Group membership and management

Hadoop is a distributed computing framework that allows processing of large datasets across a cluster of computers. Group membership and management in Hadoop refers to the process of adding and removing nodes (machines) from a Hadoop cluster and ensuring that they function properly in the cluster.

Hadoop uses Apache ZooKeeper, a distributed coordination service, for group membership and management. ZooKeeper manages a hierarchy of nodes called znodes, which can represent various types of data structures such as configuration information, locks, and queues.

In a Hadoop cluster, ZooKeeper is used to keep track of the state of each node in the cluster, including whether a node is alive or dead, its role in the cluster, and its data storage capacity. ZooKeeper also helps in leader election and synchronization of nodes in the cluster.

MapReduce, a programming model used in Hadoop, is designed to process large amounts of data in parallel across multiple nodes in a cluster. MapReduce jobs are submitted to a master node, called the JobTracker, which assigns tasks to worker nodes, called TaskTrackers.

Group membership and management in Hadoop and MapReduce ensure that the nodes in the cluster are functioning properly and are utilized efficiently, which is essential for processing large datasets in a timely and reliable manner.

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