Creating Database and Documents

Creating Database and Documents

Apache CouchDB is a NoSQL database system that uses JSON to store data. Here are the steps to create a database and documents in Apache CouchDB:

  1. To create a new database, log in to the CouchDB admin console by visitinghttp://localhost:5984/_utils/ and click on the “Create Database” button. Enter the name of the database you want to create and click on the “Create” button.
  2. To create a new document, click on the database name in the admin console, and then click on the “Create Document” button. In the editor that opens up, you can enter the JSON data for the document. Make sure to include a unique identifier for the document, which is known as the “_id” field.
  3. To update an existing document, click on the document in the admin console, and then click on the “Edit” button. In the editor that opens up, you can make changes to the JSON data for the document.
  4. To delete a document, click on the document in the admin console, and then click on the “Delete” button.
  5. You can also query the database using MapReduce views, which allow you to extract specific data from the database based on various criteria.

Overall, Apache CouchDB is a flexible and powerful NoSQL database system that can be used for a wide range of applications.

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