Execute Mobile Command

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Execute Mobile Command

Learn to implement and execute mobile command. Further, we will explain this using example in Java –

driver.executeScript(“mobile: scroll”, ImmutableMap.of(“direction”, “down”));

Consequently, it executes a variety of native, mobile commands that aren’t associated with a specific endpoint. Given, Syntax is execute (“mobile: <commandName>”, <JSON serializable argument>).

List of available commands

IOS to Execute Mobile Command

Command Description
mobile:viewportScreenshot Like screenshot but only includes contents of viewport


IOS (XCUITest Only) to Execute Mobile Command

Command Description Argument Argument Example
mobile:startPerfRecord Starts performance profiling for the device under test
mobile:stopPerfRecord Stops performance profiling for the device under test
mobile:startLogsBroadcast Starts iOS system logs broadcast websocket on the same host and port where Appium server is running at /ws/session/:sessionId:/appium/device/syslog endpoint.
mobile:stopLogsBroadcast Stops the iOS system logs broadcasting websocket server started by mobile:startLogsBroadcast
mobile:swipe For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:scroll For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:pinch For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:doubleTap For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:touchAndHold  For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:twoFingerTap  For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:tap  For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:dragFromToForDuration  For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:selectPickerWheelValue  For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:alert  For iOS With WebDriverAgent/XCTest Backend
mobile:getContexts Retrieve available contexts, along with the url and title associated with each webview
mobile:batteryInfo Reads the battery information from the device under test
mobile:pressButton Press a physical button. The available button options are: home, volumeup and volumedown. Real devices support all three buttons whereas simulator only supports home. {name} {name: “home”}
mobile:enrollBiometric Enroll (or unenroll) an iOS Simulator to use biometrics {isEnabled} {isEnabled: true}
mobile:sendBiometricMatch Send a matching or non-matching biometric input to an iOS Simulator. ‘type’ must be touchId or faceId. Match is a boolean indicating if it’s a matching or non-matching input {type, match} {type: “touchId”, match: true}
mobile:isBiometricEnrolled Check if an iOS Simulator is enrolled or not. Returns true if enrolled, false if not enrolled.
mobile:clearKeychains Clear the keychains for an iOS Simulator
mobile:siriCommand Sends a command to Siri {text} {text: “What time is it?”}



Command Description Argument Argument Example
mobile:shell Execute ADB shell commands (requires server flag –relaxed-security to be set) ADB shell string am start -n com.example.demo/com.example.test.MainActivity
mobile:startLogsBroadcast Starts Android logcat broadcast websocket on the same host and port where Appium is running at /ws/session/:sessionId:/appium/device/logcat endpoint
mobile:stopLogsBroadcast Stops the logcat broadcasting websocket server started by mobile:startLogsBroadcast
mobile:performEditorAction Performs the given editor action on the focused input field. The following action names are supported: normal, unspecified, none, go, search, send, next, done, previous. {action} {action: “previous”}
mobile:getPermissions Gets a list of permissions which are denied, granted or requested. {type, appPackage} {type: “granted”, appPackage: “io.appium.android.apis”}
mobile:changePermissions Grants or revokes permissions. {action, appPackage, permissions} {action: “grant”, appPackage: “io.appium.android.apis”, permissions: “android.permission.READ_CONTACTS”}, {action: “revoke”, appPackage: “io.appium.android.apis”, permissions: [“android.permission.READ_CONTACTS”, “android.permission.CAMERA”]}


Android (UiAutomator2 only)

Command Description Argument Argument Example
mobile:batteryInfo Reads the battery information from the device under test
mobile:acceptAlert Accepts an on-screen alert Optional button label to click on
mobile:dismissAlert Dismisses an on-screen alert Optional button label to click on
mobile:scrollBackTo Scroll from one element to another {elementId, elementToId} {elementId: 2, elementToId: 1}
mobile:viewportScreenshot Like screenshot but only includes contents of viewport
mobile:deepLink Opens a deep-link URL for testing Instant Apps {url, package} {url: “https://www.site.com/”, package: “com.site.SomeAndroidPackage”}
mobile:deviceInfo Gets device information like manufacturer and model.

Android (Espresso only)

Command Description Argument Argument Example
mobile:swipe Perform the “swipe” view action {elementId, direction} {elementId: 2, direction: “down|up|left|right”}
mobile:swipe Perform “GeneralSwipeAction” {elementId, swiper, startCoordinates, endCoordinates, precisionDescriber} {elementId: 3, swiper: “FAST|SLOW”, startCoordinates: ‘BOTTOM_RIGHT’, endCoordinates: ‘TOP_RIGHT’, precisionDescriber: ‘FINGER’}
mobile:clickAction Perform “ClickAction” {elementId, tapper, coordinatesProvider, precisionDescriber, inputDevice, buttonState} {elementId: 2, tapper: ‘Long’, coordinatesProvider: ‘BOTTOM_RIGHT’, precisionDescriber: ‘Thumb’, inputDevice: 0, buttonState: 0}
mobile:isToastVisible Check whether a toast message is visible. text is the mandatory argument. isRegexp is optional. text will be parsed as a regular expression pattern if isRegexp is true. isRegexp is false by default. It returns true if the text exists, or false otherwise. {text, isRegexp} { text: ‘A toast’ }, { text: ‘^regex$’, isRegexp: true }
mobile:openDrawer Open drawer by DrawerAction with gravity. gravity is option. The default is GravityCompat.START. This method blocks until the drawer is fully open. No operation if the drawer is already open. {element, gravity} { element: element_id }, { element: element_id, gravity: 3 }
mobile:closeDrawer Close drawer by DrawerAction with gravity. gravity is option. The default is GravityCompat.START. This method blocks until the drawer is fully closed. No operation if the drawer is already closed. {element, gravity} { element: element_id }, { element: elementId, gravity: 3 }
mobile:setDate Set date by PickerActions#setDate for DataPicker. {element, year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth} {element: elementId, year: 2018, monthOfYear: 12, dayOfMonth: 1}
mobile:setTime Set time by PickerActions#setTime for TimePicker. {element, hours, minutes} {element: elementId, hours: 12, minutes: 10}
mobile:navigateTo Action to NavigationView by NavigationViewActions#navigateTo. The view must be a child of a DrawerLayout, of type NavigationView, visible on screen and displayed on screen. {element, menuItemId} {element: elementId, menuItemId: 1}
mobile:scrollToPage Action to ViewPager by ViewPagerActions. scrollTo must be one of first, last, left, right. scrollTo is used by default if scrollTo and scrollToPage are provided. {scrollTo, scrollToPage, smoothScroll} {element: elementId, scrollTo: ‘left’, smoothScroll: true}, {element: elementId, scrollToPage: 2}
mobile:backdoor Invoke arbitrary methods defined in Android app. The methods must be public. target is activity, application or element. methods are methods you would like to invoke. elementId is mandatory if target is element. {target, methods, elementId} {target: ‘activity’, methods: [{name: ‘method1’}, {name: ‘method2’, args: [{value: ‘hello appium’, type: ‘java.lang.String’}] }] }, {target: ‘element’, elementId: elementId, [{name: ‘getTypeface’}, {name: ‘isItalic’}]}
mobile:flashElement Flashes an element on the screen to visually confirm you are operating on the correct element. Can optionally set durationMillis (in ms) and repeatCount of animation {elementId, durationMillis, repeatCount} {elementId: “1234-abcd-5678”, durationMillis: 1000, repeatCount: 10}
mobile:uiautomator Drive areas which are not part of App Under Test, using uiautomator2 APIs. strategy can be one of: “clazz”, “res”, “text”, “textContains”, “textEndsWith”, “textStartsWith”,”desc”, “descContains”, “descEndsWith”, “descStartsWith” and “pkg”, taken from uiautomator By class. action can be one of: “click”, “longClick”, “getText”, “getContentDescription”, “getClassName”,”getResourceName”, “getVisibleBounds”, “getVisibleCenter”, “getApplicationPackage”,”getChildCount”, “clear”, “isCheckable”, “isChecked”, “isClickable”, “isEnabled”,”isFocusable”, “isFocused”, “isLongClickable”, “isScrollable” and “isSelected”, taken from uiautomator UiObject2. index is optional, if not given, will return all matching results {strategy, locator, index, action} {strategy: ‘clazz’, locator: ‘android.widget.TextView’, index: 2, action: “getText”}

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