MS-SQL Server Administration

Checkout Vskills Interview questions with answers in MS-SQL Server Administration to prepare for your next job role. The questions are submitted by professionals to help you to prepare for the Interview.

Q.1 What is SQL Server and its primary role?
SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. Its primary role is to store, retrieve, and manage data in a structured manner.
Q.2 What are the different editions of SQL Server, and how do they differ?
SQL Server editions include Express, Standard, Enterprise, and Developer. They differ in terms of features, scalability, and licensing.
Q.3 Explain the difference between a clustered and non-clustered index.
A clustered index determines the physical order of data rows in a table, while a non-clustered index provides a separate structure for faster data retrieval.
Q.4 What is the purpose of SQL Server Agent?
SQL Server Agent is used for automating tasks, such as backups, maintenance, and job scheduling.
Q.5 How can you monitor SQL Server performance?
SQL Server provides tools like Performance Monitor (PerfMon), SQL Profiler, and Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) to monitor performance.
Q.6 Describe the process of database backup and restore in SQL Server.
Database backup involves creating a copy of the database, while restore involves returning a database to a previous state using a backup file.
Q.7 What is the difference between a full backup and a differential backup?
A full backup includes all data in a database, while a differential backup contains only the changes made since the last full backup.
Q.8 How can you secure SQL Server instances and databases?
Security measures include authentication, authorization, encryption, and auditing. Use features like SQL Server Logins, roles, and permissions.
Q.9 Explain the concept of SQL Server replication.
Replication is the process of copying and distributing data and database objects from one SQL Server instance to another.
Q.10 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Agent Error Log?
It records information about SQL Server Agent job execution, errors, and status.
Q.11 How do you troubleshoot a slow-performing SQL Server query?
You can use tools like SQL Profiler, Execution Plans, and DMVs to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize queries.
Q.12 What is a deadlock in SQL Server, and how can you resolve it?
A deadlock occurs when two or more processes are waiting for resources held by each other. To resolve, you can use deadlock monitoring and analysis tools or optimize queries.
Q.13 Explain the concept of normalization in database design.
Normalization is the process of organizing data in a relational database to eliminate data redundancy and improve data integrity.
Q.14 What is SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups?
It's a high-availability and disaster recovery solution that provides database-level redundancy and failover capabilities.
Q.15 How can you configure SQL Server for high availability?
Options include clustering, mirroring, AlwaysOn Availability Groups, and log shipping.
Q.16 What is a SQL Server Instance?
A SQL Server instance is a standalone installation of SQL Server on a server machine, which can host one or more databases.
Q.17 Explain the concept of SQL Server collation.
Collation determines how string comparison and sorting operations are performed. It includes settings for character encoding and sorting rules.
Q.18 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Profiler tool?
SQL Server Profiler is used for monitoring and capturing SQL Server events, including queries, errors, and login attempts.
Q.19 What is the default port for SQL Server communication, and how can you change it?
The default port is 1433. You can change it using SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Q.20 How do you monitor and manage SQL Server disk space?
Tools like SQL Server Management Studio and DMVs can help you monitor disk space, and you can manage it by shrinking databases or adding storage.
Q.21 What is the SQL Server TempDB database, and why is it important?
TempDB is a system database used to store temporary data. It's crucial for query processing and temporary storage needs.
Q.22 What is the purpose of SQL Server Maintenance Plans?
Maintenance Plans are used for automating common database maintenance tasks like backups, index rebuilds, and statistics updates.
Q.23 What is a SQL Server Audit and how is it configured?
SQL Server Auditing allows you to track and log database events. You can configure it using SQL Server Management Studio or T-SQL commands.
Q.24 How can you identify long-running queries in SQL Server?
You can use tools like SQL Profiler, Extended Events, or DMVs to identify and analyze long-running queries.
Q.25 Explain the difference between a stored procedure and a function in SQL Server.
A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that perform a task, while a function returns a value. Functions can be used in SQL queries.
Q.26 What is the purpose of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)?
SSRS is a reporting tool used to design, generate, and deliver reports from SQL Server data.
Q.27 How can you enable and use Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in SQL Server?
TDE encrypts the entire database. You can enable it at the database level using the SQL Server Management Studio or T-SQL.
Q.28 What is the purpose of SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)?
SSAS is used for creating and managing multidimensional and tabular data models for business intelligence and data analysis.
Q.29 How can you monitor SQL Server database performance over time?
SQL Server provides the SQL Server Performance Dashboard and various DMVs to monitor performance trends.
Q.30 What is the SQL Server Query Store, and how does it help optimize queries?
Query Store captures query execution statistics and query plans, helping you analyze and optimize query performance.
Q.31 How can you automate SQL Server administrative tasks using PowerShell?
PowerShell scripts can be written to automate tasks such as backup, restore, and database maintenance.
Q.32 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Database Mail feature?
Database Mail enables SQL Server to send email notifications for events, alerts, or reports.
Q.33 Explain the concept of SQL Server Index Fragmentation.
Index fragmentation occurs when data pages in an index are not in contiguous order, leading to reduced query performance. You can rebuild or reorganize indexes to fix fragmentation.
Q.34 How do you troubleshoot SQL Server connectivity issues?
Check network configurations, firewall rules, and SQL Server settings. Tools like SQL Server Configuration Manager can be helpful.
Q.35 What are Extended Events in SQL Server, and how can they be used for monitoring?
Extended Events are a lightweight and highly customizable event tracking mechanism. They can be used for performance monitoring and troubleshooting.
Q.36 What is the purpose of SQL Server Transparent Data Masking (TDM)?
TDM helps protect sensitive data by masking it in query results while keeping the original data secure.
Q.37 How can you perform a SQL Server database migration to a different server or version?
Options include backup and restore, detach and attach, or using SQL Server Data Migration Assistant (DMA) for more complex migrations.
Q.38 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Resource Governor?
Resource Governor allows you to manage and allocate server resources (CPU, memory) to different workloads or applications.
Q.39 Explain the concept of SQL Server in-memory OLTP.
In-memory OLTP is an optimization feature that improves the performance of transaction processing by storing tables and data in memory.
Q.40 How can you monitor and manage SQL Server memory usage?
You can use SQL Server DMVs to monitor memory usage and configure the maximum server memory setting to control allocation.
Q.41 What is the SQL Server Distributed Availability Group feature?
It allows you to configure high availability and disaster recovery solutions across multiple SQL Server instances and locations.
Q.42 What is a SQL Server Trace Flag, and when might you use them?
Trace Flags are configuration settings that enable or disable specific behaviors in SQL Server. They are used for troubleshooting and performance tuning.
Q.43 How do you configure SQL Server for high-performance data warehousing?
Techniques include columnstore indexes, partitioning, and optimizing queries for large-scale data.
Q.44 What is the purpose of the SQL Server sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV?
It provides information on the types and duration of waits occurring in SQL Server, helping identify performance bottlenecks.
Q.45 How can you automate database maintenance tasks in SQL Server?
SQL Server Agent jobs, Maintenance Plans, and PowerShell scripts can be used for automation.
Q.46 Explain the concept of SQL Server backup compression.
Backup compression reduces the size of backup files, saving storage space and improving backup and restore performance.
Q.47 What is the purpose of SQL Server Database Snapshots?
Database Snapshots provide a read-only, point-in-time view of a database, useful for reporting and data recovery.
Q.48 How can you monitor and optimize SQL Server disk I/O performance?
Tools like PerfMon, SQL Server Profiler, and DMVs can help monitor I/O performance. Optimization can include adding or relocating data files and using SSDs.
Q.49 What is the SQL Server Hekaton feature, and how does it enhance performance?
Hekaton is an in-memory database engine that significantly improves transactional processing performance by eliminating disk I/O.
Q.50 What are the considerations for upgrading SQL Server to a newer version?
Consider factors such as compatibility, deprecated features, hardware requirements, and testing before planning an upgrade.
Q.51 What is the SQL Server Locking mechanism, and why is it important?
SQL Server uses locks to control access to data and maintain data consistency. Understanding locking is crucial for managing concurrency.
Q.52 How can you configure SQL Server to use Windows Authentication for user logins?
You can configure SQL Server to use Windows Authentication mode during installation or change it in the server properties.
Q.53 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Central Management Server (CMS)?
CMS allows you to manage multiple SQL Server instances from a central location, making it easier to apply policies and configurations.
Q.54 Explain the concept of SQL Server Indexing and its benefits.
Indexing improves query performance by providing a faster way to access data rows. It reduces the need for scanning entire tables.
Q.55 What is a SQL Server linked server, and when would you use one?
A linked server allows you to access data from another data source, such as another SQL Server or a different database system.
Q.56 How do you monitor and manage SQL Server transaction logs?
Transaction logs can be monitored using DMVs, and management includes backups, truncation, and maintaining log file size.
Q.57 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Query Optimizer?
The Query Optimizer is responsible for generating efficient execution plans for SQL queries.
Q.58 How do you configure SQL Server for remote connections?
Enable the SQL Server instance to accept remote connections in SQL Server Configuration Manager, and ensure port and firewall settings are correct.
Q.59 Explain the concept of SQL Server Service Broker.
Service Broker is a messaging framework within SQL Server for building scalable and asynchronous applications.
Q.60 How can you monitor and optimize SQL Server CPU usage?
Monitoring can be done using PerfMon and DMVs. Optimization includes query tuning, indexing, and managing concurrent workloads.
Q.61 What is the purpose of the SQL Server Bulk Copy Program (BCP)?
BCP is a command-line utility used to import/export large volumes of data in and out of SQL Server quickly.
Q.62 How do you configure SQL Server for high availability using Database Mirroring?
Database Mirroring provides high availability by maintaining a synchronized copy of a database on a secondary server. Configuration involves setting up endpoints and monitoring.
Q.63 Explain the concept of SQL Server FileStream.
FileStream is a feature that allows SQL Server to integrate with the NTFS file system, enabling the storage of binary data as files on the file system.
Q.64 What is the SQL Server Data Compression feature, and how can it be used?
Data Compression reduces storage space and improves query performance. It can be applied to tables and indexes.
Q.65 How do you configure SQL Server for SSL encryption of network traffic?
Configure SSL by obtaining and installing a valid SSL certificate and enabling SSL in SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Q.66 What is the SQL Server Extended Stored Procedure, and when might you use it?
Extended Stored Procedures are external DLLs that can be called from within SQL Server. They are rarely used due to security concerns.
Q.67 How can you monitor and manage SQL Server memory grants and memory pressure?
SQL Server DMVs provide information on memory grants and memory pressure. You can allocate memory using the "max server memory" configuration.
Q.68 What is the purpose of SQL Server Data-Tier Applications (DAC)?
DAC allows you to package and deploy databases as a single unit, making it easier to manage and deploy databases.
Q.69 Explain the concept of SQL Server CLR Integration.
CLR Integration allows you to write and execute .NET code within SQL Server, extending its capabilities.
Q.70 How do you troubleshoot SQL Server blocking issues?
Identify blocking processes using DMVs, and resolve issues by killing blocking processes or optimizing queries.
Q.71 What is the SQL Server Resource Database, and why is it important?
The Resource Database contains system objects and is used to store the metadata for the SQL Server instance. It should not be modified directly.
Q.72 How can you use SQL Server Database Mail to send query results in emails?
You can configure and use SQL Server Database Mail to send query results as email attachments.
Q.73 Explain the concept of SQL Server In-Memory Columnstore Indexes.
Columnstore indexes are designed for analytical queries and provide significant performance improvements for data warehouse scenarios.
Q.74 What is SQL Server FileTable, and how does it work?
FileTable is a feature that combines the benefits of SQL Server and Windows file system storage, making it easier to manage files.
Q.75 How do you monitor and manage SQL Server tempdb contention issues?
Tempdb contention can be monitored using DMVs, and management involves configuring multiple tempdb data files and optimizing queries.
Q.76 What is SQL Server Linked Server Security and best practices for securing linked servers?
Linked Server Security involves configuring security options and ensuring that proper permissions are in place. Best practices include using least privilege and password management.
Q.77 How can you configure SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) for specific databases?
You can enable TDE for a specific database by using the "ALTER DATABASE" command.
Q.78 What is SQL Server PolyBase, and how does it enhance data analytics?
PolyBase enables SQL Server to query and analyze data stored in external data sources like Hadoop and Azure Data Lake Storage.
Q.79 How do you monitor SQL Server replication latency?
Use replication-specific DMVs and monitor replication agents to measure and manage replication latency.
Q.80 Explain the purpose of the SQL Server DBCC commands.
DBCC (Database Console Commands) are used for database maintenance tasks, integrity checks, and various administrative operations.
Q.81 How can you configure and manage SQL Server Data Masking for sensitive data protection?
SQL Server Data Masking allows you to hide sensitive data in query results. Configuration involves defining masking rules for columns.
Q.82 What is the purpose of SQL Server Index Maintenance, and how can you automate it?
Index maintenance involves rebuilding or reorganizing indexes to reduce fragmentation and improve performance. It can be automated using scripts and SQL Server Agent jobs.
Q.83 How do you configure SQL Server for High Availability with Failover Clustering?
Configure Windows Failover Clustering, install SQL Server in a clustered instance, and set up shared storage for high availability.
Q.84 What is SQL Server Policy-Based Management, and how can it be used for administration?
Policy-Based Management allows you to define and enforce policies for SQL Server instances and databases, ensuring compliance with best practices.
Q.85 How can you monitor SQL Server deadlock events and resolve them?
Use SQL Server Profiler, Extended Events, or DMVs to monitor deadlock events. Resolution involves modifying queries, adjusting isolation levels, or using deadlock priority.
Q.86 Explain the concept of SQL Server In-Memory OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) and its benefits.
In-Memory OLAP improves query performance for analytical workloads by storing data in memory.
Q.87 What is the SQL Server Service Principal Name (SPN), and why is it important for Kerberos authentication?
SPN is used to associate a service with a service account for Kerberos authentication. It's important for secure authentication in a network environment.
Q.88 How can you monitor and manage SQL Server page file usage?
Use PerfMon to monitor page file usage, and ensure that the system has sufficient physical memory to prevent excessive page file usage.
Q.89 What is the SQL Server R Services (Machine Learning Services) feature, and how can it be used for advanced analytics?
R Services allows you to execute R scripts within SQL Server for advanced analytics and data analysis.
Q.90 How do you configure SQL Server for Transparent Database Scans?
Transparent Database Scans can be configured by enabling Trace Flag 836 and using appropriate database settings.
Q.91 What is the purpose of SQL Server Temporal Tables, and how do they work?
Temporal Tables track changes to data over time, making it easy to query historical data using system-versioned tables.
Q.92 How can you configure SQL Server for Database Snapshot Isolation?
Database Snapshot Isolation can be configured by enabling it at the database level using the "ALTER DATABASE" command.
Q.93 Explain the concept of SQL Server Managed Backups and their advantages.
Managed Backups automate the backup process and provide features like backup retention and policy-based management.
Q.94 What is the SQL Server Resource Governor's importance in managing server resources?
The Resource Governor allows you to allocate and manage server resources for different workloads or applications, ensuring fair resource distribution.
Q.95 How do you monitor and optimize SQL Server disk latency and IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second)?
Use PerfMon and DMVs to monitor disk latency and IOPS. Optimization may involve using faster disks, optimizing queries, or balancing I/O.
Q.96 What is the purpose of SQL Server Full-Text Search, and how do you configure it?
Full-Text Search enables text-based searching within SQL Server databases. Configuration involves enabling and defining full-text indexes.
Q.97 How can you monitor and manage SQL Server plan cache and query performance?
Monitor plan cache using DMVs and optimize query performance by using hints, indexed views, and query tuning techniques.
Q.98 Explain the concept of SQL Server Availability Groups and their role in high availability.
Availability Groups provide high availability and disaster recovery solutions by replicating databases across multiple SQL Server instances.
Q.99 What is the SQL Server Temporal Database Design and its advantages?
Temporal Database Design incorporates temporal tables to track data changes over time, making it easier to query historical data.
Q.100 How can you configure SQL Server for data compression at the table level?
Data compression can be applied at the table level using the "ALTER TABLE" command with the "PAGE" or "ROW" compression options.
Q.101 What is the purpose of SQL Server Data Quality Services (DQS) and Master Data Services (MDS)?
DQS and MDS are used for data cleansing, data quality management, and master data management.
Q.102 How do you monitor and optimize SQL Server network latency and bandwidth usage?
Monitor network latency and bandwidth usage using network monitoring tools and optimize queries for efficient data transfer.
Q.103 What is the SQL Server Database Scoped Configurations feature, and how can it be used?
Scoped Configurations allow you to set configuration options at the database level, overriding server-level settings.
Q.104 How can you configure SQL Server for Backup Compression and Encryption?
Backup compression and encryption can be enabled using the "WITH COMPRESSION" and "WITH ENCRYPTION" options in the backup command.
Q.105 What is the SQL Server Data Classification feature, and why is it important for data governance?
Data Classification helps identify sensitive data and implement data protection policies to meet compliance requirements.
Q.106 How can you monitor and manage SQL Server resource contention and bottlenecks?
Use SQL Server Profiler, Extended Events, and DMVs to identify resource contention issues. Resolution may involve query optimization or resource allocation changes.
Q.107 Explain the concept of SQL Server Delayed Durability and its use cases.
Delayed Durability is a feature that allows transactions to commit without waiting for data to be written to the transaction log, improving write performance.
Q.108 What is the purpose of SQL Server Always Encrypted and how does it enhance data security?
Always Encrypted protects sensitive data by encrypting it at the application level, ensuring data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.
Q.109 How do you configure SQL Server for Linked Server Failover?
Linked Server Failover can be configured by specifying multiple linked servers with the same name but different data sources.
Q.110 What is the SQL Server Data Classification Toolkit, and how can it assist in data classification?
The Data Classification Toolkit helps discover and classify sensitive data in SQL Server databases, aiding in data governance and compliance efforts.
Q.111 How can you monitor and optimize SQL Server replication latency for high availability?
Monitoring involves using replication-specific DMVs, and optimization may include improving network performance or reconfiguring replication settings.
Q.112 Explain the concept of SQL Server Data Auditing, and how can it be configured?
Data Auditing tracks changes to data and can be configured using SQL Server Audit objects and policies.
Q.113 What is the SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) key hierarchy and rotation?
TDE uses a key hierarchy to protect data, and key rotation is the process of changing encryption keys periodically for security.
Q.114 How can you monitor SQL Server buffer pool usage and optimize memory management?
Monitor buffer pool usage using DMVs, and optimize memory management by configuring the "max server memory" setting and memory grants.
Q.115 What is the purpose of SQL Server Common Language Runtime (CLR) Integration, and when might you use it?
CLR Integration allows you to execute .NET code within SQL Server, enhancing the functionality of stored procedures, functions, and triggers.
Q.116 What is SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Key Management, and how is it secured?
TDE Key Management involves protecting encryption keys used for data protection. Keys are secured using a combination of SQL Server encryption hierarchy and the Windows Data Protection API.
Q.117 How can you configure SQL Server for Automatic Page Repair in AlwaysOn Availability Groups?
Automatic Page Repair is enabled by default in AlwaysOn Availability Groups, and it automatically attempts to repair corrupt pages by using a healthy replica.
Q.118 Explain the concept of SQL Server Column-Level Encryption and its use cases.
Column-Level Encryption allows you to encrypt specific columns within a table. It's useful for protecting sensitive data within a table without encrypting the entire database.
Q.119 What is the SQL Server Resource Governor's importance in managing query workloads?
The Resource Governor allows you to allocate and manage server resources based on resource pools and workload groups, ensuring fair resource distribution among queries.
Q.120 How can you monitor SQL Server Backup and Restore operations for data protection?
You can monitor backup and restore operations using SQL Server logs, Extended Events, and backup history tables.
Q.121 What is the SQL Server Database Mail Queue and how can you troubleshoot email delivery issues?
The Database Mail Queue holds email messages awaiting delivery. Troubleshooting email delivery involves checking the mail queue, SMTP server settings, and email providers.
Q.122 How can you configure SQL Server for Read-Only Routing in AlwaysOn Availability Groups?
Read-Only Routing allows you to route read-only queries to readable secondary replicas. Configuration involves setting up a read-only routing list and routing URLs.
Q.123 Explain the concept of SQL Server Distributed Transactions and their role in distributed systems.
Distributed Transactions ensure data consistency across multiple databases by allowing transactions to span multiple servers and databases.
Q.124 How can you monitor SQL Server buffer cache hit ratios and optimize memory usage?
You can monitor buffer cache hit ratios using DMVs and optimize memory usage by adjusting the "max server memory" configuration.
Q.125 What is the SQL Server Vulnerability Assessment feature, and how does it help with security?
Vulnerability Assessment checks SQL Server databases for security vulnerabilities and provides recommendations to enhance security and compliance.
Q.126 How can you configure SQL Server for Backup Retention Policies to manage backup files?
You can configure backup retention policies using SQL Server Maintenance Plans or custom scripts to manage backup files and remove outdated backups.
Q.127 Explain the concept of SQL Server Query Store Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting.
Query Store records query execution data, facilitating performance monitoring, query tuning, and troubleshooting by providing query statistics and execution plans.
Q.128 What is the SQL Server Online Index Rebuild feature, and how does it work?
Online Index Rebuild allows you to rebuild indexes without locking the entire table, reducing downtime and improving availability.
Q.129 How can you configure SQL Server for In-Memory OLTP and what are its advantages?
To use In-Memory OLTP, create memory-optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures. It offers significant performance improvements for transactional workloads.
Q.130 What is SQL Server Database Snapshots and how does it differ from backups?
Database Snapshots provide a read-only, point-in-time view of a database. Unlike backups, they allow you to query historical data directly without restoring a backup.
Q.131 How do you configure SQL Server for Linked Server Security using remote login mappings?
Remote login mappings are used to map local logins to remote logins when accessing linked servers. Configure them to ensure proper security.
Q.132 What is the SQL Server Query Store Automatic Tuning feature, and how does it work?
Query Store Automatic Tuning uses AI and machine learning to automatically apply performance-improving query plan changes without manual intervention.
Q.133 How can you configure SQL Server for Backup Compression and Encryption using T-SQL commands?
You can enable backup compression using the "WITH COMPRESSION" option and backup encryption using the "WITH ENCRYPTION" option in T-SQL backup commands.
Q.134 Explain the concept of SQL Server Stretch Database and its use cases.
Stretch Database allows you to extend your database into Azure, archiving older data to the cloud while keeping recent data on-premises for cost-effective storage.
Q.135 What is the SQL Server Maintenance Plan Designer, and how can it help with routine maintenance tasks?
Maintenance Plan Designer is a graphical tool that helps create, schedule, and manage routine maintenance tasks such as backups, index rebuilds, and statistics updates.
Q.136 How do you configure SQL Server for Backup Verification to ensure the integrity of backup files?
Enable backup verification by using the "WITH CHECKSUM" option in backup commands, which checks the integrity of backup files during the backup process.
Q.137 What is the SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Key Rotation process?
Key Rotation involves replacing the current encryption key with a new one for enhanced security. It's a best practice to periodically rotate TDE keys.
Q.138 How can you monitor and optimize SQL Server I/O bottlenecks for database performance?
Monitor I/O bottlenecks using PerfMon, DMVs, and tools like SQL Diagnostic Manager. Optimization includes using SSDs, optimizing queries, and balancing I/O.
Q.139 What is the SQL Server Query Performance Insights feature, and how can it help with query tuning?
Query Performance Insights provides a graphical view of query performance over time, helping database administrators identify and address performance issues.
Q.140 How do you configure SQL Server for Linked Server Security using Windows Authentication and delegation?
Configure Linked Server Security with Windows Authentication and delegation by setting up delegation trusts and ensuring proper SPN registration.
Q.141 What is the SQL Server Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA), and how does it assist in performance testing and upgrades?
DEA helps assess the impact of changes, such as upgrading to a new version of SQL Server, by capturing and analyzing query workloads.
Q.142 How can you monitor SQL Server plan cache for query plan reuse and optimization?
Monitor plan cache using DMVs, and optimize query plan reuse by using stored procedures, parameterization, and query tuning.
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