Regular Expression and Mutable Strings

Regular Expression and Mutable Strings

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and string manipulation in C#. They allow you to define complex patterns of characters that can be used to search, replace, and validate strings. In C#, regular expressions are implemented through the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace, which provides a set of classes for working with regular expressions.

Mutable strings in C# are represented by the System.Text.StringBuilder class. Unlike immutable strings, which cannot be modified after they are created, mutable strings can be modified in place, making them more efficient for certain types of string manipulations. The StringBuilder class provides a set of methods for appending, inserting, and deleting characters from a string, as well as for modifying specific characters at arbitrary positions.

In summary, regular expressions and mutable strings are both powerful tools for working with strings in C#. Regular expressions provide a way to define complex patterns for string manipulation, while mutable strings allow you to efficiently modify strings in place. Together, they provide a powerful set of tools for working with text data in C#.

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