Handling Exceptions

Handling Exceptions

Handling exceptions in an ASP.NET web application is an important part of ensuring that your application is robust and reliable. Here are some ways you can handle exceptions in your application:

Use a try-catch block: You can use a try-catch block to catch and handle exceptions in your code. For example:



    // Code that might throw an exception


catch (Exception ex)


    // Handle the exception


Use the Application_Error event: You can handle unhandled exceptions that occur anywhere in your application by handling the Application_Error event in the Global.asax file. For example:

protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)


    Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();

    // Handle the exception


Use custom error pages: You can create custom error pages that are displayed when an exception occurs. You can specify the error page to display in the web.config file using the <customErrors> element. For example:



    <customErrors mode=”RemoteOnly” defaultRedirect=”Error.aspx”>

      <error statusCode=”404″ redirect=”NotFound.aspx” />




In this example, the mode=”RemoteOnly” attribute specifies that custom error pages should only be displayed when the application is accessed remotely. The defaultRedirect=”Error.aspx” attribute specifies that the Error.aspx page should be displayed for all other errors. The <error> element specifies that the NotFound.aspx page should be displayed when a 404 error occurs. By using these techniques, you can handle exceptions in your ASP.NET web application and provide a better user experience for your users.

Most .NET languages support structured exception handling. Essentially, when an error occurs in your application, the .NET Framework creates an exception object that represents the problem. You can catch this object using an exception handler. If you fail to use an exception handler, your code will be aborted, and the user will see an error page. Structured exception handling provides several key features:

Exceptions are object-based: Each exception provides a significant amount of diagnostic information wrapped into a neat object, instead of a simple message and an error code. These exception objects also support an Inner Exception property that allows you to wrap a generic error over the more specific error that caused it. You can even create and throw your own exception objects.

Exceptions are caught based on their type: This allows you to streamline error-handling code without needing to sift through obscure error codes.

Exception handlers use a modern block structure: This makes it easy to activate and deactivate different error handlers for different sections of code and handle their errors individually.

Exception handlers are multilayered: You can easily layer exception handlers on top of other exception handlers, some of which may check only for a specialized set of errors.

Exceptions are a generic part of the .NET Framework: This means they’re completely cross language compatible. Thus, a .NET component written in C# can throw an exception that you can catch in a web page written in VB.

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