The Android project Folder structure

The Android project Folder structure

The Android project folder structure is a standardized format that the Android Studio uses to organize the application source code and resources. The folder structure consists of the following main components:

app – This folder contains the main source code and resources for your Android application. It includes Java source files, XML layout files, images, and other resources needed for the application.

gradle – This folder contains the Gradle build files that configure the build process for the project. Gradle is the build system used by Android Studio to compile and package the application.

build – This folder contains the output files generated by the build process. It includes the compiled Java code, resources, and the APK file that is installed on the Android device.

manifests – This folder contains the AndroidManifest.xml file, which is the configuration file for the Android application. It includes information about the application, such as its name, version number, and the activities it contains.

res – This folder contains the resources used by the Android application, such as images, layout files, and strings. It is further divided into subfolders based on resource type.

libs – This folder contains any third-party libraries or JAR files used by the application.

tests – This folder contains the source code and resources for the unit tests used to test the application.

assets – This folder contains any additional files needed by the application, such as database files, sound files, or video files.

app.iml – This file contains the configuration settings for the Android Studio project. The Android project folder structure is designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing developers to organize their application code and resources in a way that makes sense for their specific project.

Java SE and the dalvik virtual machine
XML usage and the AndroidManifest.xml File

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