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File system components and management

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All the files are grouped together in the directory structure. The file-system is arranged in a hierarchical structure, like an inverted tree. The top of the hierarchy is traditionally called root (written as a slash / )

In the diagram above, we see that the home directory of the undergraduate student “ee51vn” contains two sub-directories (docs and pics) and a file called report.doc. The full path to the file report.doc is “/home/its/ug1/ee51vn/report.doc”

Slashes are used to separate directory names in Linux. Physical drives are handled differently than DOS. The /usr directory could be on a separate hard disk, or /mnt might contain a folder named /storage that is actually a drive from another computer. Some of the more common directories found on a Linux system are

Directories and files on a Linux system are set up so that access can be controlled. When you log in to the system, you are identified by a user account. In addition to your user account, you might belong to a group or groups. Therefore, files can have permissions set for a user, a group, or others. For example, Red Hat Linux supports three default groups: super users, system users, and normal users. Access for each of these groups has three options – Read, Write and Execute.

To see the current permissions, owner, and group for a file or directory, type the ls -l command. This will display the contents of the directory you are in with the privileges for the user, group, and all others. For example, the list of a file called demofile and the directory demodir would resemble the following

drwxr-xr-x 2 abc users 32768 Nov 20 00:31 demodir

-rw-r–r– 1 abc users 4108 Nov 16 11:21 demofile

The permissions are listed in the first column. The first letter is whether the item is a directory or a file. If the first letter is d, the item is a directory, as in the first item listed previously, demodir. For the file demofile, the first letter is -. The next nine characters denote access and take the following form, rwx|rwx|rwx. The first three list the access rights of the user, so for demodir, the user has read, write, and execute privileges. The next three bits denote the group rights; therefore, the group has read and execute privileges for the demodir folder. Finally, the last three bits specify the access all others have to the demodir folder. In this case, they have read and execute privileges. The third column, abc, specifies the owner of the file/directory, and the fourth column, users, is the name of the group for the file/directory. The only one who can modify or delete any file in this directory is the owner abc.

The chmod command is used by a file owner or administrator to change the definition of access permissions to a file or set of files. Chmod can be used in symbolic and absolute modes. Symbolic deals with symbols such as rwx, whereas absolute deals with octal values. For each of the three sets of permission on a fileread, write, and executeread is assigned the number 4, write is assigned the number 2, and execute is assigned the number 1. To make sure that permissions are wide open for yourself, the group, and all users, the command would be chmod 777 demofile.

Access for users and system processes are assigned a User ID (UID) and a Group ID (GID). Groups are the logical grouping of users that have similar requirements. This information is contained in the /etc/passwd file. An example is listed below













ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:

xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false



You will notice that root is the first account in the list. Root is always assigned the UID 0 and the GID 0. Other special users and accounts associated with services and daemons are listed after root and have values below 100. Red Hat starts regular users at a UID of 500. The fields are denoted by the colons.

Adding users to Linux is done by the useradd command. Files such as passwd are world readable, the shadow file is only readable by root. If an attacker can gain access to the root account, he has essentially taken control of the computer from you. For this reason, the root account must be protected at the highest level. The Substitute User (SU) command will allow to perform duties as a different user than the one you are logged in as. The command is simply su <username>.

In order to use disks to store files under Linux, a file system must be written onto the disk. Linux supports several different types of file systems, but ext2fs (Second Extended File System) is the standard. Linux also supports MS-DOS/Windows 95/98/NT, Mac OS HFS, OS/2, NFS, and other file systems. Linux supports multiple partitions. Each partition is accessed through a node of the directory structure and can be any supported partition type.

Each native Linux file system partition has an inode table, which contains one record for each file stored within the partition. Each file is uniquely identified within the file system by its inode number, and each file has a single inode table entry. The inode table entry holds all attributes of a file, such as file size, user, group, permissions, etc. Directories map names into inode numbers but do not store file attributes. A directory can have more than one name referencing an inode number.

Files and directories have attributes that are stored in the inode table. The combined attributes of permission and file ownership provide a sophisticated file access mechanism.

The full directory tree is intended to be breakable into smaller parts, each capable of being on its own disk or partition, to accommodate to disk size limits and to ease backup and other system administration tasks. The major parts are the root (/ ), /usr , /var , and /home filesystems. Each part has a different purpose. The directory tree has been designed so that it works well in a network of Linux machines which may share some parts of the filesystems over a read−only device (e.g., a CD−ROM), or over the network with NFS.

Although the different parts have been called filesystems above, there is no requirement that they actually be on separate filesystems. They could easily be kept in a single one if the system is a small single−user system and the user wants to keep things simple. The directory tree might also be divided into filesystems differently, depending on how large the disks are, and how space is allocated for various purposes. The important part, though, is that all the standard names work; even if, say, /var and /usr are actually on the same partition, the names /usr/lib/libc.a and /var/log/messages must work, for example by moving files below /var into /usr/var, and making /var a symlink to /usr/var.

The Unix filesystem structure groups files according to purpose, i.e., all commands are in one place, all data files in another, documentation in a third, and so on. An alternative would be to group files according to the program they belong to, i.e., all Emacs files would be in one directory, all TeX in another, and so on. The problem with the latter approach is that it makes it difficult to share files (the program directory often contains both static and sharable and changing and non−sharable files), and sometimes to even find the files (e.g., manual pages in a huge number of places, and making the manual page programs find all of them is a maintenance nightmare).


When a file is created, it is assigned both a name and an inode number, which is an integer that is unique within the filesystem. Both the file names and their corresponding inode numbers are stored as entries in the directory that appears to the user to contain the files. That is, the directory associates file names with inodes.

Whenever a user or a program refers to a file by name, the operating system uses that name to look up the corresponding inode, which then enables the system to obtain the information it needs about the file to perform further operations. That is, a file name in a Unix-like operating system is merely an entry in a table with inode numbers, rather than being associated directly with a file (in contrast to other operating systems such as the Microsoft Windows systems). The inode numbers and their corresponding inodes are held in inode tables, which are stored in strategic locations in a filesystem, including near its beginning.

This detaching of a file’s name from its other metadata is what allows the system to implement hard links and thus have multiple names for any file. A hard link is an entry in a directory that contains a pointer directly to the inode bearing the file’s metadata. When a new hard link to a file is created, both links share the same inode number because the link is only a pointer, not a copy of the file.

The concept of inodes is particularly important to the recovery of damaged filesystems. When parts of the inode are lost, they appear in the lost+found directory within the partition in which they once existed.

Whereas a file contains only its own content and a directory holds only the names of the files that appear to the user to be contained in it and their inode numbers, an inode contains all the other information describing a file. This metadata includes (1) the size of the file (in bytes) and its physical location (i.e., the addresses of the blocks of storage containing the file’s data on a HDD), (2) the file’s owner and group, (3) the file’s access permissions (i.e., which users are permitted to read, write and/or execute the file), (4) timestamps telling when the inode was created, last modified and last accessed and (5) a reference count telling how many hard links point to the inode.

The operating system obtains a file’s inode number and information in the inode through the use of the system call named stat. A system call is a request in a Unix-like operating system by an active process for a service performed by the kernel (i.e., the core of the operating system), such as input/output (I/O) or process creation. System calls can also be viewed as clearly-defined, direct entry points into the kernel through which programs request services from it. A process is an instance of a program in execution, and an active process, is one which is currently progressing in the CPU (central processing unit).

A file’s inode number can easily be found by using the ls command, which by default lists the objects (i.e., files, links and directories) in the current directory (i.e., the directory in which the user is currently working), with its -i option. Thus, for example, the following will show the name of each object in the current directory together with its inode number:


The first piece of information read from a disk is its superblock. This small data structure reveals several key pieces of information, including the disk’s geometry, the amount of available space, and, most importantly, the location of the first i-node. Without a superblock, an on-disk file system is useless.

Multiple copies of this data structure are scattered all over the disk to provide backup in case the first one is damaged. Under Linux’s ext2 file system, a superblock is placed after every group of blocks, which contains i-nodes and data. One group consists of 8192 blocks; thus, the first redundant superblock is at 8193, the second at 16,385, and so on. The designers of most Linux file systems intelligently included this superblock redundancy into the file system design.

The root filesystem

The root filesystem should generally be small, since it contains very critical files and a small, infrequently modified filesystem has a better chance of not getting corrupted. A corrupted root filesystem will generally mean that the system becomes unbootable except with special measures (e.g., from a floppy), so you don’t want to risk it.

The root directory generally doesn’t contain any files, except perhaps on older systems where the standard boot image for the system, usually called /vmlinuz was kept there. (Most distributions have moved those files the /boot directory. Otherwise, all files are kept in subdirectories under the root filesystem –

The /etc directory

The /etc maintains a lot of files. Some of them are described below. For others, you should determine which program they belong to and read the manual page for that program.

The /dev directory

The /dev directory contains the special device files for all the devices. The device files are created during installation, and later with the /dev/MAKEDEV script. The /dev/MAKEDEV.local is a script written by the system administrator that creates local−only device files or links (i.e. those that are not part of the standard MAKEDEV, such as device files for some non−standard device driver).

This list which follows is by no means exhaustive or as detailed as it could be. Many of these device files will need support compiled into your kernel for the hardware. Read the kernel documentation to find details of any particular device.

The /usr filesystem

The /usr filesystem is often large, since all programs are installed there. All files in /usr usually come from a Linux distribution; locally installed programs and other stuff goes below /usr/local. This makes it possible to update the system from a new version of the distribution, or even a completely new distribution, without having to install all programs again. Some of the subdirectories of /usr are listed below (some of the less important directories have been dropped).

The /var filesystem

The /var contains data that is changed when the system is running normally. It is specific for each system, i.e., not shared over the network with other computers.

The /proc filesystem

The /proc filesystem contains a illusionary filesystem. It does not exist on a disk. Instead, the kernel creates it in memory. It is used to provide information about the system (originally about processes, hence the name). Some of the more important files and directories are explained below.

Note that while the above files tend to be easily readable text files, they can sometimes be formatted in a way that is not easily digestible. There are many commands that do little more than read the above files and format them for easier understanding. For example, the freeprogram reads /proc/meminfo converts the amounts given in bytes to kilobytes (and adds a little more information, as well).

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