Operating System

It is a large collection of software, which manages resources of the computer system. On computer startup ROM-BIOS instructions are executed to test components also called POST (POWER-ON SELF TEST).

Terms Related to Operating System

Batch Processing – User data are collected on top of another and executed sequentially.

On-Line Processing – Programme processes data as, it arrives

Real Time Processing – Data processing takes place in specific duration of arrival.

Multiprocessing – It simultaneously execute several programs by different CPU’s

Multiprogramming – It simultaneously execute several programs by same computer.

Time Sharing – In it computer resources are given to various programme for some duration.

Spooling – Jobs put in buffer (special memory or on disk) where device can access it when ready.

File – It is like a physical file having a file name and file extension (which tells the application software to use for file) like MS-Word file have ‘DOC’ and MS-Excel have ‘XLS’ file extension.

Directory – It is collection to store related files like a physical file rack having specific types of files.

Pointer or Cursor – It is an indicator to show the position on a computer monitor or other display device that will respond to input from a text input (keyboard) or pointing device (mouse). The flashing text cursor may be referred to as a caret in some cases. The mouse cursor may be referred to as a mouse pointer, owing to its arrow shape on some systems.

Disk Organization Terms
User Interface

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