
In Magento, an interface refers to a contract between two components, defining a set of methods that one component expects the other to implement. An interface specifies what methods a class must have, but not how those methods are implemented.

In practical terms, an interface in Magento can be used to define the behavior of modules and extensions, allowing them to interact with the core of the platform in a standardized way. This helps ensure that different components can work together seamlessly, without conflicting or causing errors.

Magento has several built-in interfaces that are used throughout the platform, such as the ModuleManagerInterface, which defines the methods that a module must have to be registered with Magento. Developers can also create custom interfaces to define the behavior of their own modules and extensions. Overall, interfaces are an important concept in Magento development, as they help ensure consistency and interoperability between different components of the platform.

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Manual and automatic installation
Administrator interface components (sales, customers, catalog, CMS)

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