Store and retrieve XML documents

Store and retrieve XML documents

SQL Server 2008 includes a data type called “XML” that allows for the storage and manipulation of XML documents within the database. This functionality can be useful for applications that need to store and retrieve XML documents as part of their data.

To store an XML document in SQL Server 2008, you can use the XML data type in a table column. For example, you might create a table with a column called “xml_data” of type XML to store XML documents. Then, you can use an INSERT statement to insert the XML document into the table.

To retrieve an XML document from SQL Server 2008, you can use an XQuery expression to extract the XML data from the table column. For example, you might use a SELECT statement with an XQuery expression to retrieve the XML document from the “xml_data” column.

Overall, SQL Server 2008 provides a powerful set of tools for working with XML data within a database environment. By using the XML data type and XQuery expressions, developers can store and retrieve XML documents with ease, allowing them to build applications that can take full advantage of this important data format.

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