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Scheduling and training methods

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The key principles when planning a programme are

In planning a programme, use the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type) principles to add the detail

Trainer should also consider the principle of moderation. It is important to have rest periods which allow the body to adapt. Too much training (overtraining) can lead to injury.

Training methods

Training can be aerobic or anaerobic.

Specific training methods can be used to improve each fitness factor.

General methods of training can be applied to specific sports. For example, continuous training might involve swimming, cycling, rowing, aerobics or running.

Designing Training  Program

To train effectively trainer must know:

For example, sprinters use mainly anaerobic training and marathon runners use mainly aerobic training. Trainer can use maximum heart rate (MHR) to calculate how hard individual should work heart to develop either aerobic or anaerobic fitness.

To calculate MHR:

220 – age = MHR

In case of aerobic fitness, aerobic fitness is another way of describing cardiovascular fitness, or stamina. Trainer can improve aerobic fitness by working in aerobic target zone. This is found between 60-80% of MHR. Trainer cross aerobic threshold, the heart rate above which trainer gain aerobic fitness, at 60% of our MHR.

Trainer can improve anaerobic fitness, which includes strength, power, and muscular endurance, by working in an anaerobic target zone. This is found between 80-100% of MHR. Anaerobic threshold is the heart rate above which trainer gain anaerobic fitness. Trainer cross anaerobic threshold at 80% of MHR. Below 60% MHR trainers do not improve aerobic or anaerobic fitness at all.

When working anaerobically trainer create an oxygen debt and can only keep going for a short time. Oxygen debt is the amount of oxygen consumed during recovery above that which would normally be consumed during rest. This results from a shortfall of available oxygen during exercise. Trainer can monitor fitness levels by recording the recovery rate after exercise. The recovery rate is the time it takes for the pulse rate to return to normal after exercise.

Remember that percentages of MHR are approximate and personal levels of activity and fitness will cause differences in the thresholds.

The structure consists of the mode, intensity, duration, frequency, special considerations, fun, and relaxation. In helping clients to set goals, remember that they must build up their level of activity gradually, over a period of weeks. Do not set goals so high that clients push themselves and risk injury. Help them to build up to their target zone slowly, and show them how to warm up safely with stretching and 5 to 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise before the workout and cool down slowly with 5 to 10 minutes of flexibility exercises afterward. Remind clients to listen to their body’s early warning signs.

Educating clients in the differences that intensity, duration, and frequency make in their fitness program will help them to achieve their goals efficiently and without confusion.

Certain populations require additional considerations in fitness program development. This is where the rule of modification becomes important

Training Stages

Stages of a training session usually includes


Main activity – this could be:

Warm down (sometimes called cool down)

Flexibility Training

The benefits of flexibility training include improving muscle imbalances, increasing joint range of motion and muscle extensibility, relieving excessive tension of muscles and joint stress, and improving neuromuscular efficiency and function. People who train in a repetitive fashion (or have jobs that require moving their bodies in repetitive ways) are at risk for pattern overload, which places stress on the body and can result in injury. Poor posture and repetitive movements may create dysfunctions in connective tissue, initiating the cumulative injury cycle. Tissue trauma creates inflammation, which leads to micro spasms and decreases the normal elasticity of the soft tissue.

Cardio-respiratory Fitness

Cardio-respiratory fitness is one of the most important components of health-related physical fitness. High levels of cardio-respiratory fitness are strongly linked to a reduced risk of disease and improved mortality. Cardio-respiratory training should be preceded by a warm-up period and followed by a cool-down period. A warm-up prepares the body for physical activity and can be either general in nature or more specific to the activity. Typically, the cardio-respiratory portion of a warm-up should last 5 to 10 minutes at a low-to-moderate intensity.

Balance training

Balance is key to all functional movements and optimal force production, and may help avoid injuries. Balance does not work in isolation and is both static and dynamic. It relies on an integrated, dynamic process requiring optimal muscular relationships, joint dynamics, and neuromuscular efficiency. Individuals with altered neuromuscular control likely have specific kinetic chain imbalances. These affect the quality of movement, create faulty movement patterns, and lead to reduced neuromuscular efficiency.

Resistance training

Resistance training, also called weight training or strength training, is pitting muscles against a resistance such as a weight (for example, a dumbbell or barbell) or other types of resistance, to build the strength, anaerobic endurance, and/or size of skeletal muscles. A well-rounded program of physical activity includes strength training, to improve bone, joint function, bone density, muscle, tendon and ligament strength, as well as aerobic exercise, to improve heart and lung fitness.

It is recommended to do things to strengthen muscles at least two days a week. These activities should work all the major muscle groups of the body (like legs, hips, back, chest, and shoulders).

Benefits of resistance training – Regular resistance training offers many benefits as

Starting – It is important to pay attention to safety and good form to reduce the risk of injury. To start, a typical strength training program involves

Aim to gradually increase to one set for each exercise – comprising eight to 12 reps, every second or third day. Once comfortable to do 12 reps of an exercise look at progressing further.

Examples of resistance training – Following are various resistance training examples

Schedule – Resistance training should be progressive in nature (for example, follow the principle of progressive overload), individualized, and provide a stimulus to all the major muscle groups (chest, back, shoulders, arms, abdominals, and legs). It is recommended that beginners do one set of eight to 10 exercises for the major muscle groups, eight to 12 repetitions (reps) to fatigue, two to three days per week (multiple-set regimens may provide greater benefits if time allows). For older and more frail people (approximately 50-60 years of age and above), they suggest that 10-15 repetitions may be more appropriate.


Certified Fitness Trainer

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