Bootstrap Glossary

Important definitions and terminologies used in Bootstrap CSS




Accessibility in Bootstrap CSS – Bootstrap CSS provides built-in accessibility features, such as semantic HTML markup, keyboard navigation support, and ARIA attributes, to ensure that web content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Accordion in Bootstrap CSS – Accordion is a UI component that allows users to toggle the display of content. Bootstrap CSS provides a pre-built accordion component that can be easily customized and integrated into web projects. The accordion can be used to display FAQs, product information, or any other content that needs to be shown or hidden on demand.

Active class in Bootstrap CSS – Bootstrap CSS provides an active class that can be used to highlight the currently active link or menu item in navigation bars or other UI components. The active class can be applied to any HTML element, such as a link or button, and can be customized using CSS.


Affix in Bootstrap CSS – Affix is a UI component that allows elements to be fixed in place as the user scrolls through a webpage. Bootstrap CSS provides an affix plugin that can be used to make elements such as navigation bars, sidebars, or menus stick to the top or bottom of the viewport.

Alerts in Bootstrap CSS – Alerts are UI components that are used to display important messages to users, such as error messages or notifications. Bootstrap CSS provides a pre-built alert component that can be easily customized and integrated into web projects.

Animation in Bootstrap CSS – Bootstrap CSS provides a range of animation classes that can be used to add animation effects to UI components, such as buttons, dropdowns, and modals. The animation classes can be easily customized using CSS.

API in Bootstrap CSS – Bootstrap CSS provides an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows developers to interact with Bootstrap components programmatically. The API includes methods for initializing components, setting options, and triggering events.

ARIA in Bootstrap CSS – ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a set of attributes that can be added to HTML elements to improve accessibility for users with disabilities. Bootstrap CSS provides ARIA attributes that can be used to make components such as modals and tooltips more accessible.

Aspect ratio in Bootstrap CSS – Aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between the width and height of an element, such as an image or video. Bootstrap CSS provides a class that can be used to set the aspect ratio of an element, such as a responsive video.

Asset pipeline in Bootstrap CSS – The asset pipeline is a feature in Ruby on Rails that provides a way to manage and compile static assets, such as CSS and JavaScript files. Bootstrap CSS can be integrated into the asset pipeline to make it easier to manage and customize.

Autocomplete in Bootstrap CSS – Autocomplete is a feature that suggests possible matches as users type into a text input field. Bootstrap CSS provides a pre-built autocomplete component that can be easily customized and integrated into web projects.

Avatar in Bootstrap CSS – An avatar is an image that represents a user or account. Bootstrap CSS provides a class that can be used to display avatars in a consistent and customizable way.

Avatar group in Bootstrap CSS – An avatar group is a UI component that displays a group of avatars in a compact and organized way. Bootstrap CSS provides a pre-built avatar group component that can be easily customized and integrated into web projects.

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Background color in Bootstrap CSS – Background color is a property in Bootstrap CSS that is used to set the background color of an HTML element, such as a div or a section.

Badges in Bootstrap CSS – Badges are small, circular or rectangular elements in Bootstrap CSS that are used to display numerical or textual information, such as notifications or product prices.

BEM in Bootstrap CSS – BEM, or Block-Element-Modifier, is a CSS naming convention used in Bootstrap CSS that helps developers create reusable and maintainable code by breaking down complex components into smaller, modular blocks.

Block in Bootstrap CSS – A block is a modular unit of content in Bootstrap CSS that can be combined with other blocks to create larger, more complex components.

Blockquote in Bootstrap CSS – Blockquote is an HTML element in Bootstrap CSS that is used to display quoted text, such as a citation or a block of text from another source, in a visually distinct and recognizable way.

Blog in Bootstrap CSS – A blog is a type of website or web page in Bootstrap CSS that is used to publish regular articles, updates, or news items on a specific topic or theme.

Bootstrap classes in Bootstrap CSS – Bootstrap classes are predefined CSS classes in Bootstrap CSS that can be used to apply common styles and layouts to HTML elements, such as buttons, forms, and containers.

Bootstrap overrides in Bootstrap CSS – Bootstrap overrides are custom CSS styles in Bootstrap CSS that are used to modify or extend the default styles of Bootstrap components.

Border in Bootstrap CSS – Border is a CSS property in Bootstrap CSS that is used to add a border around an HTML element, such as a div or a button.

Border radius in Bootstrap CSS – Border radius is a CSS property in Bootstrap CSS that is used to create rounded corners on an HTML element, such as a button or an image.

Bordered in Bootstrap CSS – Bordered is a CSS class in Bootstrap CSS that can be used to add a border to an HTML element, such as a table or an image.

Box shadow in Bootstrap CSS – Box shadow is a CSS property in Bootstrap CSS that is used to create a shadow effect around an HTML element, such as a button or a card.

Breadcrumbs in Bootstrap CSS – Breadcrumbs are a navigation element in Bootstrap CSS that display a hierarchical trail of links to help users easily navigate back to previous pages or sections of a website or application.

Breakpoint in Bootstrap CSS – A breakpoint is a specific screen width or device size in Bootstrap CSS that triggers a change in the layout or appearance of a web page or application.

Browser compatibility in Bootstrap CSS – Browser compatibility is the ability of a web page or application in Bootstrap CSS to display and function correctly across different web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Build tools in Bootstrap CSS – Build tools are software programs or utilities in Bootstrap CSS that automate the process of building, testing, and deploying web pages or applications, such as Grunt or Gulp.

Button in Bootstrap CSS – A button is a UI element in Bootstrap CSS that is used to trigger an action or navigate to a different page or section of a website or application.

Button groups in Bootstrap CSS – Button groups are a UI element in Bootstrap CSS that allow developers to group related buttons together, such as a group of social media sharing buttons or a set of filters for a product search.

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Card in Bootstrap CSS – A card is a flexible and extensible content container that can include headers, footers, images, and other types of media. It is a common UI component used for displaying content in a visually appealing and organized way.

Card body in Bootstrap CSS – The card body is the main content area of a card. It usually contains text, images, or other types of media.

Card footer in Bootstrap CSS – A section of a card that typically contains additional information or links related to the content in the card body.

Card header in Bootstrap CSS – A section of a card that typically contains a title, subtitle, or other type of header content.

Card title in Bootstrap CSS – A heading element that can be used as the main title of a card or as a subheading within the card body.

Carousel in Bootstrap CSS – A carousel is a slideshow component that allows users to cycle through a set of images or other types of content. It is often used to showcase a collection of items in a visually appealing way.

Carousel item in Bootstrap CSS – An individual slide within a carousel component.

CDN in Bootstrap CSS – CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. It is a network of servers that are geographically distributed to improve the performance and availability of web content. Bootstrap CSS provides a CDN to serve its files.

Checkbox in Bootstrap CSS – A checkbox is a UI element that allows users to select one or more options from a list. It is often used in forms to allow users to select multiple options.

Code block in Bootstrap CSS – A code block is a block of preformatted code that is displayed in a monospaced font and may include syntax highlighting. It is often used to display code snippets on a web page.

Collapse in Bootstrap CSS – A collapse is a component that allows users to hide or show content by clicking a button or link. It is often used to display additional information that is not necessary to show by default.

Color palette in Bootstrap CSS – A color palette is a set of colors that are used consistently throughout a website or application to maintain a cohesive visual style.

Column in Bootstrap CSS – A column is a structural element used to create a flexible grid layout for organizing content on a web page. It is often used in conjunction with a row to create a responsive layout.

Components in Bootstrap CSS – Components are pre-built UI elements, such as buttons, forms, and navigation menus, that can be easily added to a web page.

Container in Bootstrap CSS – A container is a wrapper element that centers and limits the width of the content within it. It is often used to create a consistent layout across different screen sizes.

Content in Bootstrap CSS – Content refers to the text, images, and other media that make up the visible part of a web page or application.

CSS in Bootstrap CSS – CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a language used to define the visual style of web pages.

Custom properties in Bootstrap CSS – Custom properties are variables that can be defined within CSS stylesheets and used to store and apply specific values.

Custom variables in Bootstrap CSS – Custom variables are variables that can be defined within Bootstrap CSS stylesheets and used to customize the behavior and appearance of pre-built components.

Customization in Bootstrap CSS – Customization refers to the process of modifying and adapting Bootstrap CSS components and styles to meet specific project requirements. This can include changing colors, fonts, and layout styles, among other things.

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Data attributes in Bootstrap CSS – Data attributes in Bootstrap CSS are HTML attributes that can be used to store additional data or information on an HTML element, such as a button or a form, that can be accessed by JavaScript or CSS.

Datepicker in Bootstrap CSS – Datepicker is a UI component in Bootstrap CSS that allows users to select a date or range of dates from a calendar interface.

Debugging in Bootstrap CSS – Debugging in Bootstrap CSS is the process of identifying and fixing errors or issues in the code, such as layout problems, broken links, or JavaScript errors.

Default browser styles in Bootstrap CSS – Default browser styles in Bootstrap CSS are the built-in styles and settings that are applied to HTML elements by the web browser, such as font size, color, and line height.

Deployment in Bootstrap CSS – Deployment in Bootstrap CSS is the process of making a web page or application available to users on the internet, such as uploading files to a web server or hosting platform.

Design system in Bootstrap CSS – A design system in Bootstrap CSS is a collection of reusable components, guidelines, and best practices that help ensure consistency and maintainability in the design and development of a website or application.

Dialog in Bootstrap CSS – Dialog is a UI component in Bootstrap CSS that displays a modal or pop-up window with additional information or options for the user.

Dropdown in Bootstrap CSS – Dropdown is a UI component in Bootstrap CSS that displays a list of options or actions when a user clicks on a button or link.

Dropdown button in Bootstrap CSS – Dropdown button is a UI component in Bootstrap CSS that combines a button and a dropdown menu, allowing users to select an option or trigger an action from a list of choices.

Dummy text in Bootstrap CSS – Dummy text is placeholder text in Bootstrap CSS that is used to fill in space or simulate the appearance of real content, such as Lorem Ipsum text.

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Editor in Bootstrap CSS – An editor in Bootstrap CSS is a tool that allows developers to create and modify code for web pages or applications using a user-friendly interface.

Effect in Bootstrap CSS – An effect in Bootstrap CSS is a visual or interactive change that is applied to an HTML element or UI component, such as a hover effect or a transition animation.

Element in Bootstrap CSS – An element in Bootstrap CSS is a basic building block of HTML and CSS that represents a specific type of content or UI component, such as a heading, paragraph, or button.

Embed in Bootstrap CSS – Embed in Bootstrap CSS is the process of adding external content, such as a video or social media post, to a web page or application by using an HTML embed code.

Equal-height columns in Bootstrap CSS – Equal-height columns in Bootstrap CSS is a layout technique that ensures that multiple columns on a web page have the same height, regardless of the amount of content they contain.

Event in Bootstrap CSS – An event in Bootstrap CSS is an action or occurrence that can trigger a response from JavaScript or CSS, such as a button click or a scroll event.

Extends in Bootstrap CSS – Extends in Bootstrap CSS is a feature of the Sass preprocessor that allows developers to inherit and reuse styles from other CSS classes, reducing the amount of code required to create custom styles.

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Favicon in Bootstrap CSS – A favicon in Bootstrap CSS is a small icon that appears in the browser tab or bookmark bar next to the title of a web page.

Feedback in Bootstrap CSS – Feedback in Bootstrap CSS is the process of providing users with information about the status or result of an action, such as a confirmation message or an error alert.

Field in Bootstrap CSS – A field in Bootstrap CSS is a UI component that represents a form input element, such as a text box, checkbox, or radio button.

Figure in Bootstrap CSS – Figure in Bootstrap CSS is a semantic HTML element that represents a self-contained unit of content, such as an image, diagram, or code snippet.

Filter in Bootstrap CSS – A filter in Bootstrap CSS is a tool that allows users to sort or search through a large amount of content or data by applying specific criteria, such as date range, category, or keyword.

Fixed layout in Bootstrap CSS – A fixed layout in Bootstrap CSS is a web page layout that has a fixed width and does not change in size or position, regardless of the size or resolution of the user’s screen.

Flexbox in Bootstrap CSS – Flexbox in Bootstrap CSS is a layout system that allows developers to create flexible and responsive web page layouts by aligning and distributing content within a container using a set of CSS properties.

Floating label in Bootstrap CSS – A floating label in Bootstrap CSS is a UI component that appears above a form field and moves out of the way or changes appearance when the user enters text into the field.

Font in Bootstrap CSS – A font in Bootstrap CSS is a set of digital characters that define the appearance of text on a web page, such as the size, style, and color of the letters.

Font family in Bootstrap CSS – A font family in Bootstrap CSS is a group of related fonts that share similar design characteristics, such as serif or sans-serif, and are used to create consistent and readable text on a web page.

Font size in Bootstrap CSS – Font size in Bootstrap CSS is the size of the letters and numbers used to display text on a web page, measured in pixels, ems, or other units.

Font weight in Bootstrap CSS – Font weight in Bootstrap CSS is the thickness or boldness of the letters used to display text on a web page, specified using a numeric value or descriptive keywords such as “bold” or “normal”.

Footer in Bootstrap CSS – Footer in Bootstrap CSS is a UI component that appears at the bottom of a web page and contains information such as copyright notices, contact information, or navigation links.

Form in Bootstrap CSS – Form in Bootstrap CSS is a UI component that allows users to submit data or information to a web page or application by entering text, selecting options, or uploading files.

Framework in Bootstrap CSS – A framework in Bootstrap CSS is a set of pre-built components, styles, and tools that developers can use to quickly create and customize web pages or applications, without having to write all the code from scratch. Bootstrap CSS is an example of a CSS framework.

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Gallery in Bootstrap CSS – A gallery in Bootstrap CSS is a UI component that displays a collection of images or media files in a grid or carousel format, often with features such as lightboxes or zooming.

Grid in Bootstrap CSS – A grid in Bootstrap CSS is a layout system that allows developers to create responsive web page layouts by dividing the page into a series of columns and rows that adjust automatically based on the screen size or device.

Grid system in Bootstrap CSS – The grid system in Bootstrap CSS is a collection of classes and properties that allow developers to create flexible and responsive web page layouts using a series of rows and columns.

Group in Bootstrap CSS – A group in Bootstrap CSS is a UI component that groups together related elements, such as buttons, forms, or navigation links, into a single container.

Guide in Bootstrap CSS – A guide in Bootstrap CSS is a set of instructions or best practices for using the framework, often provided in the form of documentation, tutorials, or examples.

Gulp in Bootstrap CSS – Gulp in Bootstrap CSS is a task runner or build tool that automates common development tasks, such as compiling Sass or JavaScript files, optimizing images, or deploying code.

Gutters in Bootstrap CSS – Gutters in Bootstrap CSS are the horizontal and vertical spacing between columns and rows in a grid layout, which can be customized using a set of CSS classes or properties.

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Heading in Bootstrap CSS – Headings in Bootstrap CSS are predefined styles for HTML heading elements, such as <h1> through <h6>, that provide consistent typography and spacing throughout a website or application.

Helper classes in Bootstrap CSS – Helper classes in Bootstrap CSS are a set of predefined CSS classes that can be applied to elements to add specific styles or functionality, such as adjusting margins or padding, hiding or showing content, or changing the text color or background color.

Horizontal alignment in Bootstrap CSS – Horizontal alignment in Bootstrap CSS is a set of classes that allow developers to align elements horizontally within a container or column, such as centering text or buttons.

Hover in Bootstrap CSS – Hover in Bootstrap CSS is a pseudo-class that is used to apply styles to an element when it is hovered over by a mouse pointer, often used to create interactive effects or highlight content.

HTML in Bootstrap CSS – HTML in Bootstrap CSS refers to the markup language used to structure and format web content, which is the foundation of all Bootstrap CSS templates and components. Bootstrap CSS is built using HTML and CSS, and requires a basic understanding of HTML to use effectively.

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Icon in Bootstrap CSS

Image in Bootstrap CSS

Importing in Bootstrap CSS

Inline code in Bootstrap CSS

Input in Bootstrap CSS

Input group in Bootstrap CSS

Installation in Bootstrap CSS

Interactivity in Bootstrap CSS

Internet Explorer support in Bootstrap CSS

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Jumbotron in Bootstrap CSS

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Keyboard shortcuts in Bootstrap CSS

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Layout in Bootstrap CSS

LESS in Bootstrap CSS

Lightbox in Bootstrap CSS

Line height in Bootstrap CSS

Link in Bootstrap CSS

List group in Bootstrap CSS

Loader in Bootstrap CSS

Local storage in Bootstrap CSS

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Map in Bootstrap CSS

Markup in Bootstrap CSS

Media queries in Bootstrap CSS

Menu in Bootstrap CSS

Mixins in Bootstrap CSS

Modal in Bootstrap CSS

Modifier in Bootstrap CSS

Module in Bootstrap CSS

Motivation in Bootstrap CSS

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Nav in Bootstrap CSS

Navbar in Bootstrap CSS

Navigation in Bootstrap CSS

Navs in Bootstrap CSS

Nested grid in Bootstrap CSS

Nesting in Bootstrap CSS

Notification in Bootstrap CSS

npm in Bootstrap CSS

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Off-canvas in Bootstrap CSS

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Pagination in Bootstrap CSS

Parallax in Bootstrap CSS

Parent in Bootstrap CSS

Partials in Bootstrap CSS

Pipe in Bootstrap CSS

Placeholder in Bootstrap CSS

Popover in Bootstrap CSS

Preprocessor in Bootstrap CSS

Previous/Next links in Bootstrap CSS

Print in Bootstrap CSS

Progress in Bootstrap CSS

Project structure in Bootstrap CSS

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Query in Bootstrap CSS

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Radio button in Bootstrap CSS

Range in Bootstrap CSS

Responsive in Bootstrap CSS

Responsive design in Bootstrap CSS

Responsive utilities in Bootstrap CSS

RFS in Bootstrap CSS

Row in Bootstrap CSS

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Sass in Bootstrap CSS

Scale in Bootstrap CSS

Screen reader in Bootstrap CSS

Scrollspy in Bootstrap CSS

Search in Bootstrap CSS

Section in Bootstrap CSS

Select in Bootstrap CSS

Sidebar in Bootstrap CSS

Slider in Bootstrap CSS

Source and destination in Bootstrap CSS

Source maps in Bootstrap CSS

Spinner in Bootstrap CSS

Split button in Bootstrap CSS

Stack in Bootstrap CSS

State in Bootstrap CSS

Sticky in Bootstrap CSS

Sticky header in Bootstrap CSS

Striped in Bootstrap CSS

Style guide in Bootstrap CSS

Stylesheet in Bootstrap CSS

SVG in Bootstrap CSS

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Tab in Bootstrap CSS

Table in Bootstrap CSS

Table body in Bootstrap CSS

Table cell in Bootstrap CSS

Table header in Bootstrap CSS

Table row in Bootstrap CSS

Task in Bootstrap CSS

Text in Bootstrap CSS

Text alignment in Bootstrap CSS

Text color in Bootstrap CSS

Theme in Bootstrap CSS

Theming in Bootstrap CSS

Toast in Bootstrap CSS

Toggle in Bootstrap CSS

Tooltip in Bootstrap CSS

Transition in Bootstrap CSS

Typeahead in Bootstrap CSS

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UI in Bootstrap CSS

Utilities in Bootstrap CSS

Utility classes in Bootstrap CSS

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Validation in Bootstrap CSS

Variable in Bootstrap CSS

Variable maps in Bootstrap CSS

Variables in Bootstrap CSS

Vendor prefix in Bootstrap CSS

Vertical alignment in Bootstrap CSS

Video in Bootstrap CSS

Viewport in Bootstrap CSS

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Web fonts in Bootstrap CSS

Webpack in Bootstrap CSS

Well in Bootstrap CSS

Width in Bootstrap CSS

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X-axis in Bootstrap CSS

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YAML in Bootstrap CSS

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z-index in Bootstrap CSS

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