Traits for Positive Behaviour

Sales people are often typecast as arrogant and self-centered. And many people have a negative perception of sales reps because of their behavior. Few positive sales behaviors to consider are

  • Punctuality – Arriving late for an appointment, sales call or presentation invites disaster because it shows a lack of respect for your prospect and a lack of organizational skills.
  • Treat people with respect – It doesn’t matter who you encounter, meet or talk to, it is essential that you treat everyone with respect and dignity. Many people can influence a decision makers final decision and if you treat someone disrespectfully, you could lose a sales a good sales opportunity.
  • Keen business sense – Sales people need to develop a good business sense and focus on trends, changes in the marketplace, and how certain decisions affect a business to gain new insights. 4.
  • Listen carefully – When you listen carefully and intently to customer, sales person demonstrate respect which is truly important to that person.
  • Become a valued resource – Decision makers want to work with people who can help them improve their business and deliver better results. Show your customer that you are business resource by offering different solutions into their problems.

Today’s business climate has changed. And you need to keep up with these changes and improve accordingly. Display these positive sales behaviors and you will begin to stand out from the competition.

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Positive Behaviour
Behaviour for Successful Sale Person

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