Dreamweaver Behaviors

Dreamweaver Behaviors are a set of pre-built interactive functionalities that allow web developers to add dynamic behaviors to their web pages without the need for advanced coding skills. Dreamweaver CS5 comes with a wide range of behaviors, including rollovers, pop-up menus, form validation, and more.

The behaviors are accessible through the Behaviors panel, which can be found in the Window menu. From there, developers can add and customize behaviors by selecting the desired behavior and setting its parameters in the Behaviors panel.

Some of the most commonly used behaviors in Dreamweaver CS5 include:

  • Rollovers: This behavior allows developers to create interactive buttons that change their appearance when users hover over them with their mouse.
  • Pop-up menus: This behavior allows developers to create drop-down menus that appear when users click on a button or link.
  • Form validation: This behavior allows developers to add client-side validation to web forms, ensuring that users enter the correct data before submitting the form.

Overall, Dreamweaver Behaviors are a powerful tool for adding interactivity and functionality to web pages, making them more engaging and user-friendly.

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