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In Cassandra, the keyspace is the container for your application data, similar to a schema in a relational database. Keyspaces are used to group column families together. Typically, a cluster has one keyspace per application.

Replication is controlled on a per-keyspace basis, so data that has different replication requirements should reside in different keyspaces. Keyspaces are not designed to be used as a significant map layer within the data model, only as a way to control data replication for a set of column families.

Defining Keyspaces

Data Definition Language (DDL) commands for defining and altering keyspaces are provided in the various client interfaces, such as Cassandra CLI and CQL. For example, to define a keyspace in CQL:

  CREATE KEYSPACE keyspace_name WITH
strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy'
AND strategy_options:replication_factor='2';

Or in Cassandra CLI:

placement_strategy = 'SimpleStrategy'
AND strategy_options = {replication_factor:2};
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