Agile Basics

Agile Basics

Agile Basics
Agile Basics

In this section, we will be learning the agile basics. Therefore, let’s begin.

The waterfall is one of the most used software development models. However, in most of the cases, new functionalities get added, and also earlier requirements may change. The Waterfall model is not structured to accommodate such continuous changes in requirements. Further, the user will not have clarity on the functionality of the product until the product becomes available in its entirety.

Therefore, any informal requirement changes during an iteration may lead to confusion and may also create scope creeps. With this premise, Agile development came into existence.

What is Agile

“Agile Development” is an umbrella term for several iterative and incremental software development methodologies. The most popular agile methodologies incorporate Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Lean Development, and Feature-Driven Development (FDD).

While each of the agile methodologies is unique in its specific approach, they all share a common vision and core values.

  • First things first, they all fundamentally incorporate iteration and the continuous feedback that it provides to successively refine and deliver a software system.
  • Secondly, involves continuous planning, continuous testing, continuous integration, and other forms of the continuous evolution of both the project and the software.
  • Lastly, they are all lightweight, especially in comparison to the traditional waterfall-style processes, and inherently adaptable. Above all, agile methods focus on empowering people to collaborate and make decisions together quickly and effectively.


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