Innovation Management

Innovation management is a combination of the management of innovation processes, and change management. We have list down some important Interview question that can help you to ace the job interview.

Q.1 What is Innovation Management, and why is it important for organizations?
Innovation Management is the process of nurturing, fostering, and executing innovative ideas and strategies to drive organizational growth and competitiveness. It is crucial for staying relevant, adapting to change, and achieving sustainable success.
Q.2 What are the key elements of an effective Innovation Management framework?
Effective Innovation Management involves clear objectives, a supportive culture, defined processes, resources, and continuous learning and adaptation.
Q.3 Can you explain the difference between incremental and disruptive innovation?
Incremental innovation involves making small improvements to existing products or processes, while disruptive innovation introduces entirely new solutions that can disrupt markets and industries.
Q.4 What role does leadership play in fostering a culture of innovation within an organization?
Leadership sets the tone for innovation by encouraging risk-taking, providing resources, and demonstrating a commitment to innovation.
Q.5 How can organizations balance the need for innovation with risk management?
Organizations can balance innovation and risk management by conducting risk assessments, setting risk tolerance levels, and using phased approaches to innovation projects.
Q.6 What are the different stages of the innovation process, and why is it important to manage each stage effectively?
The stages typically include idea generation, evaluation, development, testing, and implementation. Managing each stage ensures that ideas are refined, validated, and successfully executed.
Q.7 How does open innovation differ from closed innovation, and what are the advantages of each approach?
Open innovation involves collaborating with external partners, while closed innovation relies on internal resources. Open innovation fosters external creativity and insights, while closed innovation protects intellectual property and maintains control.
Q.8 What is the role of Intellectual Property (IP) management in protecting innovation?
IP management involves securing patents, copyrights, and trademarks to protect innovative ideas and products from imitation and infringement.
Q.9 How can organizations encourage employees to contribute innovative ideas?
Encouraging innovation among employees can be done through incentives, recognition programs, idea management systems, and creating a safe environment for experimentation.
Q.10 What is the difference between product innovation and process innovation, and how do they impact organizations differently?
Product innovation focuses on improving or creating new products, while process innovation enhances operational efficiency and effectiveness. Both can lead to increased competitiveness and growth.
Q.11 Can you explain the concept of "design thinking" and its role in fostering innovation?
Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, creativity, and iterative prototyping to develop user-centric solutions, making it a valuable tool for innovation.
Q.12 What are some common barriers to innovation within organizations, and how can they be overcome?
Barriers include resistance to change, lack of resources, and risk aversion. Overcoming them may require cultural shifts, dedicated innovation teams, and clear communication.
Q.13 What is the role of customer feedback and market research in the innovation process?
Customer feedback and market research provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and pain points, guiding the development of innovative solutions.
Q.14 How do organizations measure the success of innovation initiatives, and what key performance indicators (KPIs) are commonly used?
Success is measured through KPIs such as return on investment (ROI), revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and the number of successful product launches resulting from innovation efforts.
Q.15 What is the "Innovation Funnel," and how does it help organizations manage the innovation process?
The Innovation Funnel visualizes the stages of idea development, helping organizations filter and prioritize ideas as they progress from ideation to implementation.
Q.16 How can organizations effectively allocate resources to innovation projects?
Resource allocation involves assessing the potential impact and alignment with strategic goals, considering budget constraints, and allocating resources accordingly.
Q.17 What is the role of cross-functional teams in the innovation process?
Cross-functional teams bring together individuals with diverse skills and perspectives to collaborate on innovation projects, enhancing creativity and problem-solving.
Q.18 Can you explain the concept of "fail fast" in innovation, and why is it important?
Fail fast encourages rapid experimentation and learning from failures early in the innovation process, saving time and resources and leading to more successful innovations.
Q.19 What are the differences between innovation management in startups and established organizations?
Startups often prioritize disruptive innovation, while established organizations may focus on incremental improvements and managing existing operations alongside innovation.
Q.20 How can organizations ensure that innovation efforts are aligned with their overall business strategy?
Alignment can be achieved by clearly defining innovation goals, regularly evaluating progress, and adjusting strategies to align with evolving business objectives.
Q.21 What is the role of innovation ecosystems in fostering collaboration and innovation?
Innovation ecosystems connect organizations with external partners, such as startups, universities, and research institutions, to access diverse expertise and resources for innovation.
Q.22 How can organizations cultivate a culture of continuous learning and adaptation to support innovation?
Promoting a growth mindset, encouraging knowledge sharing, and investing in employee development contribute to a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
Q.23 What are the ethical considerations in innovation, and how can organizations ensure ethical practices?
Ethical considerations include data privacy, responsible AI use, and social impact. Organizations can establish ethical guidelines, conduct ethical reviews, and prioritize responsible innovation.
Q.24 How do organizations manage the challenges of scaling innovative ideas and products from a small pilot to a broader market?
Scaling involves careful planning, resource allocation, market analysis, and addressing operational challenges to ensure successful growth of innovative initiatives.
Q.25 Can you provide examples of successful innovation management strategies and their impact on organizations?
Examples include Apple's introduction of the iPhone, Tesla's electric vehicles, and Amazon's Prime membership program, all of which transformed industries and generated substantial growth.
Q.26 What is the role of innovation management software and tools in streamlining the innovation process?
Innovation management software helps organizations collect, evaluate, and track innovative ideas, making it easier to manage and prioritize innovation initiatives.
Q.27 How does innovation management contribute to an organization's resilience in the face of disruptions or crises?
Innovation enables organizations to adapt quickly to changing circumstances, identify new opportunities, and find creative solutions during crises or disruptions.
Q.28 Can you explain the concept of "co-creation" and its role in innovation, particularly in collaboration with customers and partners?
Co-creation involves involving customers, partners, or stakeholders in the innovation process, leveraging their insights and ideas to develop solutions that better meet their needs.
Q.29 What is the significance of creating an innovation portfolio, and how does it help organizations manage risk and diversity in their innovation efforts?
An innovation portfolio includes a range of innovation projects, from incremental to disruptive, helping organizations diversify risk and maximize their chances of success.
Q.30 How do organizations leverage emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in innovation management?
AI and ML can assist in idea generation, data analysis, and predictive modeling, enhancing the innovation process's efficiency and effectiveness.
Q.31 What are the challenges and opportunities associated with global innovation management and international collaboration?
Challenges include cultural differences and regulatory compliance, while opportunities include accessing global talent and markets for innovation.
Q.32 Can you provide examples of organizations that have successfully transformed their cultures to embrace innovation?
Examples include Google's 20% time policy, which allows employees to work on personal innovation projects, and 3M's culture of encouraging employees to spend time on creative pursuits.
Q.33 How does innovation management contribute to sustainability and environmental responsibility in organizations?
Innovation can lead to the development of sustainable products, processes, and technologies that reduce environmental impact and address social responsibility concerns.
Q.34 What is the role of innovation contests, challenges, or hackathons in fostering employee engagement and innovation?
These initiatives encourage employees to contribute innovative ideas and solutions, promote collaboration, and generate excitement around innovation efforts.
Q.35 How can organizations effectively communicate their innovation strategies and objectives to employees and stakeholders?
Effective communication involves transparency, regular updates, and clear messaging to ensure alignment and engagement in innovation efforts.
Q.36 What are the ethical considerations when collaborating with external partners, startups, or research institutions in innovation projects?
Ethical considerations include data sharing, intellectual property rights, and equitable partnerships that respect the interests of all parties involved.
Q.37 How do organizations create an environment that supports "intrapreneurship," where employees act as entrepreneurs within the company to drive innovation?
Intrapreneurship is fostered by providing autonomy, resources, and recognition to employees who pursue innovative projects within the organization.
Q.38 What is the role of user-centered design in ensuring the success of innovative products and services?
User-centered design involves understanding user needs and preferences, leading to products and services that better meet customer expectations.
Q.39 How can organizations effectively manage the risks associated with disruptive innovations that may challenge their existing business models?
Organizations can create dedicated innovation units, invest in emerging technologies, and closely monitor industry trends to proactively address disruptive innovations.
Q.40 What is the impact of Intellectual Property (IP) strategy on innovation management, and how do organizations develop and protect their IP assets?
IP strategy ensures that organizations can protect their innovations through patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, providing a competitive advantage.
Q.41 How does innovation management contribute to improving employee retention, motivation, and job satisfaction?
Involving employees in innovation projects, recognizing their contributions, and providing opportunities for skill development can enhance job satisfaction and motivation.
Q.42 Can you explain the concept of "frugal innovation" and its relevance in resource-constrained environments?
Frugal innovation focuses on creating cost-effective and simple solutions to meet the needs of customers in emerging markets or resource-constrained settings.
Q.43 How do organizations leverage data analytics and business intelligence in innovation management to make data-driven decisions?
Data analytics helps organizations analyze market trends, customer feedback, and operational data to inform innovation strategies and decisions.
Q.44 What is the role of innovation champions or advocates within organizations, and how do they promote innovation?
Innovation champions are individuals who actively support and advocate for innovation initiatives, driving enthusiasm and commitment among their peers.
Q.45 How can organizations effectively manage the risks of innovation-related failures, and what strategies can be employed to recover from setbacks?
Strategies include conducting post-mortem analyses, learning from failures, and using failure as a stepping stone to future success in innovation.
Q.46 What is the role of innovation metrics and dashboards in tracking the progress and impact of innovation initiatives?
Innovation metrics measure key performance indicators (KPIs) related to innovation efforts and provide visibility into their outcomes. Dashboards offer a visual representation of these metrics for easy monitoring.
Q.47 How can organizations create a culture of diversity and inclusion to foster innovation by embracing diverse perspectives and backgrounds?
Promoting diversity and inclusion ensures that a wide range of viewpoints and experiences are considered in the innovation process, leading to more innovative solutions.
Q.48 What is the relationship between sustainability and innovation, and how can organizations integrate sustainability into their innovation strategies?
Sustainable innovation focuses on developing environmentally friendly products, reducing waste, and addressing societal challenges while driving business growth.
Q.49 How do organizations manage intellectual property rights when collaborating with external partners or startups in joint innovation projects?
Clear agreements and legal frameworks are essential to define and protect intellectual property rights in collaborative innovation projects.
Q.50 What is the role of scenario planning and foresight techniques in innovation management to anticipate future trends and challenges?
Scenario planning and foresight techniques help organizations prepare for different future scenarios, enabling them to adapt and innovate proactively.
Q.51 Can you explain the concept of "reverse innovation" and provide examples of organizations that have successfully implemented it?
Reverse innovation involves adapting and innovating products or services originally developed for emerging markets to meet the needs of developed markets. Examples include GE's low-cost ECG machine for India and Tata Motors' Nano car.
Q.52 How does the use of innovation sandboxes or experimentation labs help organizations test and refine new ideas and technologies?
Innovation sandboxes provide controlled environments for experimentation, allowing organizations to validate and refine innovative concepts before full-scale implementation.
Q.53 What is the role of data security and privacy considerations in innovation management, particularly in handling customer data and emerging technologies?
Data security and privacy are critical in ensuring that customer data is protected and that innovative solutions comply with regulations and ethical standards.
Q.54 How can organizations overcome resistance to change and innovation within their workforce and foster a culture of adaptability?
Overcoming resistance may involve clear communication, involving employees in the decision-making process, and addressing concerns and fears about change.
Q.55 What is the role of innovation management in helping organizations respond to competitive threats and disruptions in their industries?
Innovation management enables organizations to proactively identify and respond to competitive threats and industry disruptions, maintaining their relevance and competitiveness.
Q.56 How do organizations use customer co-creation and feedback loops in the continuous improvement of products and services?
Customer co-creation involves involving customers in the product development process and continuously gathering and acting on their feedback to enhance offerings.
Q.57 Can you explain the concept of "Blue Ocean Strategy" and its relationship with innovation management?
Blue Ocean Strategy involves creating uncontested market space by innovating and offering unique value to customers, often through disruptive innovations.
Q.58 What is the role of rapid prototyping and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in the innovation process?
Rapid prototyping and MVPs allow organizations to quickly test and iterate on innovative ideas, reducing time to market and refining solutions based on real user feedback.
Q.59 How do organizations establish and maintain partnerships with startups and external innovation ecosystems to access new technologies and ideas?
Organizations can establish partnerships through incubators, accelerators, venture capital investments, and collaboration agreements with startups and external entities.
Q.60 What are the ethical considerations when using AI and automation in innovation, particularly in areas like AI ethics and bias?
Ethical considerations include transparency, fairness, and responsible AI usage, ensuring that AI-driven innovations do not harm individuals or perpetuate bias.
Q.61 How do organizations create and nurture innovation networks and communities both internally and externally?
Organizations foster innovation networks by encouraging knowledge sharing, hosting innovation events, and participating in industry forums and partnerships.
Q.62 What is the role of innovation strategy in guiding an organization's innovation efforts and ensuring alignment with its broader goals?
Innovation strategy outlines an organization's approach to innovation, including goals, priorities, and resource allocation, ensuring that innovation efforts are purposeful and strategic.
Q.63 Can you provide examples of companies that have successfully pivoted their business models through innovation in response to changing market dynamics?
Examples include Netflix transitioning from DVD rentals to streaming, and Adobe shifting from a software licensing model to a subscription-based model.
Q.64 How do organizations manage the intellectual property associated with collaborative innovation projects involving multiple partners and stakeholders?
Clear agreements and IP management frameworks are essential to define and protect intellectual property rights in collaborative innovation projects.
Q.65 What are the challenges and opportunities associated with innovation management in highly regulated industries, such as healthcare or finance?
Challenges include compliance requirements, while opportunities include improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and enhancing customer experiences through innovation.
Q.66 How does innovation management contribute to corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts and sustainability initiatives within organizations?
Innovation can lead to sustainable products, processes, and social initiatives that align with CSR goals and positively impact society and the environment.
Q.67 What is the role of innovation diffusion theory in understanding how innovations are adopted and spread within organizations and markets?
Innovation diffusion theory helps organizations understand the stages of innovation adoption, from early adopters to mainstream adoption, and plan accordingly.
Q.68 How do organizations measure the impact of innovation on their brand reputation and market positioning?
Impact on brand reputation can be assessed through customer feedback, surveys, and monitoring changes in brand perception after innovative initiatives.
Q.69 Can you explain the concept of "business model innovation" and its importance in driving organizational growth and competitiveness?
Business model innovation involves rethinking how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value, often leading to new revenue streams and market opportunities.
Q.70 How do organizations ensure that intellectual property rights are respected and upheld when collaborating with suppliers and partners in innovation?
Clear contracts, IP agreements, and due diligence are essential to protect intellectual property rights in supplier and partner collaborations.
Q.71 What is the role of innovation culture in encouraging employees to take calculated risks and experiment with new ideas?
Innovation culture fosters a safe environment where employees feel encouraged and supported to take risks, experiment, and contribute innovative ideas.
Q.72 How can organizations effectively manage and prioritize multiple innovation projects to ensure they align with strategic goals and resource constraints?
Portfolio management tools and methodologies help organizations evaluate, prioritize, and allocate resources to innovation projects based on strategic alignment and potential impact.
Q.73 What is the concept of "innovation diffusion" and its relevance in understanding how innovations are adopted and spread across markets?
Innovation diffusion studies the process by which innovations are adopted, diffused, and accepted by various market segments, including early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.
Q.74 How do organizations create a feedback loop for continuous improvement in their innovation processes, and what tools or methodologies are commonly used for this purpose?
Feedback loops involve gathering input from employees, customers, and stakeholders and using tools like retrospectives, surveys, and post-mortem analyses to drive improvements in innovation processes.
Q.75 What is the role of continuous monitoring and evaluation in innovation management, and how does it contribute to ongoing success?
Continuous monitoring and evaluation assess the progress and outcomes of innovation initiatives, allowing organizations to make informed adjustments and sustain their innovative efforts.
Q.76 How do organizations leverage collaborative platforms and knowledge sharing tools to facilitate innovation and cross-functional collaboration?
Collaborative platforms and knowledge sharing tools enable employees to share ideas, insights, and expertise, fostering innovation and cross-functional collaboration.
Q.77 Can you explain the concept of "innovation metrics" and provide examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) used to assess innovation efforts?
Innovation metrics are measures used to evaluate innovation performance. Examples include the number of new patents, time to market, and the percentage of revenue generated from new products.
Q.78 What is the role of innovation leadership in setting the vision, direction, and priorities for innovation within an organization?
Innovation leaders inspire, guide, and align innovation efforts with the organization's goals, driving a culture of creativity and problem-solving.
Q.79 How do organizations foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, which are crucial for successful innovation management?
Organizations promote continuous learning by encouraging skill development, providing opportunities for experimentation, and rewarding adaptability and learning from failures.
Q.80 Can you explain the concept of "frictionless innovation" and its relevance in simplifying processes and reducing barriers to innovation?
Frictionless innovation focuses on removing obstacles and streamlining processes to make it easier for employees to contribute innovative ideas and solutions.
Q.81 How do organizations balance the need for short-term innovation goals and long-term innovation strategies to ensure sustainable growth?
Balancing short-term and long-term goals involves setting clear priorities, allocating resources accordingly, and considering the overall impact on the organization's future.
Q.82 What is the role of foresight techniques like scenario planning and trend analysis in innovation management to anticipate future challenges and opportunities?
Foresight techniques help organizations prepare for different future scenarios, enabling them to adapt and innovate proactively.
Q.83 How does the use of innovation competitions, hackathons, or innovation labs promote creativity and generate new ideas within organizations?
These initiatives provide a platform for employees to collaborate, experiment, and showcase their innovative solutions, leading to fresh ideas and solutions.
Q.84 Can you provide examples of organizations that have successfully leveraged customer feedback to drive product or service innovation?
Examples include Apple incorporating user feedback into the design of its products and Airbnb using customer reviews to improve its platform.
Q.85 What is the role of cross-functional collaboration in innovation management, and how do organizations facilitate effective collaboration among different departments?
Cross-functional collaboration involves breaking down silos and bringing together individuals with diverse skills and perspectives to collaborate on innovation projects, enhancing creativity and problem-solving.
Q.86 How do organizations create a culture of innovation that values experimentation and embraces the concept of "learning from failure"?
A culture of innovation values experimentation by providing a safe space to take risks, rewarding learning from failures, and encouraging continuous improvement.
Q.87 What is the concept of "innovation ecosystems" and their significance in driving collaboration and innovation among organizations and partners?
Innovation ecosystems connect organizations with external partners, such as startups, universities, and research institutions, to access diverse expertise and resources for innovation.
Q.88 How can organizations effectively manage intellectual property (IP) rights in global innovation collaborations involving partners and suppliers from different regions?
Global IP management involves understanding and complying with IP laws in various regions, establishing clear agreements, and considering international IP protection strategies.
Q.89 Can you explain the concept of "open innovation" and its relevance in harnessing external creativity and insights for innovation?
Open innovation involves collaborating with external partners, including customers, suppliers, and research institutions, to access a broader pool of ideas and expertise for innovation.
Q.90 What are the ethical considerations when using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in innovation management, particularly in areas like data privacy and bias?
Ethical considerations include data privacy, fairness, transparency, and responsible AI usage to ensure that AI-driven innovations adhere to ethical standards.
Q.91 How do organizations incorporate sustainability and environmental responsibility into their innovation strategies and practices?
Organizations prioritize sustainability by developing eco-friendly products, reducing waste, and addressing societal and environmental challenges through innovation.
Q.92 What is the role of innovation in addressing global challenges, such as climate change, healthcare, and poverty reduction?
Innovation plays a critical role in developing solutions to complex global challenges by fostering creativity, collaboration, and the development of impactful technologies and services.
Q.93 How can organizations effectively communicate their commitment to innovation and its value to customers, employees, and stakeholders?
Effective communication involves conveying the benefits of innovation, sharing success stories, and engaging stakeholders in the innovation journey.
Q.94 What is the impact of innovation management on an organization's competitiveness, market positioning, and long-term sustainability?
Effective innovation management enhances competitiveness by driving product differentiation, improving operational efficiency, and positioning the organization as a market leader.
Q.95 Can you explain the concept of "innovation risk management" and its role in assessing and mitigating risks associated with innovative projects?
Innovation risk management involves identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks that may impact the success of innovation projects, ensuring that they align with the organization's risk tolerance and objectives.
Q.96 How do organizations align their innovation efforts with broader societal trends, including demographic shifts, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviors?
Organizations stay attuned to societal trends through market research, consumer insights, and strategic planning to ensure that their innovation efforts remain relevant.
Q.97 What is the role of innovation awards and recognition programs in motivating employees and celebrating innovation within organizations?
Awards and recognition programs inspire employees to contribute innovative ideas and solutions while acknowledging their efforts and creativity.
Q.98 How can organizations create an innovation strategy that leverages emerging technologies, such as Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and 3D printing?
Creating an innovation strategy involves assessing the potential of emerging technologies to address specific business challenges, improve processes, and drive value.
Q.99 What are the challenges and opportunities associated with innovation management in highly regulated industries, such as pharmaceuticals or aviation?
Challenges include stringent regulations, while opportunities include improving safety, compliance, and product quality through innovation.
Q.100 How do organizations use market segmentation and customer personas in innovation management to tailor products and services to specific target audiences?
Market segmentation and customer personas help organizations identify and understand the unique needs and preferences of different customer segments, guiding innovation efforts.
Q.101 What is the role of innovation management in fostering employee engagement, retention, and job satisfaction, particularly among millennials and Gen Z employees?
Innovation management engages employees by involving them in the creative process, offering opportunities for skill development, and recognizing their contributions.
Q.102 Can you provide examples of organizations that have successfully used innovation management to transform their business models and industries?
Examples include Airbnb revolutionizing the hospitality industry, Uber transforming transportation, and Netflix disrupting the entertainment industry through innovative business models.
Q.103 Why is it so crucial for organization to innovate and invest in modern technologies?
It was surveyed that nearly 51% of the organization were surveyed that in our innovation research, reported that their organizations are unable to keep pace with market changes. Also organizations are seeing substantial changes in their sectors and related ecosystems. Therefore such shifts demand innovation and investment or face the consequences.
Q.104 What is the reason for companies struggling to innovate effectively?
Usually, companies struggle with their innovation efforts as they fail to equip themselves with the relevant capabilities, talent, and resources. In order to shift an organization’s effort towards innovation a concerted effort needs to be made in five dimensions critical to innovation maturity such as ecosystem, environment, governance, culture, and process.
Q.105 How should a company maintain innovation with its global technology?
The integral part to innovation is the access to a wider ecosystem. The innovative organizations must develop ideas in conjunction with both external and internal partners. Organization recognizes the critical nature of ecosystems with a dedicated alliances organization. Such alliances in the organization makes sure to maintain partnerships with leading names as well as managing an emerging partner program for startups in collaboration with the organization.
Q.106 What is the importance of workplace innovation?
It has been observed that hierarchical, bureaucratic, and linear work structures are flattening in today's time whereas morphing in to becoming more flexible, with a collaborative and self-managed environments. Indeed the workplace structures would not disappear completely. Instead, employees clear areas of responsibility in new project-driven work styles, as well as individuals will become specialist, and ad-hoc teams will come together based on need. In which context workplace innovation is considered to be of utmost importance. It is has been confirmed by the digital talent and innovation research that a digital-first culture is one of the most dimension for an innovative organization together with the support and role modeling of senior leadership.
Q.107 What benefits do innovation centers offer?
The innovation centers offer a wide range of benefits such as -
1. They accelerate the speed of innovation. For instance Walmart Labs, helped Walmart in developing its internal search engine in just 9 months, driving a 20% increase in online sales conversions.
2. The Innovation centers also provide a fresh source of ideas. With the reference to their location, innovation centers tap into a very wide ecosystem of startups, technology vendors, and academics. It is a great source of inspiration and new ideas.
Q.108 What are the skills of innovation manager?
Some of the key skills of innovation manager are -
1. Business Case Oriented
2. Project Oriented
3. Ability to manage failures and expectations
4. Willingness to change
5. Curiosity to learn
6. Optimism to achieve
7. Cross Industry experience
8. Clear vision and Strategies
Q.109 What according to you is the biggest threat to an innovation project? 
According to me the biggest threat to an innovation project is that the more disruptive the project, the bigger the chance failure can occur. When we are walking in new territory, then an innovation manager would require to prepare others around since the future is always very uncertain.
Q.110 Share an example when you managed to change how your organization worked?
In this case the interviewer does not only want to talk about change as it is not enough. The interviewer is looking for candidates that are willing to take the first steps themselves. If you are wanting to become an innovation manager then you must put your foot forward and state experiences which inspire others to follow.
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