Devops Security Interview Questions

Checkout Vskills Interview questions with answers in DevOps Security to prepare for your next job role. The questions are submitted by professionals to help you to prepare for the Interview.

Q.1 What is DevOps Security?
DevOps Security is the integration of security practices into the DevOps process to ensure the secure development, deployment, and operation of software.
Q.2 Why is DevOps Security important?
DevOps Security is essential for identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle, reducing risks and improving overall security posture.
Q.3 What is the "shift-left" approach in DevOps Security?
The shift-left approach involves moving security practices and testing as early as possible in the software development process, ideally during the coding phase.
Q.4 What are the core principles of DevOps Security?
Core principles include automation, continuous monitoring, collaboration, and risk assessment throughout the software delivery pipeline.
Q.5 Explain the concept of "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC).
IaC is a practice of managing and provisioning infrastructure using code, allowing for version control and automated deployment.
Q.6 What is a "Security Champion" in DevOps?
A Security Champion is a team member responsible for advocating and implementing security best practices within a DevOps team.
Q.7 How does DevOps Security address the "Three Pillars of Security"?
DevOps Security focuses on confidentiality, integrity, and availability to protect data and systems.
Q.8 What is the purpose of a "Security Pipeline" in DevOps?
A Security Pipeline integrates security checks, such as code scanning and vulnerability assessments, into the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.
Q.9 What is the role of "Container Security" in DevOps?
Container Security involves securing containerized applications, ensuring that images, orchestrators, and runtime environments are protected.
Q.10 How does DevOps Security help with "Compliance as Code"?
DevOps Security allows organizations to codify compliance requirements and automate checks to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.
Q.11 What is "Vulnerability Scanning" in DevOps Security?
Vulnerability Scanning is the process of identifying security vulnerabilities in software, dependencies, or infrastructure components.
Q.12 How can "Static Application Security Testing" (SAST) be integrated into DevOps?
SAST tools analyze source code for security vulnerabilities early in the development process. Integrating SAST into CI/CD pipelines ensures secure code.
Q.13 What is "Dynamic Application Security Testing" (DAST) in DevOps Security?
DAST tools test running applications for security vulnerabilities by simulating attacks and analyzing responses.
Q.14 How can you ensure the security of "Open Source Software" (OSS) in DevOps?
DevOps teams should continuously monitor and update OSS components to address known vulnerabilities and maintain security.
Q.15 What is "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC) security?
IaC security involves securing the code and configurations used to provision and manage infrastructure, preventing misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
Q.16 Explain "Secret Management" in DevOps Security.
Secret Management is the practice of securely storing and managing sensitive information, such as API keys and passwords, to prevent exposure.
Q.17 How can "Configuration Management" improve DevOps Security?
Configuration Management tools help maintain consistent and secure configurations across infrastructure and application environments.
Q.18 What is "Continuous Compliance" in DevOps Security?
Continuous Compliance ensures that systems and applications remain compliant with security and regulatory standards through automation and monitoring.
Q.19 How can "Security Testing in Production" enhance DevOps Security?
Security testing in production involves monitoring and testing live systems for security threats, allowing real-time detection and response.
Q.20 What is "Security Information and Event Management" (SIEM) in DevOps?
SIEM systems aggregate and analyze security data from various sources, helping identify and respond to security incidents in real time.
Q.21 What is "Zero Trust Security" in DevOps?
Zero Trust Security assumes that threats may exist both inside and outside the network and requires verification and validation of all users and devices.
Q.22 How does DevOps Security address "Least Privilege Access"?
Least Privilege Access restricts user and system permissions to the minimum necessary for tasks, reducing the attack surface.
Q.23 What is "Container Orchestration Security" in DevOps?
Container Orchestration Security focuses on securing container orchestrators like Kubernetes to prevent unauthorized access and vulnerabilities.
Q.24 How can "Runtime Application Self-Protection" (RASP) be integrated into DevOps Security?
RASP tools monitor running applications for security threats and can be integrated into the application stack.
Q.25 What is "DevSecOps" in DevOps Security?
DevSecOps is an approach that embeds security practices and tools directly into the DevOps process, promoting collaboration between development, operations, and security teams.
Q.26 How can "Security as Code" benefit DevOps practices?
Security as Code involves codifying security policies, scans, and checks into automated scripts and configurations to ensure continuous security monitoring and enforcement.
Q.27 What is "Security Posture Assessment" in DevOps?
Security Posture Assessment evaluates an organization's overall security state, identifying weaknesses and recommending improvements.
Q.28 How does "Security Incident Response" fit into DevOps Security?
Security Incident Response plans and procedures should be integrated into the DevOps process to ensure rapid and effective responses to security incidents.
Q.29 What is "Continuous Threat Modeling" in DevOps Security?
Continuous Threat Modeling involves ongoing analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring that security measures are adapted to evolving risks.
Q.30 What is the "OWASP Top Ten" in DevOps Security?
The OWASP Top Ten is a list of the most critical web application security risks, serving as a guide for developers and security professionals.
Q.31 How can DevOps Security help with "Secure Code Reviews"?
Secure Code Reviews involve reviewing and analyzing code for security vulnerabilities before it is merged or deployed. Automation can aid in this process.
Q.32 What is the purpose of "Security Scanners" in DevOps?
Security Scanners automatically scan code, dependencies, and infrastructure for known vulnerabilities, helping teams identify and address issues quickly.
Q.33 What is the role of "Security Training" in DevOps?
Security Training ensures that DevOps teams are aware of security best practices, threat landscapes, and secure coding techniques.
Q.34 How can "Security Threat Modeling" benefit DevOps?
Security Threat Modeling involves identifying and mitigating potential security threats and vulnerabilities in applications and infrastructure during the design phase.
Q.35 What is "Immutable Infrastructure" in DevOps Security?
Immutable Infrastructure involves replacing entire environments instead of making changes to existing ones, reducing the risk of configuration drift and unauthorized changes.
Q.36 How does "Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response" (SOAR) fit into DevOps Security?
SOAR platforms automate incident response tasks, helping organizations respond quickly and efficiently to security incidents.
Q.37 What is the "CIA Triad" in DevOps Security?
The CIA Triad represents the core principles of security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, which should be maintained in all DevOps practices.
Q.38 How can DevOps Security address "Container Escapes"?
DevOps Security measures should include mitigations against container escapes, where an attacker gains access to the underlying host system from a container.
Q.39 What is "Bastion Host" security in DevOps?
A Bastion Host is a highly secured server used to access and manage other servers in a protected environment, reducing exposure to external threats.
Q.40 What is "Cloud Security Posture Management" (CSPM) in DevOps?
CSPM involves continuously assessing and managing the security posture of cloud resources to prevent misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.
Q.41 How can DevOps Security ensure "Secrets Rotation"?
Regularly rotating secrets such as API keys and passwords reduces the risk of unauthorized access if secrets are compromised.
Q.42 What is "Zero-Day Vulnerability" management in DevOps?
Zero-Day Vulnerability management involves rapidly addressing and patching vulnerabilities that are actively exploited by attackers.
Q.43 How does "DevOps Security as a Service" work?
DevOps Security as a Service provides security tools and expertise to DevOps teams, enabling them to focus on development while security is managed externally.
Q.44 What is "Secure Software Development Lifecycle" (SSDLC)?
SSDLC integrates security practices into every phase of the software development lifecycle to prevent vulnerabilities from being introduced.
Q.45 How can "Security Policy as Code" enhance DevOps Security?
Security Policy as Code involves codifying security policies, controls, and compliance requirements into automated scripts and configurations.
Q.46 What is the role of "Security Auditing" in DevOps?
Security Auditing involves evaluating and verifying the effectiveness of security measures, configurations, and compliance with security policies.
Q.47 How does "Continuous Integration" (CI) affect DevOps Security?
CI helps identify security issues early by automating code analysis and testing, reducing the likelihood of vulnerabilities reaching production.
Q.48 What is "Immutable Code" in DevOps Security?
Immutable Code refers to the practice of not modifying code or configurations in production, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes.
Q.49 How can DevOps Security help with "Threat Intelligence"?
Threat Intelligence involves monitoring and analyzing threat data to proactively defend against emerging security threats.
Q.50 What is the "Zero Trust Network" model in DevOps Security?
The Zero Trust Network model assumes that no entity, whether inside or outside the network, should be trusted by default and requires verification and authorization for access.
Q.51 How does "Security as Code" support DevOps Security?
Security as Code involves treating security practices, such as policy enforcement and threat detection, as code, enabling automation and integration into CI/CD pipelines.
Q.52 What is the role of "Identity and Access Management" (IAM) in DevOps Security?
IAM controls user access to resources and enforces least privilege principles to prevent unauthorized access.
Q.53 How can "Code Signing" enhance DevOps Security?
Code Signing verifies the authenticity and integrity of code, ensuring that it has not been tampered with before execution.
Q.54 What is "Continuous Authentication" in DevOps Security?
Continuous Authentication continuously verifies user identities and assesses risks throughout their interactions with the system.
Q.55 How can DevOps Security address "Data Encryption at Rest and in Transit"?
DevOps Security measures should include encryption of data both when it is stored (at rest) and when it is transmitted (in transit) to protect against data breaches.
Q.56 What is "Patch Management" in DevOps Security?
Patch Management involves regularly applying software updates and security patches to address known vulnerabilities in software and systems.
Q.57 How does "Security Information and Event Management" (SIEM) integrate with DevOps Security?
SIEM systems can provide real-time monitoring and analysis of security events in DevOps environments, enhancing threat detection and response.
Q.58 What is the "DevOps Security Paradox"?
The DevOps Security Paradox refers to the challenge of balancing speed and agility with security requirements, as rapid development can sometimes lead to security oversights.
Q.59 How does "Security Orchestration" benefit DevOps Security?
Security Orchestration streamlines and automates security processes, enabling faster incident response and reducing manual efforts.
Q.60 What is the "Shared Responsibility Model" in DevOps Security?
The Shared Responsibility Model defines the security responsibilities of both cloud service providers and customers, ensuring a collaborative approach to security.
Q.61 How can DevOps Security address "Denial of Service" (DoS) attacks?
DevOps Security measures should include DoS mitigation strategies, such as rate limiting and traffic filtering, to prevent service disruptions.
Q.62 What is "Application Whitelisting" in DevOps Security?
Application Whitelisting allows only approved and known applications to run on systems, preventing unauthorized or malicious software.
Q.63 How does "Security as Code" help with "Infrastructure Hardening"?
Security as Code automates the process of configuring and hardening infrastructure components to minimize vulnerabilities.
Q.64 What is "DevOps Compliance as Code" in DevOps Security?
DevOps Compliance as Code involves codifying compliance checks and requirements into automated scripts to ensure continuous compliance.
Q.65 How can "Security Champions" drive security culture in DevOps?
Security Champions act as advocates and educators, promoting a security-first mindset within DevOps teams and facilitating knowledge sharing.
Q.66 What is "Runtime Application Self-Protection" (RASP) in DevOps Security?
RASP tools are integrated into applications to monitor and protect them from security threats during runtime.
Q.67 How does "Security Scanning" fit into the CI/CD pipeline in DevOps?
Security Scanning is integrated into the CI/CD pipeline to automatically scan code, dependencies, and containers for vulnerabilities before deployment.
Q.68 What is "Immutable Infrastructure Security" in DevOps?
Immutable Infrastructure Security focuses on securing the entire infrastructure stack, including configuration files and runtime environments, to prevent unauthorized changes.
Q.69 How can DevOps Security address "Insider Threats"?
DevOps Security includes strategies for monitoring and mitigating insider threats, such as unauthorized access and data exfiltration.
Q.70 What is "Continuous Monitoring" in DevOps Security?
Continuous Monitoring involves real-time monitoring of systems and applications to detect and respond to security incidents promptly.
Q.71 How does "Secure DevOps" align with compliance requirements?
Secure DevOps practices help organizations meet compliance requirements by embedding security into the development and deployment process.
Q.72 What is "Secrets Management" in DevOps Security?
Secrets Management involves securely storing, distributing, and managing sensitive information, such as encryption keys and passwords, to prevent unauthorized access.
Q.73 How can "Security Testing" enhance the DevOps pipeline?
Security Testing involves automated security assessments, including penetration testing and vulnerability scanning, to identify and fix security issues early.
Q.74 What is "Zero Trust Networking" in DevOps Security?
Zero Trust Networking assumes that all network traffic, even within the internal network, is untrusted and requires verification and validation.
Q.75 How can "Security by Design" be integrated into DevOps?
Security by Design involves considering security requirements from the project's outset, ensuring that security is built into the design and architecture.
Q.76 What is "Threat Intelligence Sharing" in DevOps Security?
Threat Intelligence Sharing involves sharing information about emerging threats and vulnerabilities with the broader security community to enhance collective defense.
Q.77 How does DevOps Security address "Data Privacy" and "GDPR Compliance"?
DevOps Security includes data protection measures and privacy practices to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR.
Q.78 What is the role of "DevSecOps Toolchains" in DevOps Security?
DevSecOps Toolchains integrate security tools and processes into the DevOps pipeline, facilitating automation and continuous security monitoring.
Q.79 How can "Security Assessments" improve DevOps Security?
Security Assessments, including security audits and risk assessments, help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses, allowing for proactive remediation.
Q.80 What is "Zero Trust Application Security" in DevOps Security?
Zero Trust Application Security focuses on verifying and securing all application components and transactions, regardless of their location or source.
Q.81 What is DevSecOps security?
DevSecOps is short for development, security and operations. Its mantra is to make everyone accountable for security with the objective of implementing security decisions and actions at the same scale and speed as development and operations decisions and actions.
Q.82 Why security is important in DevOps?
Security in DevOps It can help to identify threats, infrastructural issues, problematic code, and dangerous vulnerabilities. Most importantly, it can help to ensure that security measures match the speed of DevOps practices.
Q.83 How DevOps increases System Security?
DevOps increases System Security by scanning container or VM images for known software vulnerabilities, failing the builds that contain known problematic packages and running static analysis tools for calls to potentially dangerous system calls and fail builds accordingly.
Q.84 How secure is project data in Azure DevOps?
The project data stored within Azure DevOps is only as secure as the end-user access points. It's important to match the level of permission strictness and granularity for those organizations with the level of sensitivity of your project.
Q.85 What is the difference between DevOps and DevSecOps?
DevOps includes practices and methodologies including continuous integration/ continuous delivery (CI/CD), building microservices, and using infrastructure as code. DevSecOps adds in threat modeling, vulnerability testing, and incident management.
Q.86 Is Kubernetes secure?
Kubernetes provides in-built security advantages. For example, application containers are typically not patched or updated — instead, container images are replaced entirely with new versions. This enables strict version control and permits rapid rollbacks if a vulnerability is uncovered in new code.
Q.87 What refers to DevOps security?
DevOps security refers to the discipline and practice of safeguarding the entire DevOps environment through strategies, policies, processes, and technology.
Q.88 Which stage of DevOps should security be built?
Security should be built into every part of the DevOps lifecycle, including inception, design, build, test, release, support, maintenance, and beyond.
Q.89 Is DevOps an agile methodology?
DevOps is an extension of agile built around the practices that are not in agile's focus. When used together, both practices improve software development and lead to better products.
Q.90 What is Kubernetes security?
Kubernetes security is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is easier to manage, secure, and discover containers when they are grouped into logical units, and Kubernetes is the leading container management system in the market today.
Q.91 Is Kubernetes secure by default?
Kubernetes expects that all API communication in the cluster is encrypted by default with TLS, and the majority of installation methods will allow the necessary certificates to be created and distributed to the cluster components.
Q.92 What is DevOps agile?
DevOps is an approach to software development that enables teams to build, test, and release software faster and more reliably by incorporating agile principles and practices, such as increased automation and improved collaboration between development and operations teams.
Q.93 What is GitLab security?
GitLab security is security capabilities, integrated into your development lifecycle. GitLab provides Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), Container Scanning, and Dependency Scanning to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance.
Q.94 What do you understand by container security?
Container security is the use of security tools and policies to protect the container, its application and performance including infrastructure, software supply chain, system tools, system libraries, and runtime against cyber security threats.
Q.95 How will you provide security to Kubernetes Deployment?
Various measures are needed to provide security to Kubernetes Deployment which includes: enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), protect ETCD with TLS and Firewall, isolate Kubernetes Nodes, monitor Network Traffic to Limit Communications, use Process Whitelisting and turn on Audit Logging.
Q.96 Is Kubernetes traffic encrypted?
Kubernetes does not encrypt any traffic. There are servicemeshes like linkerd that allow you to easily introduce https communication between your http service. You would run a instance of the service mesh on each node and all services would talk to the service mesh.
Q.97 What do you understand by fuzz based testing?
In the world of cybersecurity, fuzz testing (or fuzzing) is an automated software testing technique that attempts to find hackable software bugs by randomly feeding invalid and unexpected inputs and data into a computer program in order to find coding errors and security loopholes.
Q.98 What do you understand by DAST?
DAST, Dynamic Application Security Testing, is a web application security technology that finds security problems in the applications by seeing how the application responds to specially crafted requests that mimic attacks.
Q.99 Does Kubernetes need antivirus?
Antivirus may be advantageous in a Kubernetes environment, especially those running on Windows OS. Anti-malware or antivirus in a Kubernetes environment may help avert potential attacks identifying, reporting, and isolating malicious files in the Kubernetes environment.
Q.100 Do I need https inside Kubernetes?
If you need to use the features that you API Gateway is offering (authentication, cache, high availability, load balancing) then YES, otherwise DON'T. The External facing API should contain only endpoints that are used by external clients (from outside the cluster).
Q.101 What is API Fuzzing?
Web API fuzzing performs fuzz testing of API operation parameters. Fuzz testing sets operation parameters to unexpected values in an effort to cause unexpected behavior and errors in the API backend to discover bugs and potential security issues that other QA processes may miss.
Q.102 What is GREY box Fuzzing?
Greybox fuzzing is an automated test-input generation technique that aims to uncover program errors by searching for bug-inducing inputs using a fitness-guided search process. That is, they regard a test input that covers a new region of code as being fit to be retained.
Q.103 What is Fuzzing in security?
Fuzzing is an effective method to identify bugs and security vulnerabilities in software. It identifies the stages and memory interfaces from program binaries, and fuzzes later stages of the program effectively.
Q.104 Why do a DAST scan?
A DAST test can look for a broad range of vulnerabilities, including input/output validation issues that could leave an application vulnerable to cross-site scripting or SQL injection. A DAST test can also help spot configuration mistakes and errors and identify other specific problems with applications.
Q.105 What are TLS protocols?
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the most widely used protocol for implementing cryptography on the web. TLS uses a combination of cryptographic processes to provide secure communication over a network. TLS provides a secure enhancement to the standard TCP/IP sockets protocol used for Internet communications.
Q.106 Is SAST white box testing?
Static application security testing (SAST) is a white box method of testing. It examines the code to find software flaws and weaknesses such as SQL injection and others listed in the OWASP Top 10.
Q.107 What is DAST in Devops?
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is the process of analyzing a web application through the front-end to find vulnerabilities through simulated attacks. This type of approach evaluates the application from the “outside in” by attacking an application like a malicious user would.
Q.108 What is DevOps SAST?
Static application security testing (SAST) is the process of examining source code for security defects. SAST is one of the many checks in an application security assurance program designed to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities early in the DevSecOps process.
Q.109 Why do you want to work as DevOps Security Professional at this company?
Working as DevOps Security Professional at this company offers me more many avenues of growth and enhance my DevOps security skills. Your company has been providing security and devOps security related services to across the globe and hence offers opportunities for future growth in devOps security. Also considering my education, skills and experience I see myself, more apt for the post.
Q.110 Why do you want the DevOps Security Professional job?
I want the devOps security professional job as I am passionate about making companies more secured and efficient by using DevOps technologies and also better using the present technology portfolio to maximize their utility.
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