Navigation bar and menu

Navigation bar and menu

In Dreamweaver CS5, a navigation bar or menu is a common user interface element used to help visitors navigate through a website. The navigation bar usually appears at the top of the page and contains links to various sections or pages within the website.

To create a navigation bar in Dreamweaver CS5, you can use the Insert panel and select the “Spry Menu Bar” option. This will add a pre-built navigation bar to your web page, which you can customize by editing the HTML and CSS code.

Alternatively, you can create a navigation menu from scratch using HTML and CSS. This requires a bit more coding knowledge, but gives you more control over the design and functionality of the navigation menu.

Once you have created your navigation menu, you can add links to it by selecting the text or button that you want to turn into a link and then selecting the “Insert > Hyperlink” option from the menu bar.

Overall, creating a navigation bar or menu in Dreamweaver CS5 is a straightforward process that can help improve the usability and navigation of your website.

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