Grouping and aggregate functions

Grouping and aggregate functions

In MySQL, grouping and aggregate functions are used to perform calculations on multiple rows of data and return a single result.

Grouping functions such as GROUP BY allow you to group data by one or more columns, allowing you to perform aggregate functions on subsets of the data. For example, you could group sales data by region, and then use aggregate functions to calculate the total sales, average sales, or maximum sales for each region.

Aggregate functions, such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX, allow you to perform calculations on a set of values. For example, you could use the SUM function to calculate the total value of all sales in a given period, or the AVG function to calculate the average price of a product.

When used in combination, grouping and aggregate functions allow you to analyze large datasets and extract useful insights. They are essential tools for data analysis and reporting in MySQL.

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