Keeping in view the enormous task of E-Government projects, many states are inadequately equipped in terms of personnel and the skill-sets needed to handle the host of issues involved. Many states do not even have an IT/e-Government department or have a skeletal department that is not designed to deal with the complexity of issues involved.
There is a huge e-readiness gap between the capacities needed for e-governance and the capacities actually present. Completely closing that gap would be a mammoth undertaking. Therefore a suggested priority is to focus on building human capacities by training. Awareness building and capacity building are essential to boost up human resources for high standards of service delivery and community participation.
Capacity Building Phases
Capacity Building as a process consists of various phases, which are
- Needs Analysis – It identifies the specific capabilities and skill sets required for various stakeholder groups in the context of e-Governance project implementation. These skill sets include skills on leadership, managerial, technical, domain, operational and other areas as relevant to the project. An understanding of the capabilities and skill sets is crucial to identify the gaps and to plan for bridging these gaps. Hence, this phase focus on defining the specific knowledge, skill and attitude development requirements for the target stakeholder groups.
- Gap Assessment – Gap assessment highlights assessment of the current capabilities and skill sets of the people across various levels vis-à-vis the target capabilities and skill sets needed in the context of e-Governance project implementation. Development of training plan and strategy will be performed based on these identified gaps.
- Design Solutions – For the identified gaps as outlined during the earlier gap assessment phase, a training strategy is to be developed for addressing the knowledge, skill and attitudinal requirements for the stakeholders. The solution to be developed should address the approach for development, methods of training, training course framework, detailed training plan, and approach for evaluation of the training, development of training calendar etc.
- Development – Development phase includes the actual development of the relevant training material, training aids, feedback forms, student hand outs, faculty handouts and other training material as may be needed for conducting the training as designed in the earlier phase.
- Delivery – Delivery phase includes conducting the training programs for various stakeholder groups as per the training calendar to bridge the training gap.
- Evaluation – Evaluation phase includes evaluation of effectiveness of the training programs conducted to the stakeholders and improving the approach and training material based on the specific feedback back provided by the stakeholders.