Configuration for CGI

There are several servlet init parameters which can be used to configure the behaviour of the CGI servlet.


cgiPathPrefix – The CGI search path will start at the web application root directory + File.separator + this prefix. The default cgiPathPrefix is WEB-INF/cgi

debug – Debugging detail level for messages logged by this servlet. Default 0.

executable – The of the executable to be used to run the script. You may explicitly set this parameter to be an empty string if your script is itself executable (e.g. an exe file). Default is perl.

executable-arg-1, executable-arg-2, and so on – additional arguments for the executable. These precede the CGI script name. By default there are no additional arguments.

parameterEncoding – Name of the parameter encoding to be used with the CGI servlet. Default isSystem.getProperty(“file.encoding”,”UTF-8″).

passShellEnvironment – Should the shell environment variables (if any) be passed to the CGI script? Default is false.

stderrTimeout – The time (in milliseconds) to wait for the reading of stderr to complete before terminating the CGI process. Default is 2000.

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