OpenSTACK Interview Questions

OpenStack is a free, open standard cloud computing platform. It is mostly deployed as infrastructure-as-a-service in both public and private clouds where virtual servers and other resources are made available to users.

Q.1 What is the first step in the Script development process?
The first step in the Script development process is to select Browser Type for Script Recording
Q.2 What is a Collector?
Collector is a set of user-defined data collection queries which determine the type of performance data recording carried out from one or more Host computers.
Q.3 What does variables in script provides?
Variables in script provides identity of the Virtual Users and change the activity.
Q.4 Which SCL command gives a Virtual User exclusive access to the MUTEX you define?
ACQUIRE MUTEX is the SCL command gives a Virtual User exclusive access to the MUTEX you define.
Q.5 What represent a pause in Web browser activity?
A pause in Web browser activity represents Wait command.
Q.6 Describe OpenStack?
OpenStack is a platform to create and handle massive groups of virtual machines through a Graphical User Interface. It is a set of efficient software tools to manage private and public cloud computing platforms.
Q.7 Explain the benefits of using OpenStack Cloud?

1. Serve as a strong foundation to deliver self-service storage to IT users.

2. Deliver an on-demand objective or block storage with higher scalability and easy-to-handle storage at lower costs.

3. Most enterprises can save bigger on licensing fees by switching virtual machines running on VMware to OpenStack.

Q.8 What are the key components of OpenStack?

1. Horizon

2. Nova 3. Swift

4. Cinder

5. Neutron

6. Keystone

7. Glance.

8. Ceilometer

9. Heat

Q.9 What storage types are allowed by OpenStack Compute?
OpenStack Cloud Operating system supports two types of storage: 1. Persistent Storage 2. Ephemeral Storage
Q.10 Classify Persistent storage?

1. Object storage

2. Block storage

3. Shared File System storage

Q.11 Define ‘users,’ ‘role’ and ‘tenant’ in OpenStack?

1. Users can be members of multiple projects

2. Tenant is a group of users and an alternative term for Project/accounts.

3. Role is the position to which a user is mapped. Roles are usually assigned to project-user duos.

Q.12 Define Identity Service in OpenStack?
In user management, Identity service tracks users and their permissions while Service Catalog offers a list of services available with their API. Keystone is the most important and preferred Identity Service in OpenStack and executes the complete OpenStack Identity API.
Q.13 Define the Networking Managers in OpenStack Cloud?
These places all VMs on a single network utilizing the same subnet and bridge as created by the administrator.
Q.14 List the storage locations for VM images in OpenStack?

1. OpenStack Object Storage

2. Filesystem

3. S3


5. RBD or Rados Block Device

6. GridFSMaster Openstack from industry experts.

Q.15 What is Token?
Token is a type of authentication similar to password-based validation. The token can then be used to access OpenStack services without any revalidation.
Q.16 What is OpenStack Python SDK?
Python SDK (Software Development Kit) helps users to write applications for performing automation tasks in Python by calling Python objects. It provides a platform to work with multiple OpenStack services at one place.
Q.17 Describe the function of Filter Scheduler?
The Filter Scheduler facilitates filtering and weighting to notify where a new instance can be created. It supports working with Compute Nodes.
Q.18 Define the Networking option in OpenStack?
OpenStack Networking makes you to create and manage network objects, such as networks, subnets, and ports, which other OpenStack services can use.
Q.19 List down the Networking hardware in OpenStack?

1. Networks

2. Routers

3. Subnets

4. Ports Vendor Plugins

Q.20 Define Hypervisor?
Hypervisor is a term to define virtual machine monitor (VMM) including hardware, software and firmware components running on a virtual machine. OpenStack Compute allows multiple hypervisors.
Q.21 List down the type of Hypervisors supported by OpenStack?

1. KVM

2. LXC


4. UML

5. VMware vSphere

6. Hyper-V

Q.22 Define bare-metal node?
Bare-metal node grants access to manage bare-metal driver that handles the provisioning of OpenStack Compute physical hardware utilizing the standard cloud APIs and tools like Heat.
Q.23 Explain the modular architecture of OpenStack?

1. OpenStack Compute: For managing large networks on the virtual machine

2. Image Service: The delivery service provides discovery and registration for virtual disk images

3. OpenStack Object Storage: A storage system that provides support for both block storage and object storage

Q.24 List down the components of OpenStack Compute?

1. API server

2. Message Queue

3. Compute Workers

4. Network controller

5. Volume Worker

6. Scheduler

Q.25 Define the role of API Server?
It provides an interface for the external world to interact with the cloud infrastructure.
Q.26 List the commands to generate Key pairs?

1. ssh-keygen

2. cd .ssh

3. nova keypair-add –pub_key mykey

Q.27 Define Flavor?
Flavors are virtual hardware templates in OpenStack, which define the memory sizes of RAM, hard disk, etc.
Q.28 How to assign a project/tenant to a user?
By using the command sudo nova-manage user create user-name
Q.29 What is Cloud Computing?
It is an advanced-stage technology used so that the cloud provides its services globally as per the user requirements. It provides a way to access several servers worldwide.
Q.30 What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

1. Data backup and storage of data

2. Powerful server capabilities

3. Incremented productivity

4. Cost-effective and time-saving

Q.31 What is a Ceilometer?
A ceilometer is a device that uses a laser or other light source to learn the height of a cloud base.
Q.32 What is the function of Ceilometer?
Ceilometer is used for measuring the height of cloud bases and overall cloud thickness. One other use of the ceilometer is to determine cloud ceilings at airports.
Q.33 What is OpenStack panko?
Panko is designed in a way to provide a metadata indexing, event storage service which enables users to capture the state information of OpenStack resources at a given time.
Q.34 What is Horizon OpenStack?
OpenStack Horizon is a web-based graphical interface that cloud administrators and users can access to manage OpenStack compute, storage and networking services.
Q.35 Who invented Ceilometer?
The Ceilometer was invented by meteorologist Poul la Cour.
Q.36 What is OpenStack Trove?
Trove is a database and serve as a Service for OpenStack. It's designed to run completely on OpenStack, with the motive of allowing users to rapidly and easily utilize the features of a relational or non-relational database.
Q.37 What is OpenStack Magnum?
Magnum is an OpenStack API service developed by the OpenStack Containers Team producing container orchestration engines such as Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Apache Mesos available as first class resources in OpenStack.
Q.38 What is OpenStack Murano?
Murano is an open source OpenStack project that attach an application catalog with flexible tooling to simplify and accelerate packaging and deployment. It can be used with almost any application and service in OpenStack.
Q.39 What do you understand by OpenStack APIs?
OpenStack API permits programmers and developers to develop scripts that automate hardware resource deployment in a data center via systems administration or software configuration.
Q.40 What is Glance API?
Glance is the reference implementation of the OpenStack Images API.
Q.41 What is the use of DevOps?
DevOps is the union of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organization's ability to deliver applications and services
Q.42 What is Sahara in OpenStack?
Sahara integrates a layer of cluster application for big data such as Hadoop on top of OpenStack.
Q.43 What is neutron in OpenStack?
Neutron is a central service that permits individuals to use OpenStack as a Network-as-a-Service in between configurable devices.
Q.44 Explain the horizon in OpenStack?
Horizon service provides a web-based dashboard interface for ease of access to multiple other services on OpenStack.
Q.45 What do you mean by PechaKucha?
PechaKucha is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each.
Q.46 How to make a Pecha Kucha presentation

1. Choose a topic you're PASSIONATE about.

2. Have something interesting and different to say.

3. Keep your thesis simple.

4. Figure out the main points you want to make.

5. Decide on an arc.

6. Tell a story.

7. Outline your slides.

8. Keep the slides simple and visual.

Q.47 Define Troubleshooting?
Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, basically applied to repair failed products or processes on a machine or a system.
Q.48 How to run F12 diagnostics?

1. Restart the computer.

2. The moment computer boots, press F12 when the Dell Splash Screen appears.

3. When the Boot menu appears, highlight the Boot to Utility Partition option or the Diagnostics option and then press to start the 32-bit Dell Diagnostics.

4. Press the Tab key to highlight Test System.

Q.49 Mention some POST troubleshooting steps?

1. Remove new hardware.

2. Remove any disks or USB devices.

3. Disconnect external devices.

4. Reconnect and check power cords.

5. Identify beep code.

6. Check all fans.

7. Check all cables.

8. Disconnect all expansion cards.

Q.50 Explain Modular Architecture of Openstack?

1. OpenStack Compute: For managing large networks of the virtual machine.

2. Image Service: The delivery service provides discovery and registration for virtual disk images.

3. OpenStack Object Storage: A storage system that provides support for both block storage and object storage.

Q.51 What is the meaning of term “cinder” in Openstack Service?
Cinder is used for handling persistent storage in OpenStack. It is utilized by default is LVM, called Cinder-Volumes.
Q.52 What is the command used to list Ip address information?
The commond used to list Ip address information is $ nova floating-ip-pool-list.
Q.53 What Is Rabbit Mq Server ?
OpenStack communicates among themselves using the message queue via AMQP.
Q.54 What Are Commands To Generate Keypairs ?

1. ssh-keygen

2. cd .ssh

3. nova keypair-add –pub_key mykey

Q.55 What Is Job Of User Crud ?
The user CRUD filter permits users to use a HTTP PATCH to change their own password.
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