Software Framework

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What is Software Framework?

Software framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code. The sole objective of a framework is to improve the efficiency of creating new software.

The term software framework is equated equal to object-oriented software library, or set of libraries, intended to provide reuse. However, there is an important difference between a framework and a library, that difference is often called “inversion of control.”  If you’re using a library, the objects and methods implemented by the library are instantiated and invoked by your custom application. You need to know which objects to instantiate and which methods to call in order to achieve your goals.  On the other hand, if you’re using a framework, you implement the objects and methods that are custom to your application and they are instantiated and invoked by the framework.

Advantages of Software Framework

  • Reuse code that has been pre-built and pre-tested. Increase the reliability of the new application and reduce the programming and testing effort, and time to market.
  • Software framework can help establish better programming practices and appropriate use of design patterns and new programming tools. A framework upgrade can provide new functionality, improved performance, or improved quality without additional programming by the framework user.
  • By definition, a framework provides you with the means to extend its behavior.

Disadvantages of Software Framework

  • Creating a framework is difficult and time-consuming (i.e. expensive).
  • The learning curve for a new framework can be steep.
  • Over time, a framework can become increasingly complex.

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