Media Law

Given below are some of the important interview questions on Media Law asked by interviewer. Checkout them if you are looking for a job in law firms.

Q.1 What does the article 361 A of constitution lists?
The Article 361 A of constitution lists to protect media professionals from defamation.
Q.2 How can the recovery of the fine be made by the court?

1. Through a warrant

2. By attachment and sale of any movable property

3. By attachment and sale of any immovable property

Q.3 What are the functions of press council?

The functions of press council are:

1. To help newspapers to maintain their independence

2. To build up a code of conduct for newspapers news agencies and journalists in accordance with high professional standards

3. To ensure on the part of newspapers news agencies and journalists, the maintenance of high standards of public taste and foster a due sense of both the rights and responsibilities of citizenship

Q.4 Who was the first chairman of the Press Council?
Justice J R Mudholkar was the first chairman of the Press Council.
Q.5 Who makes subordinate legislation?
Subordinate legislation is made by State Governments, Municipal Corporations and Gram Panchayats.
Q.6 What is the role of an Attorney?
Attorney is a person appointed by another to represent or look after their interests, normally by the grant of a power of attorney.
Q.7 Who is Law Maker?
Law Maker is a person who makes or helps to make laws especially a member of legislature.
Q.8 What is an Injunction?
Injunction is an order of decree of the court requiring a person to refrain from or to do a specific thing. An injection may be granted as an interim measure or be perpetual but failure to comply constitutes contempt of court.
Q.9 What is a person to whom property is due to pass under a will or Trust called?
The person to whom property is due to pass under a Will or Trust is called a Beneficiary.
Q.10 What is a written voluntary statement given under oath called?
A written voluntary statement given under oath is called an Affidavit.
Q.11 What is Breach of Contract?
The breaking of an obligation under a contract which there by confers a right of action upon the injured party. They then may be entitled to treat the contract as that an end of alternatively seek its proper performance and in event claimed damage.
Q.12 What is Inquest?
An enquiry conducted by a coroner before a jury into the death of a person who has been killed, died suddenly or in prison or under suspicious circumstances.
Q.13 What Is Jurisdiction?
The authority which a court has to decide matters that are litigated before it.
Q.14 What is ‘res Ipsa Loquitor’?
A phrase used in actions for harm caused by negligence where the mere fact of accident occurring raises the inference of the defendant’s negligence.
Q.15 What is Patent?
This is a privilege granted by letters patent and registered for the exclusive use and benefit to the inventor or discover of some new process or inventions. A patent usually lasts 20 years although it can be extended.
Q.16 What is Criminology?
The study of crime and criminals.
Q.17 What do you do in a client meeting if your supervisor gives incorrect advice?
The questions centred on a dilemma can be uncomfortable to answer, they're asked to test your situational judgement. Your answer should focus to tell the partner that if they went down for it, the partner would go down too. 
The best way to prepare for these types of questions is to read the Code of Conduct, which states that all trainees and solicitors must act with integrity and in the best interests of each client. Also, the code of conduct also states that you should provide a proper standard of service to clients and behave in a way that maintains the trust that the public places in you. Any behaviour that contradicts this code of conduct requires action.
Q.18 How many sources of law are there in India?

According to Salmond, there are two main sources of law

(i)Material Source

(ii) Formal Source of Law.

Q.19 If you could bring any law into force what would it be and why?
Remember, questions like these test your legislative knowledge, as well as provide an insight into your judicial opinions. Your response will also highlight the areas of law you're passionate about. Therefore, avoid choosing anything too controversial. Picking a law or legal issue that has recently been in the news is a good option, as it demonstrates that your legal knowledge is up to date. Moreover, choose to introduce a law that would directly benefit the firm or its clients.

Q.20 Define a Custom?
A custom may be defined as a usage observed by the people and recognized by the courts on their fulfillment of certain conditions.
Q.21 What are the two different type of Customs?

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of custom, namely,

(1) Conventional custom,

(2) Legal Custom.

Q.22 What do you know about Conventional Custom?
A conventional custom is legally obligatory not because of any legal authority independently controlled by it, but because it has been expressly or impliedly incorporated in a contract between the parties concerned.
Q.23 What do you know about Legal Custom?
Legal customs are those which are operative per se as binding rules of law independent of any agreement between the parties.
Q.24 What are the two different type of Legal Customs?

Legal customs are of two types namely

(I) Local Custom

(ii) General Custom

Q.25 Explain Local customs?
A local custom is that which prevails in some defined locality whereas a general custom is operative throughout the realm.
Q.26 Explain General customs?
A general custom is usually practiced by all the people living in the country and it is prevalent throughout the land.
Q.27 What is Legislation?
The term legislation is derived from the Latin word "legis" meaning law and "latum" which means “to make” or “set”. Thus legislation means ‘making of law’ it is the source of law that consists of the declaration of legal rules by a competent authority.
Q.28 Why legislation is regarded as one of the most effective sources of law?
To begin with, it involves laying down legal rules by the legislature which the state recognizes as law. And lastly, it has the force and authority of the state.
Q.29 Mention the three procedures according to which delegated legislation can be controlled?

1. Procedural Control

2. Parliamentary Control

3. Judicial Control.

Q.30 What are the different types of Persuasive precedents?

1. Foreign judgments.

2. The decision of superior courts to other parts of the British Empire.

3. Judgments of the Privy Council when sitting as the final Court of appeal from the colonies.

4. Judicial dicta.

5. Authoritative textbook and commentaries.

Q.31 List the four types of laws in Indian Judicial system?

Law is divided into four broad categories. These types of laws are

  • tort law,
  • contract law,
  • property law 
  • criminal law.
Q.32 Explain Criminal law?
Criminal law is enforced by the police. Instances like homicide, rape, assault, theft are dealt with under Criminal Law. Offences that are dedicated towards any particular person, however, are seen as being towards all people, though it doesn’t come under the Criminal law.
Q.33 What is Tort law?
Tort is breach of some duty independent of contract which has caused damage to the plaintiff giving rise to civil cause of action and for which remedy is available.
Q.34 What are the 3 types of torts?

There are three main types:

  • intentional torts
  • negligence
  • strict liability
Q.35 What is the Common law?
Common law is also known as judicial precedent or case law. It conveys from the name that, this source of laws are made by the decisions of the cases.
Q.36 Describe the Civil law?
It can be simply defined as the law which deals with actions which are not crimes. All the civil matters are heard by the civil courts.
Q.37 List the sub divisions of Civil law?
Civil law can be sub divided into Torts, Contract law, Family law and Property law.
Q.38 Explain the Contract law?
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 deals with all kinds of contract. It is a law that deals with agreements between two or more parties. If one party violates any of the terms and conditions of the contract, they have committed a civil wrong known as “breach of contract.”
Q.39 Explain the type of property dealt in the Property law?
Both personal and real properties are included in this law. Property can be tangible or intangible.
Q.40 Classify the Structure of Judicial System in India?
The judicial system of India is mainly consisting of three types of courts- the Supreme Court, The High Courts and the subordinate courts.
Q.41 Who appoints the judges of the Supreme court?
The judges of Supreme Court are being appointed by the President of India.
Q.42 What are the qualifications and the conditions to become a judge?

1. He should be a citizen of India.

2. He should have the experience of serving as the Judge of High Court for a minimum period of at least five years or he should be an advocate of High Court for at least ten years or he should be considered by the President as a distinctive jurist.

3. The Judge of the Supreme Court is eligible for performing his duties by holding office up to the age of sixty-five year if he has not resigned or disqualified on the basis of any act of misbehavior or proving incapable of holding his duties

Q.43 What power does High courts hold?
All the High Courts have the power to pronounce punishment for contempt of court and thus, they will be treated as Court of Record.
Q.44 Who appoints the judges of the High court?
The appointment of the Judges of High Court is done by the President of India with the consultation of the Chief Justice of India, the Chief Justice of respective high Court and the Governor of the state.
Q.45 What qualification does a High court judge holds?
A person, being the citizen of India with holding the judicial office in India for 10 years or an advocate of High Court for 10 years is eligible for being the Judge of High Court.
Q.46 List the Trials of Different Cases?
All trial types can be categorized into 4 different case types: civil, criminal, juvenile and traffic.
Q.47 What does the Press Council of India compose of?

1. 2 Rajya Sabha Members

2. 3 Lok Sabha Members

3. 7 Working Journalists (other than editors of newspapers)

4. 6 Editors of Newspapers

5. 3 people with specialized knowledge on public life

6. 1 person who manages news agencies

7. 6 persons in the business of managing newspapers.

Q.48 What are the functions of Press council of India?

1. Making sure that newspapers are able to maintain their independence.

2. Maintain high standards of news for public consumption.

3. Keep a track on the developments that might obstruct the flow of information or news freely.

4. Build a code of conduct for the journalists for high professional standards.

5. Build a code of conduct for news agencies to maintain high professional standards.

6. Provide training to new journalists.

7. It works to promote technical and other research areas related to news.

Q.49 State the Press Council Act?
An Act to establish a Press Council for the purpose of preserving the freedom of the Press and of maintaining and improving the standards of newspapers and news agencies in India.
Q.50 What do you understand by Defamation?
Defamation, in law, attacking another's reputation by a false publication tending to bring the person into disrepute.
Q.51 State the Right to Privacy?
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence nor to attack upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Q.52 What is the Copyright Act – 1957?
The Copyright Act, 1957 protects original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and cinematograph films and sound recordings from unauthorized uses.
Q.53 What is the International Copyright Order – 1999?
The International Copyright Order, 1999, was formulated to provide the authors / owners of the international copyright works to enforce protections beyond the national limits.
Q.54 What is the Indecent Representation of Women Act – 1986?
An Act to prohibit obscene representation of women through advertisements or in publications, writings, paintings, figures or in any other manner and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Q.55 What is the Prasar Bharati Act – 1990?
The Act provides for the establishment of a Broadcasting Corporation. The Act defines composition, powers and functions of the corporation.
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