Evolution and characteristics

Evolution and characteristics

Evolution and History of C#

The development of the .NET Framework employed class libraries written using a managed code compiler system called Simple Managed C (SMC). In January 1999, Anders Hejlsberg developed a new language called Cool, or “C-like Object Oriented Language”. Due to trademark reasons, the language had been renamed to C#, and the class libraries and ASP.NET runtime had also been ported to C#.

C# 2.0 was released in November 2005 and with the different implementations of generics C# vastly differed with Java. C# also added features which differentiated it with Java like the LINQ extensions with C# 3.0 with lambda expressions support, extension methods and anonymous types.

Characteristics of C#

C# provides various characteristics,which are

Simple: It does not supports –>, and pointers. C# treats inter and Boolean as two different data types .

Consistent: C# supports only one integer type with no limitation of range.

Inter-operability: C# provides the facility to a program to call out any native API. .

Modern: C# contains features as that in modern programming language like automatic garbage collection, sound security model and a rich intrinsic model for error handling.

Object Oriented: C# is an modern object oriented programming language supporting encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. .

Type Safe: C# incorporates type safe measures like dynamically allocated objects and arrays are initialised to zero, not allowing unsafe casts and overflow check during the arithmetic operations.

Versionable: C# supports versioning of applications developed using it so that on different versions of same application are available for usage.

Database connectivity and ADO. NET
.NET Technology Framework and Common Language Runtime(CLR)

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