Create Message Instance Variables

Create Message Instance Variables

In BizTalk Server, message instance variables are used to store data and metadata about a message as it is processed through the system. These variables can be used to carry data between different parts of the system and can be accessed and modified by orchestrations, pipelines, and other components. Here are the steps to create message instance variables in BizTalk Server:

Open the Orchestration: Open the orchestration in the BizTalk Server Orchestration Designer.

Add a Message Variable: In the Variables pane, right-click and select “New Variable”. Select “Message” as the variable type and give the variable a name.

Define the Message Schema: Define the message schema for the message variable by right-clicking on the message variable and selecting “Configure Message”. Select the schema that defines the structure of the message.

Map the Message: Map the message to the message variable by dragging a message shape onto the orchestration and connecting it to the message variable.

Set Properties: Set any necessary properties for the message instance variable, such as the message ID, correlation ID, or delivery status. These properties can be set using the “Message Assignment” shape in the orchestration.

Use the Message Variable: Use the message variable in other parts of the orchestration to perform transformations or routing based on the contents of the message. By following these steps, you can create message instance variables in BizTalk Server that can be used to store and manipulate data as messages are processed through the system. These variables are a powerful tool for managing message flow and can be used in a variety of scenarios, such as routing, validation, and transformation.

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