SQLite and unified search

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SQLite and unified search

SQLite® is an open source relational database library. It is designed to make efficient use of memory resources and it includes few features. As a result, it can be a good choice for embedded and wireless applications. BlackBerry® devices that run BlackBerry® Device Software version 5.0 or later have the SQLite library integrated into the operating system and virtual machine. The Sq Lite API enables you to develop applications that use the integrated Sq Lite database. It was introduced in BlackBerry® Java® Development Environment version 5.0.
The net.rim.device. api. database package includes classes that enable you to work with Sq Lite.
You can use the following approach to work with an existing SQLite database.
Create a SQL statement by calling Database.createStatement().
Prepare the statement to run by calling Statement.Prepare(). Performing this step is like compiling the statement.
Run the statement by calling Statement.getCursor() if the statement might return results and Statement.Execute() otherwise.
If there are results, retrieve them by iterating over the returned Database.Cursor row by row.

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