
  • In addition to the disclosures required above, an appropriate listing and description of associates including the proportion of ownership interest and, if different, the proportion of voting power held should be disclosed in the consolidated financial statements.
  • Investments in associates accounted for using the equity method should be classified as long-term investments and disclosed separately in the consolidated balance sheet.
  • The investor’s share of the profits or losses of such investments should be disclosed separately in the consolidated statement of profit and loss. The investor’s share of any extraordinary or prior period items should also be separately disclosed.
  • The name(s) of the associate(s) of which reporting date(s) is/are different from that of the financial statements of an investor and the differences in reporting dates should be disclosed in the consolidated financial statements.
  • In case an associate uses accounting policies other than those adopted for the consolidated financial statements for like transactions and events in similar circumstances and it is not practicable to make appropriate adjustments to the associate’s financial statements, the fact should be disclosed along with a brief description of the differences in the accounting policies.
  • If an associate is not accounted for using the equity method the reasons for not doing the same.
  • Goodwill/capital reserve arising on the acquisition of an associate by an investor should be disclosed separately though it is included in the carrying amount of the investment.
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