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Representation of Information

Representation of Information

Representation of information in data entry or computer basics refers to the process of converting data or information into a format that can be stored, processed, and understood by a computer system.

Information can be represented in various formats, including text, numbers, images, audio, and video. These formats are translated into digital signals that can be processed by the computer’s hardware and software.

For example, text information can be represented using ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code, where each character is assigned a unique binary code. Similarly, numerical data can be represented using binary code or other numerical representations, such as floating-point notation.

Images and graphics can be represented using pixels or vectors, where each pixel or vector is assigned a color or value. Audio and video can be represented using digital encoding schemes, such as MP3 or MPEG, which compress the data and enable efficient storage and transmission.

Data – It is meaningless and is raw fact as number, character etc. like count of items sold.

Information – It is meaningful and processed data like which product sells most.

Binary Number System – It uses two symbols to represent data, i.e. 0 and 1 and its base is 2.

Memory Size (Bit, Byte, KB, MB) –

1 Bit 0 or 1 1 KB 1024 bytes
1 Nibble 4 bits 1 MB 1024 KB
1 Byte 8 bits 1 GB 1024 MB

ASCII – Computer stores data in a coded form usually the American standard code for information technology (ASCII) is used, which can represent 256 different symbols by using 8 bits.

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