Moving in a document

Moving by mouse

Scroll through a document by using the mouse. After scrolling, click where we want to start typing.

ToDo this
Scroll up one lineClick the up scroll arrow
Scroll down one lineClick the down scroll arrow
Scroll up one screenClick above the scroll box
Scroll down one screenClick below the scroll box
Scroll to a specific pageDrag the scroll box
Scroll leftClick the left scroll arrow
Scroll rightClick the right scroll arrow

For a quick way to scroll up or down one page, click Select Browse Object on the vertical scroll bar, and then click Browse by Page. Then click Next Page or Previous Page.

Moving by keyboard

Press (Keyboard key)To move
LEFT ARROWOne character to the left
RIGHT ARROWOne character to the right
CTRL+LEFT ARROWOne word to the left
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWOne word to the right
CTRL+UP ARROWOne paragraph up
CTRL+DOWN ARROWOne paragraph down
UP ARROWUp one line
DOWN ARROWDown one line
ENDTo the end of a line
HOMETo the beginning of a line
ALT+CTRL+PAGE UPTo the top of the window
ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWNTo the end of the window
PAGE UPUp one screen (scrolling)
PAGE DOWNDown one screen (scrolling)
CTRL+PAGE DOWNTo the top of the next page
CTRL+PAGE UPTo the top of the previous page
CTRL+ENDTo the end of a document
CTRL+HOMETo the beginning of a document

When the mouse pointer is positioned in an unmarked area to the left of a line (left margin). This area is called the selection bar. When the mouse is in this area, it can be used to highlight (select) text. To move the insertion point the I-beam at the location in the text where we want to be, then click the left mouse button or we can move it by using keyboard arrow keys.

File Management
Selecting Text

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