Facebook Apps

Given below are some of the important interview questions on Facebook Apps asked by interviewers. Checkout them if you are looking for a job in Facebook Apps development.

Q.1 hCalendar and hCard are examples of?
hCalendar and hCard are examples of Microformats.
Q.2 What are the three different ways of implementing the 'Like' button?
HTML5, XFBML and iframe are the three different ways of implementing the 'Like' button.
Q.3 Which Graph API Queries are available in the Ads API?

The Graph API Queries available in the Ads API are - 

  • Broad Target Categories
  • Connection Objects
  • Ad Statistics
  • Keyword Stats
  • Reach Estimate
  • Autocomplete Data
Q.4 Which REST API method is not used for authentication?
Q.5 What is the requirement for Facebook SDK for PHP?
PHP 5.4 or greater is the requirement for Facebook SDK for PHP.
Q.6 Is Facebook a member of the Alliance for Affordable Internet?
Facebook was declared as a member of (A4AI) the Alliance for Affordable Internet in October 2013, when the A4AI was originated. The A4AI is a combination of public and private businesses that includes Intel, Google, and Microsoft.
Q.7 What is a difference between view and fragment in modern android development?
One important distinction is Stack. It's very hard to maintain the view state when the user ticks the back button. Whereas in fragments, the fragment administrator can able to maintain the fragment's state utilizing stack.
Q.8 What is a bookmark tool?
Bookmarking tools assist to mark, track, download, or otherwise set pages or substances aside in a helpful, easy-to-read fashion that's more intuitive than only bookmarking sites in the browser. This is seldom mentioned to as social bookmarking, though the bookmarks don't have to be shared with the others.
Q.9 Name some bookmark tools.
Social Bookmarking tools and news sections like Delicious, Digg, reddit, and many others make discovering special information, images, or websites frequently simple by selecting or “tagging” individual sites with searchable key words.
Q.10 Explain Web 2.0.
Web 2.0 points to World Wide Web websites that accentuate user-generated content, usability (comfort of use, even by non-experts), and interoperability (this indicates that a website can operate well with other systems, products, and devices) for end users.
Q.11 What is Web 1.0?
Web 1.0 is a retronym relating to the 1st stage of World Wide Web’s evolution. According to Cormode, G. and, Krishnamurthy, B. (2008): “content creators were few in Web 1.0 with the vast majority of users simply acting as consumers of content.”
Q.12 What are the design elements of the Web 1.0 site?
Static pages rather than dynamic HTML. Content subserved from the server’s filesystem rather than a relational database management system. The application of HTML 3.2-era components such as frames and tables to place and adjust elements on a page. These were used in combine with spacer GIFs.
Q.13 State some key features of Web 2.0.
Folksonomy – free distribution of information; enables users to collectively organize and obtain information (for e.g. “tagging” of images, websites, videos or links) Rich user experience Software as a service (SaaS) Mass participation
Q.14 Comment on client-side (Web browser).
The client-side (Web browser) technologies employed in the Web 2.0 development involve JavaScript and Ajax frameworks.
Q.15 What are the three parts of Web 2.0?
  • Rich Internet application (RIA) — It represents the expertise brought from the desktop to the browser, whether it is “rich” from a graphical point of representation or an interactivity/usability or features point of view.
  • Web-oriented architecture (WOA) — It describes how Web 2.0 applications present their functionality so that additional applications can leverage and combine the functionality implementing a set of very richer applications. Examples are RSS feeds, feeds, web services, mashups.
  • Social Web — This describes how Web 2.0 websites perform to communicate much more with the end-user and make the end-user an essential part of the website, either by attaching his or her profile, supplementing comments on content, uploading new content, or adding user-generated content (e.g., personal digital photos).
Q.16 Explain the usage of Web 2.0.
Blogging Podcasting Tagging Social bookmarking Curating with RSS Social networking
Q.17 State the difference between struct and class.
A structure is a value class so it is saved on the stack, but a class is a reference and is saved on the heap. A structure doesn't hold heritage, and polymorphism, but a class maintains both. By default, all the struct portions are public but class members are by default private in nature.
Q.18 What is operator overloading?
In programming, operator overloading, termed operator ad hoc polymorphism, is a special case of polymorphism, where various operators have differing implementations depending on their discussions. Operator overloading is defined by a programming language, a programmer, or both.
Q.19 What is Graph API?
The Graph API is the essence of Facebook Platform, allowing developers to read and write data into Facebook. The Graph API gives a simple, consistent view of the Facebook social graph, uniformly representing objects in the graph and the connections between them.
Q.20 Define Authentication.
Facebook authentication allows developers’ applications to communicate with the Graph API on basis of Facebook users, and it gives a single-sign on mechanism across mobile, web, and desktop apps.
Q.21 What is Social plugins?
It includes the Recommendations, Like Button, and Activity Feed – it enable developers to give social experiences to the users with just some lines of HTML. Every social plugins are extensions of Facebook and are designed so no user data is shared with the sites on which they appear.
Q.22 Explain Open Graph protocol.
The Open Graph protocol allows developers to combine their pages into Facebook’s global tracking/mapping tool Social Graph. These pages significant the functionality of other graph objects involving profile links and stream updates for the connected users.
Q.23 Describe the facebook platform.
The Facebook Platform is an umbrella used to represent the pair of services, tools, and products given by social networking service. The current Facebook Platform was launched in 2010.
Q.24 State the steps of the development process.
  • Develop Test
  • Soft Launch with Geo-Restriction
  • Full Launch
Q.25 Explain virtual function.
A virtual function is a member that we expect to be redefined in received classes. When we refer to a determined class object employing a pointer or a reference to the base class, we can pick a virtual function for that object and administer the derived class's version of the function.
Q.26 What are the steps included in Register and Configure the App?

The steps involved are:

  • Login to Facebook
  • Create a Developer Account
  • Create a New Facebook App
  • Set Your App Details
  • Choose a Platform for Your App
  • Set Advanced Settings
  • Assign Developer Roles
  • Create Test Users
  • Update Development Mode Status
  • Submit Your App for Review
Q.27 Why do we have versions?
The purpose of having versioning is for developers making apps to be capable of understanding in advance when an API or SDK might change. They assist with web development, but are decisive with the mobile development because a person managing the app on their phone may take a long span of time to upgrade (or may never upgrade).
Q.28 What does the Core elements include?
Core elements include: Share dialog Requests dialog Facebook Login dialog The Facebook SDK for iOS The Like button The Facebook SDK for Android Some methods of the Facebook SDK for JavaScript Some Graph API fields and endpoints
Q.29 What are Version Schedules?
Each version is assured to work for minimum two years. A version will no longer be serviceable for 2 years after the date that the subsequent version is unveiled.
Q.30 Define API Version Upgrade Tool.
The API Upgrade Tool presents a customized list of modifications that affect an app when upgrading to a detailed target version. This is useful when upgrading various versions since it shows every relevant changes among the source and target versions.
Q.31 What is the use of Test Users?
We can test how a production app will behave in a specific version by utilizing Test Users. We can edit a test user to reverse the minimum Graph API Version implemented for calls using that user’s access sign. This way, we can authenticate upgraded behavior for the current production version of the app.
Q.32 Describe the use of Deleting Test Users.
We can use the checkboxes in left column of Test User screen to choose a number of test accounts, and then snap on the Delete button to remove those accounts. This method cannot be undo once done, so be assure that you actually want to delete the account.
Q.33 What are the Rules for Usage?
  • Each app can make a least of 2000 test users.
  • Test users cannot Like or Follow the public Facebook Pages or post on the Timeline.
  • Test users can only post a comment on posts administered by the app via a Graph API or Facebook share dialog, etc.
Q.34 How to create test apps?
To generate test versions of the production app, we should: In the Dashboard of the production app, click on the down arrow which is next to the app name in left navigation pane. The, Click + Create Test App Now we have to follow the instructions.
Q.35 List the Apps that do not require review.

The app does not need review if it only uses:

  • Social plugins
  • Facebook’s mediated sharing products, such as the web sharing dialog or the iOS or Android share sheets
  • Facebook Login, where the only data being accessed is email, name, and profile photo
Q.36 List the Apps that do need review.
Facebook Login and further asks for a person’s location, birthday, hometown, age range, gender, or link to profile Webhooks are operate by permissions check per app, for every Graph API request. This indicated that the App needs review to gain webhooks as well, for every fields behind App Review.
Q.37 Whar is friend class and friend function?
A friend class is a class that can obtain the protected and private members of a class in which it is represented as friend. This is required when we require to allow a specific class to obtain the private and protected members of a class. Related to friend class, this can access the private and protected members of another class.
Q.38 What feature needs to be reviewed by the Facebook App Review team?
  • Page Mentioning
  • Profile Expression Kit
  • Ads Management Basic Access
  • Like Button for apps on iOS and Android
  • All Mutual Friends API
  • Optimized Sharing to Messenger
  • Live Video API
  • Ads Insights API Basic Access
  • Groups
  • Page Public Content Access
Q.39 What is a Business Manager?
Business Manager is a free Facebook mechanism to design and maintain the business. When we join Business Manager, coworkers won’t be allow to view our personal Facebook profile until and unless we have accepted their friend request.
Q.40 Explain pickling and unpickling.
“Pickling” is the method whereby a Python object authority is transformed into a byte current, and “unpickling” is the inverse process, whereby a byte stream (from a binary file or bytes-like object) is transformed back into an object hierarchy.
Q.41 What is the need of creating a business manager?
Create a Business Manager if.. Your business has a marketing team You manage assets You use a vendor You need control over access and permissions, etc.
Q.42 Tell us about the Business Mapping API.
The Business Mapping API is useful solely for businesses who work on multiple Facebook Apps, and who require to map the same user’s ID among them. If they have one primary app they are unlikely to require to use the Business Mapping API and thus do not necessitate to set up a business or associate the apps with the business.
Q.43 Explain a Gemfile.
It is a file we make which is utilized for defining gem dependencies for the Ruby programs. A gem is a compilation of Ruby code that we can distill into a “collection” which we can visit later. It lets us specify which gems we want to utilize, and which versions of these gems to employ.
Q.44 What are the three process by which we can map the same user across multiple apps?
  • The token_for_business field on the User node
  • The token_for_business property in the signed_request object passed to apps rendered inside a Facebook Canvas frame
  • The ids_for_business edge on the User node
Q.45 When an app is in development mode, what restrictions will be applied?
The app can only be used by users who have a role on the app. App users can only access the data of users who have a role on the app.
Q.46 Explain Implementing the Callback.
To parse and return to the request, we should execute a “data deletion request” callback. The callback must employ the protected HTTPS protocol and must be placed in the Data Deletion Request URL field of the app’s Facebook Login > Settings page in the app dashboard.
Q.47 How to test the Callback?
To test your callback: Log in to your app with Facebook Login. Go to app settings: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications Remove your app. In the Removed section, click on your app. Request data deletion from the app card.
Q.48 What is PHP SDK?
The Facebook SDK for PHP is a library with important features that allows the PHP developers to simply integrate the Facebook login and create requests to Graph API. It also plays good with the Facebook SDK for JavaScript to provide the front-end user the finest possible user experience.
Q.49 Define Perl one-liner.
Perl one-liners are short and wonderful Perl programs that provide in a single line of code and they do one thing really good. These things involve numbering lines, changing line spacing, converting and substituting text, doing calculations, parsing logs, carrying out system administration tasks, doing calculations, editing files in-place, doing statistics, updating a bunch of files at once, and many more.
Q.50 What metrics would you employ to estimate the success of Facebook Ads?
Impressions Clicks Conversions Metrics Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), etc.
Q.51 What is a loop that goes on forever?
An infinite loop (seldom called an endless loop ) is a part of coding that requires a working exit so that it replicates indefinitely. In programming, a loop is a series of instructions that is constantly repeated until a specific condition is reached.
Q.52 Explain the execution of a program in Perl.
Always in Perl, the first line starts with a pair of characters #!. It insists Perl interpreter how the file should be executed. Here, the file should be transferred to Perl interpreter that resides in /usr/bin/perl folder. So, the first line of the program will go this way, #!/usr/bin/perl.
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