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Selenium IDE | Building Test Cases

Building Test Cases

Selenium IDE | Building Test Cases

Selenium IDE – There are three primary methods for developing test cases. Frequently, a test developer will require all three techniques.


Many first-time users begin by recording a test case from their interactions with a website. When Selenium-IDE is first opened, the record button is ON by default. If you do not want Selenium-IDE to begin recording automatically you can turn this off by going under Options > Options… and deselecting “Start recording immediately on open.”

During recording, Selenium-IDE will automatically insert commands into your test case based on your actions. Typically, this will include:

Adding Verifications and Asserts With the Context Menu

Your test cases will also need to check the properties of a web-page. This requires assert and verify commands.

With Selenium IDE recording, go to the browser displaying your test application and right click anywhere on the page. You will see a context menu showing verify and/or assert commands.

The first time you use Selenium, there may only be one Selenium command listed. As you use the IDE however, you will find additional commands will quickly be added to this menu. Selenium-IDE will attempt to predict what command, along with the parameters, you will need for a selected UI element on the current web-page.


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