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Pre-Investigation Technical Assessment

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It should be commenced by eliciting all the right and relevant information which will give the investigation officer (IO) an idea about the full scope of the incident / crime. With a view to guide the investigation officers, a set of questions have been compiled which potentially can lead to holistic understanding of the large networks. While the pre-investigation assessment questionnaire gives the investigation officer a set of questions, each investigation officer needs to keep in mind that this list can further be expanded depending on the crime / crime scene situation.

Scene of Offence: Cyber Cafe

Scene of Offence: Home

Scene of Offence: Corporate Environment

Preservation Notice

A preservation notice needs to be sent to all affected parties to make sure that they do not delete any data that could be relevant to the case. It is ideal to issue this notice, which is necessary for preserving evidence. For model instructions to complainant and other parties.

The model preservation notice has been accomplished through a stipulation setting forth a similar procedural framework outlined by the Court in Simon Property Group vs. mySimon, Inc. 94 F.R.D. 639 (SD Ind. 2000) in USA, to ensure retention of all privileges while properly preserving and processing computer evidence as mandated by the court in Gates Rubber Co. vs. Bando Chemical Indus., Ltd. 167 F.R.D. 90, 112 (D.Col., 1996). The preservation instructions have been adapted from the above stipulation and, have been suitably amended and Section 91 CrPC can be invoked to issue such instructions. IOs are free to amend the notice to suit the local requirements and use the format.

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