Software Quality

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Software Quality

Software Quality
Software Quality

It is the conformance of a software system to its requirements. In the software perspective, quality explicates two factors – Validation and Verification. Validation keeps a check on the process that occurs during software development, whereas verification involves the evaluation of the product to check if it meets the specifications.

Attributes of Software Quality

  • Correctness – Firstly, correctness measures the conformance of the software to its requirements
  • Reliability – Secondly, checks if the software performs its functions without any failure. It also ensures the performance within the expected conditions.
  • Robustness – After that, robustness is the ability of the software to not crash if there is an abrupt input
  • Usability – In addition, usability is the ease of operating the software.
  • Completeness – Moreover, completeness is the extent to which software system meets its specifications
  • Maintainable – Maintainability is the measure of the necessary amount of effort for software maintenance after its shipping to end-user
  • Portability – Further, the ability of the software to transform from one platform or infrastructure to other
  • Efficiency – Lastly, efficiency refers to the measure of resources necessary for the functioning of the software


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