Agile Project Management

Agile Project Management (APM) is an iterative approach to planning and guiding project processes. If you are looking for a role as project manager, then you must checkout interview questions in agile project management.

Q.1 How would you define agile?
Agile is a project management methodology which uses sprints (also called short cycles) to enable someone to focus on continuous improvement of a service or a product. Usually it reduces the complexity that many months-long cycles have, by breaking them down into the most crucial concepts to cash for the entire project. Such that the software developed delivers features with the highest value first and with exact information; the process allows to tightly manage time, cost and scope.
Q.2 According to you what are the popular agile methods used?
Some of the most popular agile methods used are - 1. Scrum - This methods does not include a project manager. It guides the team and helps in prioritizing their tasks. It also helps in removing all impediments to implementing their tasks. Ideally, it exposes the organization’s impediments. 2. Kanban - This method that doesn’t require a lot of planning. It goes with issues that can’t be planned upfront. With Kanban, the issues are updated as soon they are completed. It suits projects where situations change on a daily basis. 3. Lean (LN) - Lean software development is based mostly on the notions of eliminating all unwanted waste that is of no value by focusing on concept to cash. It delivers high quality, fast
Q.3 Differentiate between Agile and traditional project management (Waterfall)?
Agile tend to encourage little of everything, including design, development, and testing etc which is done at the same time. On the other hand the traditional approach to projects closes and completes one phase before the next begins. Such that agile encourages short, frequent feedback loops and embraces changes to requirements. On the other hand Waterfall, feedback is usually not collected until the very end of the project, and changes are discouraged.
Q.4 How would you define Sprint planning meeting?
The process of Sprint planning, involves the product owner presents the goal of the sprint and discusses the high priority product backlog items. Such that the delivery team chooses the amount of work for the next sprint.
Q.5 When should we use waterfall over Scrum?
We should use waterfall if the requirements are simple, predictable, fully defined and understood, and will not change.
Q.6 What do you understand by a retrospective?
Retrospective is a meeting to inspect and adapt the process. The Agile methodology question is seeking for the ways to conduct a retrospective—so it is important to explain one or two formats.
Q.7 What is the agile project management?
Agile Project Management (APM) is a continual approach to planning and guiding project processes. Just as in Agile Software Development, an Agile project is completed in small parts. These sections are called iteration. In Agile Software Development, for example: an iteration refers to a single development cycle. In an agile project environment, the parts of a project manager and a scrum master are:
A project manager focuses on processes and allocates tasks to the team members.
A scrum master assists to improve team dynamics and acts as a servant leader if required by the project.
Q.8 What is Agile methodology in simple words?
Agile methodology is a process of software development where no requirements are fixed till the end of the product development. This assist the developers to try out their creative side and come up with project that is attractive and useful - both at the same time.
Q.9 What is Product backlog & Sprint Backlog?
Product backlog is managed by the project owner which consists every feature and requirement of the product.
Sprint backlog can be treated as subset of product backlog which consists features and requirements related to that particular sprint only.
Q.10 Explain Velocity in Agile?
Velocity is a metric that is computed by addition of all efforts estimates associated with user stories completed in a iteration. It foretells how much work Agile can complete in a sprint and how much time will it need to complete a project.
Q.11 Name some Agile quality strategies.
Some Agile quality strategies are:
Small feedback cycles
Dynamic code analysis
Q.12 What is an Agile manifesto?
Agile manifesto defines an iterative and people-centric approach to software development. It has basically 4 key values and 12 principals.
Q.13 What is the right minute to use agile model?
There are certain methodologies and developments which can utilize agile like: lean software development feature drove development, dynamic development and crystal methodologies.
Q.14 What do you mean by release candidate?
To make sure that during the last development stage there is no critical problem left behind a code or version or a build is released which is known as a release candidate. This is equivalent to final build and it is used for testing.
Q.15 What difference do agile testing methods hold from the other testing methods?
Provided agile testing methodology, the code that is used is divided into smaller branches. At one particular minute, each particular branch of a code is tested. Also, continuous communication is completed on it a part of the code. Agile process is more flexible and focused.
Q.16 Is it attainable to use agile methodology another testing except computer code testing and development testing?
The methodology of a file testing can be applied in case of biophysics, biochemistry, biomedical and those places that have insufficient data and the project needs to complete with a small team.
Q.17 How to apprehend that you're utilizing agile development?
When you are using time-boxed task board, test driven development, daily stand up meetings, pair programming and many more, it's when you'll know that you're utilizing agile development.
Q.18 What does story point mean in the scrum?
The unit that's used to estimate the whole effort that is required to end or do a specific work or implementing a backlog is noted a story purpose in the scrum.
Q.19 What do you mean by the X and Y axis of the burndown chart?
In the burndown chart, the X-axis represents the working days and the Y axis stands for showing the remaining efforts.
Q.20 What is Zero sprint in Agile?
It is often outlined as pre-step to the primary sprint. Things like putting in the event setting, making ready backlog etc has to be done before beginning of the primary sprint and may be treated as Sprint.
Q.21 What do you mean by product burndown chart?
Product burndown chart is the graphical representation of a description that exhibits the implementation and the non-implemented product backlog.
Q.22 What do you mean by sprint burndown chart?
It is a graph that is used to define the number of non-implemented or implemented sprint in scrum cycle.
Q.23 What is Agile Project Management?
Agile Project Management is an iterative and incremental approach to project management, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback.
Q.24 What do you understand by release burndown chart?
Release burndown chart represents the pending releases that were planned prior.
Q.25 What are the key principles of the Agile Manifesto?
The Agile Manifesto values individuals and interactions, working solutions, customer collaboration, and responding to change over processes and tools.
Q.26 What do you understand by defect burndown chart?
It is the rendition of a number of defects that are identified and then removed.
Q.27 What is Scrum in Agile?
Scrum is an Agile framework that provides a structured approach to project management with roles, events, and artifacts.
Q.28 Explain what is sprint planning meeting?
The meeting that's joined by all the entities like product owner, scrum master and the whole scrum team is known as sprint planning meeting. It is done to debate the imperative feature of the team and also the items of the product backlog.
Q.29 What are the roles in a Scrum team?
Scrum roles include the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team members.
Q.30 What do you mean by sprint retrospective meeting?
Sprint retrospective meeting is the last part of the sprint. It is probably completed after the review meeting of a sprint. The whole groups along with scrum master participate in this discussion and it lasts for 2 to 3 hours.
Q.31 Explain the role of a Scrum Master.
A Scrum Master facilitates Scrum events, removes impediments, and ensures the team adheres to Scrum principles and practices.
Q.32 What is the purpose of a Product Owner in Scrum?
The Product Owner represents the customer and defines the product backlog, prioritizing work to maximize value.
Q.33 What is a Sprint in Scrum?
A Sprint is a time-boxed iteration in Scrum, typically lasting 2-4 weeks, during which a potentially shippable product increment is developed.
Q.34 What is the Daily Standup (Daily Scrum) in Scrum?
The Daily Standup is a daily meeting where team members share progress, discuss impediments, and plan work for the day.
Q.35 What is a Product Backlog in Scrum?
The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of all desired features and enhancements for a product, managed by the Product Owner.
Q.36 What is the purpose of the Sprint Backlog in Scrum?
The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog, containing items selected for a specific Sprint, and it guides the work during the Sprint.
Q.37 What is a User Story in Agile?
A User Story is a concise description of a feature or functionality from an end user's perspective, often written in the format: "As a [user], I want [action] so that [benefit]."
Q.38 How is work prioritized in Agile?
Work is prioritized based on business value, customer feedback, and the overall goals of the project.
Q.39 What is the Definition of Done (DoD) in Agile?
The Definition of Done is a set of criteria that must be met for a work item to be considered complete, ensuring that all aspects of quality are addressed.
Q.40 How does Agile handle changing requirements?
Agile welcomes changing requirements, and teams adapt to changes throughout the project by regularly reviewing and reprioritizing work.
Q.41 What is a Sprint Review in Scrum?
A Sprint Review is a meeting at the end of a Sprint where the team demonstrates the completed work to stakeholders and gathers feedback.
Q.42 What is a Sprint Retrospective in Scrum?
A Sprint Retrospective is a meeting at the end of a Sprint where the team reflects on their processes and identifies opportunities for improvement.
Q.43 What is the purpose of the Agile Release Plan?
An Agile Release Plan outlines the scope and timeline for delivering increments of the product, helping stakeholders understand when specific features will be available.
Q.44 What is the role of the customer in Agile?
The customer is actively involved in Agile projects, providing feedback and prioritizing work to ensure the product meets their needs.
Q.45 How does Agile promote transparency in project management?
Agile promotes transparency through open communication, visible progress, and shared information, making it easier for team members and stakeholders to understand project status.
Q.46 What is the Agile principle of "Deliver Working Software Frequently"?
This principle emphasizes delivering value to customers early and regularly, ensuring that a potentially shippable product increment is available at the end of each Sprint.
Q.47 What is Lean Agile?
Lean Agile combines principles from Lean manufacturing and Agile to optimize project processes and eliminate waste.
Q.48 How does Agile handle risk management?
Agile identifies and addresses risks early through continuous feedback, collaboration, and incremental delivery.
Q.49 What is the Agile principle of "Build Projects around Motivated Individuals"?
This principle emphasizes creating a motivated and empowered team that can make decisions and deliver value effectively.
Q.50 What is the role of the Agile Project Manager?
In Agile, the role of a Project Manager may evolve into that of a servant-leader who supports the team and removes impediments.
Q.51 What is the Agile principle of "Sustainable Pace"?
Sustainable Pace encourages teams to work at a steady, manageable pace to maintain productivity and quality over the long term.
Q.52 How does Agile encourage collaboration?
Agile promotes collaboration through daily standup meetings, frequent reviews, and close cooperation among team members and stakeholders.
Q.53 What is the Agile principle of "Welcome Changing Requirements"?
This principle recognizes that customer needs and priorities may change and encourages teams to adapt to these changes.
Q.54 What is the role of the Agile Product Owner?
The Product Owner is responsible for defining the product vision, prioritizing the backlog, and ensuring that the team builds the right product.
Q.55 What is the Agile principle of "Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation"?
This principle values working software as the primary measure of progress and minimizes excessive documentation.
Q.56 How does Agile handle scope creep?
Agile mitigates scope creep through frequent communication with stakeholders and a focus on delivering the most valuable features first.
Q.57 What is the Agile principle of "Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation"?
This principle emphasizes building trust and collaboration with customers rather than relying solely on formal contracts.
Q.58 How does Agile handle project planning?
Agile project planning is adaptive, with plans evolving as the project progresses, based on changing requirements and feedback.
Q.59 What is the role of the Agile Scrum Master?
The Scrum Master coaches the team in Agile practices, helps remove impediments, and ensures adherence to Scrum principles.
Q.60 What is the Agile principle of "Responding to Change over Following a Plan"?
This principle encourages adapting to changing circumstances and priorities rather than rigidly adhering to a predefined plan.
Q.61 How does Agile prioritize work items in the backlog?
Work items are prioritized based on their value to the customer, risk, dependencies, and other factors, as determined by the Product Owner.
Q.62 What is the Agile principle of "Continuous Attention to Technical Excellence and Good Design"?
This principle emphasizes the importance of maintaining high-quality code and design throughout the project.
Q.63 What is the role of retrospectives in Agile?
Retrospectives provide an opportunity for the team to reflect on their processes and identify improvements, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
Q.64 How does Agile handle customer feedback?
Agile encourages regular customer feedback through demonstrations, reviews, and collaboration, ensuring that the product aligns with customer needs.
Q.65 What is the Agile principle of "Simple Design"?
Simple Design promotes keeping the product and its codebase as simple and straightforward as possible to reduce complexity and maintenance effort.
Q.66 How does Agile manage project risks?
Agile identifies and addresses risks through continuous monitoring, adaptation, and collaboration with stakeholders.
Q.67 What is the Agile principle of "Self-organizing Teams"?
Self-organizing teams have the autonomy to make decisions, plan work, and collaborate effectively to achieve project goals.
Q.68 How does Agile handle project progress tracking?
Agile uses burndown charts, velocity, and frequent status updates to track project progress and adjust plans as needed.
Q.69 What is the role of the Agile Release Manager?
The Release Manager coordinates releases, ensures that increments meet quality standards, and communicates progress to stakeholders.
Q.70 What is the Agile principle of "Frequent Delivery of Valuable Software"?
Frequent delivery ensures that customers receive valuable increments of the product at regular intervals, enabling quicker feedback and adaptation.
Q.71 How does Agile address team collaboration challenges in distributed or remote environments?
Agile practices, such as daily standup meetings and collaborative tools, help bridge geographical gaps and promote effective communication.
Q.72 What is the Agile principle of "Face-to-Face Communication"?
Face-to-face communication is highly valued in Agile, as it promotes clear understanding and collaboration among team members and stakeholders.
Q.73 What is the Agile principle of "Build Projects around Individuals and Interactions"?
This principle emphasizes the importance of people, their skills, and their interactions in project success.
Q.74 How does Agile encourage continuous improvement?
Agile promotes continuous improvement through retrospectives, feedback loops, and a culture of reflection and adaptation.
Q.75 What is the role of the Agile Business Analyst?
The Business Analyst works closely with the Product Owner to understand and refine business requirements, ensuring that they align with project goals.
Q.76 How does Agile address the management of technical debt?
Agile teams manage technical debt by allocating time for refactoring and addressing it in sprint planning to maintain code quality.
Q.77 What is the Agile principle of "Working Solutions"?
This principle emphasizes the importance of delivering functional increments of the product as opposed to just documentation.
Q.78 What is the role of the Scrum Development Team?
The Development Team is responsible for delivering increments of the product and self-organizing to determine how to do the work.
Q.79 How does Agile accommodate changes in project priorities?
Agile allows for reprioritization of the backlog at the beginning of each Sprint to align with changing priorities.
Q.80 What is a "Definition of Ready" in Agile?
The Definition of Ready outlines the criteria that a user story or work item must meet before it can be considered for inclusion in a Sprint.
Q.81 What is "Technical Debt" in Agile?
Technical Debt refers to the accumulated work that needs to be done to address suboptimal code, design, or shortcuts taken during development.
Q.82 What is the Agile principle of "Motivated Individuals"?
This principle recognizes that motivated team members are more likely to produce high-quality work and innovate.
Q.83 How does Agile manage dependencies between user stories?
Agile teams collaborate to identify and resolve dependencies, aiming to minimize them and ensure a smoother flow of work.
Q.84 What is the role of the Agile Product Owner during Sprint Planning?
The Product Owner provides guidance on the highest-priority items and answers questions from the Development Team during Sprint Planning.
Q.85 How does Agile handle project documentation?
Agile documentation is minimalistic and focused on what is necessary, with a preference for in-person communication and working software.
Q.86 What is a "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP) in Agile?
An MVP is the smallest set of features that can provide value to users, allowing for rapid delivery and feedback collection.
Q.87 How does Agile handle risk identification and mitigation?
Agile promotes regular risk assessment and adaptation, with teams addressing risks collaboratively throughout the project.
Q.88 What is a "Definition of Done" in Agile?
The Definition of Done defines the criteria that must be met for a user story or work item to be considered complete and potentially shippable.
Q.89 How does Agile promote team empowerment?
Agile empowers teams by giving them the autonomy to make decisions, plan their work, and self-organize effectively.
Q.90 What is the Agile principle of "Simplicity"?
Simplicity encourages teams to focus on the essential aspects of a project and avoid unnecessary complexity.
Q.91 How does Agile address the challenge of conflicting priorities?
Agile facilitates collaboration between stakeholders to resolve conflicts and make informed decisions.
Q.92 What is the role of the Agile Business Analyst in backlog refinement?
The Business Analyst assists the Product Owner in refining and clarifying user stories to ensure they meet business needs and are ready for implementation.
Q.93 How does Agile support the concept of "Inspect and Adapt"?
Agile teams regularly inspect the product and adapt their processes to enhance product quality and project performance.
Q.94 What is the Agile principle of "Sustainable Development"?
Sustainable Development encourages teams to maintain a consistent pace of work to ensure ongoing productivity and quality.
Q.95 How does Agile manage scope changes during a project?
Agile allows for scope changes through continuous prioritization and reprioritization of the backlog, accommodating evolving requirements.
Q.96 What is the role of a Scrum Master in facilitating meetings?
The Scrum Master ensures that Scrum meetings (e.g., Daily Standup, Sprint Planning) are conducted effectively and that they adhere to time-boxed schedules.
Q.97 How does Agile address the challenge of distributed teams?
Agile encourages the use of collaboration tools, regular videoconferencing, and a focus on clear communication to bridge geographical gaps.
Q.98 What is "Velocity" in Agile?
Velocity is a metric that measures the amount of work a team can complete in a Sprint and helps with future capacity planning.
Q.99 How does Agile handle the identification and management of project constraints?
Agile teams collaborate with stakeholders to identify constraints and explore solutions, adapting their plans as necessary.
Q.100 What is "Continuous Integration" in Agile?
Continuous Integration involves frequently integrating code changes into a shared repository and running automated tests to ensure code quality.
Q.101 How does Agile promote transparency in project status?
Agile promotes transparency through visible progress, regular status updates, and open communication among team members and stakeholders.
Q.102 What is the Agile principle of "Working at a Sustainable Pace"?
Working at a sustainable pace helps teams maintain a balance between productivity and avoiding burnout.
Q.103 How does Agile handle the tracking of project dependencies?
Agile teams use visual boards and regular coordination meetings to track and manage project dependencies.
Q.104 What is the role of a Scrum Master in facilitating retrospectives?
The Scrum Master guides retrospectives, helping the team reflect on their processes and facilitating discussions on areas for improvement.
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