

In Apache CouchDB, initials are the unique identifiers assigned to documents stored in a database. These identifiers are generated automatically by CouchDB and are based on a combination of the document’s contents and a randomly generated hash.

The use of initials allows for efficient indexing and querying of documents in CouchDB, as each document can be accessed directly by its unique ID without the need for a time-consuming search. Additionally, initials are always unique within a given database, ensuring that there are no conflicts between different documents.

In CouchDB, initials are used as the primary key for documents and are also included in document metadata, making them easily accessible to developers and applications that use the database. They can be used to retrieve individual documents or to perform batch operations on multiple documents.

Overall, the use of initials is a fundamental feature of CouchDB that enables efficient document management and retrieval, making it a popular choice for web and mobile applications.

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