Explain the purpose of the 'frame' event in Playwright.
The 'frame' event in Playwright allows tracking the creation or destruction of frames within a page using methods like page.on('frame').
Q.52 How do you capture and handle console logs using Playwright events?
Playwright's page.on('console') method captures console logs, errors, warnings, etc., allowing their retrieval and handling during automation.
Q.53 What is the purpose of the 'domcontentloaded' event in Playwright?
'domcontentloaded' event in Playwright signifies the stage when the HTML document's DOM is fully loaded and parsed, enabling actions at this stage using page.on('domcontentloaded').
Q.54 How do you handle 'element' events in Playwright?
'Element' events in Playwright pertain to interactions or changes specific to an element and can be monitored using element.on('event') methods.
Q.55 Can you explain how 'video' events are handled in Playwright automation?
'Video' events relate to actions or state changes in HTML video elements, and Playwright allows monitoring these events using methods like page.on('video').
Q.56 How does Playwright handle 'worker' events in automation scripts?
Playwright's page.on('worker') method enables tracking the creation or termination of web workers within a page during automation.
Q.57 Explain the use of the 'error' event in Playwright automation.
The 'error' event in Playwright helps in handling and capturing errors occurring during page navigation or script execution using page.on('error').
Q.58 How do you handle 'frameattached' and 'framedetached' events in Playwright?
'frameattached' and 'framedetached' events allow tracking the attachment or detachment of frames within a page, using page.on('frameattached') and page.on('framedetached').
Q.59 Can you describe the 'viewport' event in Playwright and its significance?
The 'viewport' event in Playwright relates to changes in the viewport size or resolution and can be monitored using page.on('viewport') for automation adjustments.
Q.60 What are some best practices for effectively utilizing events in Playwright scripts?
Best practices include selectively listening to essential events, using event handlers to manage asynchronous actions, logging events for debugging, and organizing event-driven actions for cleaner code.
Q.61 What is authentication in the context of web applications?
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system to grant access to restricted resources or functionalities within a web application.
Q.62 How does Playwright handle basic authentication for web applications?
Playwright can handle basic authentication by using the browserContext.authenticate() method, providing the username and password for the authentication prompt.
Q.63 Explain the usage of browserContext.authenticate() method in Playwright.
The browserContext.authenticate() method in Playwright allows providing authentication credentials programmatically to bypass authentication dialogs or prompts.
Q.64 Can Playwright handle different authentication mechanisms like OAuth or JWT?
Yes, Playwright can automate authentication mechanisms like OAuth or JWT by simulating the login process through interaction with login forms, tokens, or APIs.
Q.65 How do you automate login procedures involving multi-factor authentication (MFA) using Playwright?
Automation of MFA with Playwright involves handling additional steps, such as retrieving and inputting verification codes or tokens, once the initial credentials are provided.
Q.66 Explain how Playwright deals with scenarios involving login through third-party providers like Google or Facebook.
Playwright can automate third-party login flows by interacting with OAuth-based login pages, simulating user interactions, and handling authentication callbacks or tokens.
Q.67 Can you elaborate on handling session management or maintaining logged-in states in Playwright tests?
Playwright can manage sessions by storing cookies, tokens, or session data to maintain a logged-in state across test scenarios or browser instances.
Q.68 How does Playwright handle authentication tokens or CSRF tokens during automation?
Playwright allows retrieval and utilization of authentication tokens or CSRF tokens from responses or cookies and includes them in subsequent requests during automation.
Q.69 Explain the usage of custom headers in Playwright authentication.
Playwright enables the addition of custom headers containing authentication information to HTTP requests using the page.setExtraHTTPHeaders() method.
Q.70 How do you handle scenarios involving login redirections or conditional authentication flows using Playwright?
Playwright can navigate through login redirections or conditional authentication flows by detecting and handling specific URLs, elements, or conditions in the flow.
Q.71 Can Playwright handle authentication challenges like CAPTCHA during automation?
Playwright can handle CAPTCHA challenges programmatically by using third-party services, solving captchas, or, in some cases, bypassing them in a controlled testing environment.
Q.72 Explain the approach to handle secure elements or authenticated areas within a web application using Playwright.
Playwright allows accessing and interacting with secure elements or authenticated areas by maintaining the logged-in state through proper authentication handling mechanisms.
Q.73 How do you handle scenarios involving logout or session termination using Playwright?
Automation scripts in Playwright can handle logout or session termination by triggering logout actions, clearing cookies, or performing cleanup steps after test scenarios.
Q.74 What are some challenges you might face when automating authentication processes with Playwright, and how do you overcome them?
Challenges may include handling dynamic tokens, complex authentication flows, or intermittent network issues. Solutions involve using wait strategies, dynamic selectors, or retries for robust automation.
Q.75 What are some best practices for effectively handling authentication in Playwright test automation?
Best practices include using reusable authentication methods, securely managing credentials, handling edge cases, implementing robust error handling, and regularly updating authentication-related logic.
Q.76 What are the primary tools available in the Playwright ecosystem?
Playwright offers three main tools: Playwright Core (the library itself), Playwright CLI, and Playwright Inspector.
Q.77 Explain Playwright Core and its significance in automation.
Playwright Core is the foundational library that provides APIs for browser automation, allowing users to script browser actions and interactions programmatically.
Q.78 What is the purpose of the Playwright CLI?
Playwright CLI is a command-line interface tool used to initialize projects, generate code snippets, run tests, and perform other tasks related to Playwright automation.
Q.79 How does Playwright Inspector aid in test development?
Playwright Inspector is a graphical tool that assists in debugging and inspecting Playwright scripts interactively by visualizing browser interactions and state during script execution.
Q.80 Explain the usage of Playwright Test in the Playwright ecosystem.
Playwright Test is an end-to-end testing framework built on top of Playwright Core, providing additional features for writing, organizing, and executing test suites efficiently.
Q.81 Can you compare Playwright Test to other testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha?
Playwright Test integrates tightly with Playwright Core, offering features specifically tailored for browser automation, while Jest and Mocha are general-purpose testing frameworks.
Q.82 What are the advantages of using Playwright Test over traditional testing frameworks?
Playwright Test simplifies browser automation with built-in parallelization, automatic retries, and superior debugging capabilities specifically designed for end-to-end testing.
Q.83 How does Playwright Inspector differ from other browser dev tools like Chrome DevTools or Firefox DevTools?
Playwright Inspector provides a unified interface for debugging across multiple browser contexts, whereas browser dev tools are specific to their respective browsers.
Q.84 Explain the process of setting up a new project using Playwright CLI.
To set up a new project with Playwright CLI, you can use commands like npx playwright init to generate a project structure, selecting the desired programming language and framework.
Q.85 Can you describe the steps to run Playwright tests using the Playwright CLI?
Playwright tests can be executed with the Playwright CLI using commands like npx playwright test followed by the test file or directory path to initiate test runs.
Q.86 What role does Playwright Test Runner play in test execution?
Playwright Test Runner orchestrates the execution of test suites, manages browsers, and provides detailed test results, enhancing the testing experience.
Q.87 Explain how Playwright integrates with Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines.
Playwright can be integrated into CI pipelines by executing tests using CLI commands, generating reports, and providing exit codes for pass/fail statuses.
Q.88 Can you mention some popular test reporting or assertion libraries compatible with Playwright?
Playwright integrates with various test reporting and assertion libraries like Mocha, Jest, expect, chai, and others to enhance reporting and assertion capabilities.
Q.89 How does Playwright facilitate cross-browser testing and compatibility?
Playwright's multi-browser support enables cross-browser testing by providing a consistent API across different browsers, allowing scripts to be run on various browser environments.
Q.90 What are some best practices for effectively utilizing Playwright tools in test automation?
Best practices include using Playwright Inspector for debugging, leveraging Playwright Test's features for robust testing, integrating with CI/CD pipelines, and regularly updating Playwright versions for enhancements and bug fixes.
Q.91 What are Web-First Assertions in Playwright?
Web-First Assertions in Playwright refer to the assertions performed directly on web elements or page properties to validate expected behaviors or states during test automation.
Q.92 Explain the role of assertions in automated testing using Playwright.
Assertions in Playwright are critical for verifying expected outcomes by checking whether specific conditions or states match the expected values within the tested web application.
Q.93 Which methods does Playwright provide for performing assertions on web elements or page properties?
Playwright offers various methods like expect, toMatch, toContain, toBeChecked, toHaveTitle, and others for performing assertions on elements, text, properties, or states.
Q.94 How do you perform a basic equality assertion on an element's text using Playwright?
You can perform a basic equality assertion on element text in Playwright using the expect(element).toHaveText(expectedText) method.
Q.95 Explain the usage of expect method for assertions in Playwright.
The expect method in Playwright is used to apply assertions on elements or properties to check for specific conditions or values.
Q.96 Can you elaborate on using toMatch assertions for pattern matching in Playwright?
toMatch assertions in Playwright are used to match a specified pattern or regular expression against the content of elements or page properties.
Q.97 How does Playwright handle assertions for element visibility or existence?
Playwright provides methods like expect(element).toBeVisible() or expect(page).toContainElement(selector) to assert element visibility or existence on the page.
Q.98 Explain how you can perform assertions on page titles or URLs using Playwright assertions.
Playwright allows assertions on page titles or URLs using methods like expect(page).toHaveTitle(expectedTitle) or expect(page.url()).toBe(expectedURL).
Q.99 How do you assert CSS properties or styles of elements using Playwright?
Playwright enables assertions on CSS properties or styles of elements using methods like expect(element).toHaveCSS(property, value) to validate specific styles.
Q.100 Can you describe the use of toBeChecked assertion for checkboxes or radio buttons in Playwright?
toBeChecked assertion in Playwright is used to verify whether checkboxes or radio buttons are selected (checked) or not.
Q.101 Explain the approach to assert the presence of specific attributes on elements using Playwright.
Playwright provides methods like expect(element).toHaveAttribute(attributeName) to assert the presence of specific attributes on elements.
Q.102 How do you handle assertions for element count or length of element arrays in Playwright?
Assertions for element count or array length can be done using methods like expect(elements).toHaveLength(expectedLength) or expect(page).toContainElements(selector, expectedCount).
Q.103 Explain the usage of toContainText assertions for checking partial text within elements in Playwright.
toContainText assertions in Playwright are used to verify the presence of specific text snippets within elements or page content.
Q.104 How does Playwright handle negative assertions or assertions for element absence?
Negative assertions in Playwright are performed using methods like expect(element).not.toBeVisible() or expect(page).not.toContainElement(selector) for element absence.
Q.105 What are some best practices for effectively using Playwright's Web-First Assertions in test automation?
Best practices include using descriptive assertion messages, combining assertions with appropriate waits, organizing assertions logically, and handling assertions for dynamic content.
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