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Security Lifecycle

Security Lifecycle

The security lifecycle in software security refers to the process of managing and maintaining the security of software systems, networks, and applications over their entire lifecycle. The security lifecycle typically includes the following stages:

Assessment: This stage involves identifying the security risks and threats that could affect the software system, network, or application.

Planning: In this stage, a plan is created to address the identified security risks and threats. The plan may include policies, procedures, and guidelines for managing security risks.

Implementation: This stage involves implementing the security plan and the associated policies, procedures, and guidelines.

Testing: In this stage, the security measures are tested to ensure that they are effective in mitigating the identified security risks and threats.

Maintenance: This stage involves monitoring the security measures to ensure that they remain effective and that new security risks and threats are identified and addressed.

Decommissioning: In this stage, the software system, network, or application is decommissioned, and any sensitive information is securely disposed of or transferred to a new system.

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