
We build the JDBC pool code with 1.6, but it is backwards compatible down to 1.5 for runtime environment. For unit test, we use 1.6 and higher

Other examples of Tomcat configuration for JDBC usage can be found in the Tomcat documentation.

Building from source

Building is pretty simple. The pool has a dependency on tomcat-juli.jar and in case you want theSlowQueryReportJmx

javac -classpath tomcat-juli.jar \

-d . \

org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/*.java \

org/apache/tomcat/jdbc/pool/interceptor/*.java \



A build file can be found in the Tomcat source repository.

As a convenience, a build file is also included where a simple build command will generate all files needed.

ant download (downloads dependencies)

ant build     (compiles and generates .jar files)

ant dist     (creates a release package)

ant test     (runs tests, expects a test database to be setup)

The system is structured for a Maven build, but does generate release artifacts. Just the library itself.


Code Example

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