Open Graphs

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Mobile apps that use Facebook Open Graph have two distinct advantages. Firstly, these apps are “sticky,” bringing users back by making app activity visible on their Facebook page. Secondly, these apps are easily discoverable by a user’s friends. Facebook’s Open Graph completes the loop of retaining users and acquiring new ones.  Instead of a plain ol’ text-based Facebook status, Open Graph apps hardwire unique “verbs” into an update. Open Graph stories appear in the newsfeed and ticker of a person’s timeline and allows developers to integrate the app into the Facebook experience. Here are five apps that are doing it right.

The Facebook Platform provides a set of APIs and tools which enable third-party developers to integrate with the “open graph” — whether through applications on or external websites and devices. Launched on May 24, 2007, Facebook Platform has evolved from enabling development just on to one also supporting integration across the web and devices.

Facebook Platform statistics as of May 2010:

Facebook Platform statistics as of June 2012:

Third party companies provide application metrics, and several blogs have sprung up in response to the clamor for Facebook applications. On July 4, 2007, Altura Ventures announced the “Altura 1 Facebook Investment Fund,” becoming the world’s first Facebook-only venture capital firm.

On August 29, 2007, Facebook changed the way in which the popularity of applications is measured, to give attention to the more engaging applications, following criticism that ranking applications only by the number of people who had installed the…

Social Plugins
Graph API and OAuth

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