

Spry is a JavaScript framework that was included in Dreamweaver CS5, a web development software created by Adobe. Spry provided web designers and developers with a way to easily create interactive and dynamic web pages without needing to have extensive knowledge of JavaScript.

Spry included a set of pre-built widgets and user interface components, such as accordion panels, tabs, and form validation, that could be easily added to a web page using Dreamweaver’s visual interface. It also allowed users to create custom Spry elements, such as menus or data displays, by using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

One of the key features of Spry was its ability to pull data from external sources, such as XML or JSON files, and dynamically update the content on a web page. This made it easy to create dynamic data-driven websites without needing to manually update the HTML code. While Spry was a popular tool for web designers and developers, it has since been deprecated by Adobe and is no longer actively maintained or supported. However, many of the concepts and techniques used in Spry are still relevant to modern web development and can be applied using other JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

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