Configure and Start the EAI Application

Configure and Start the EAI Application

To configure and start the EAI application in BizTalk Server, follow these steps:

Open the BizTalk Server Administration Console and navigate to the “Applications” node.

Right-click on the EAI application and select “Properties” from the context menu.

In the “Application Properties” dialog box, configure any necessary settings, such as the database connection string and application name.

Once the settings are configured, click “OK” to close the dialog box.

Right-click on the EAI application and select “Start” from the context menu to start the application.

Verify that the application is running correctly by checking the status of the application in the BizTalk Server Administration Console. By following these steps, you can configure and start the EAI application in BizTalk Server, enabling it to process messages and integrate with other systems. Configuring the application with the correct settings, such as the database connection string and application name, is critical for the application to function correctly. Starting the application ensures that it is available for processing messages and performing integration tasks.

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