Nessus Plug-ins

Nessus Plug-ins

Nessus is a widely-used network vulnerability scanner and open-source software developed by Tenable Network Security. Nessus utilizes a database of vulnerability checks called “plug-ins” to identify potential security issues in a network.

Plug-ins are essentially small pieces of code that are designed to test specific aspects of a network for vulnerabilities. These plug-ins are regularly updated by Tenable to ensure that they remain effective against new threats and vulnerabilities.

Nessus provides users with the ability to create custom plug-ins to test for specific vulnerabilities that may not be covered by the pre-existing plug-ins. This flexibility allows users to tailor their network security testing to their specific needs and requirements.

Overall, the use of Nessus plug-ins can greatly enhance the security of a network by providing a comprehensive view of potential vulnerabilities and allowing for targeted remediation efforts.

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