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The prompt

The prompt

The prompt in Python refers to the interactive shell that allows users to enter commands and see the results in real time. When you open the Python interpreter, you are presented with the prompt, which looks like this:


At the prompt, you can type Python commands and expressions, and the interpreter will evaluate them and display the result immediately. For example, if you type 2 + 2 at the prompt and press Enter, you will see the result:

>>> 2 + 2 4

The prompt can also be used to assign values to variables, define functions, and import modules. Once you have defined a variable or function, you can use it in subsequent commands at the prompt.

In addition to the standard Python prompt, there are also third-party packages that provide enhanced prompts with additional features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and history. Some popular examples of enhanced prompts include IPython and Jupyter Notebook. Overall, the Python prompt is a powerful tool for experimenting with Python code and quickly testing ideas and concepts.

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