API Testing Test Cases

API Testing Test Cases

api testing test cases

Test cases of API testing are based on

  • Firstly, return value based on input condition: it is relatively easy to test, as input can be defined and results can be authenticated
  • Secondly, Does not return anything: When there is no return value, a behaviour of API on the system to be checked
  • Thirdly, trigger some other API/event/interrupt: If an output of an API triggers some event or interrupt, then those events and interrupt listeners should be tracked
  • Fourthly, Update data structure: Updating data structure will have some outcome or effect on the system, and that should be authenticated
  • Subsequently, Modify certain resources: If API call modifies some resources then it should be validated by accessing respective resources
  • Further, No Graphical User Interface (GUI) – APIs are primarily intended for computer-to-computer communication. Computers don’t need a user interface.
  • In addition, Synchronous and Asynchronous Dependencies – APIs often rely on other APIs or back-end systems to function correctly, on time, in a sequenced fashion.
  • Lastly, Test Data Management – API testing verifies the business logic of an application layer, which often has millions of permutations and use cases.

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