Items and Custom Items

Items and Custom Items

In J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition), an item is a graphical component that can be displayed on a form. It is a fundamental building block for creating user interfaces in J2ME applications. There are different types of items available in J2ME, such as buttons, text fields, images, gauges, and choice groups, which can be used to create various types of user interfaces.

Custom items, on the other hand, are user-defined items that can be created by extending the Item class in J2ME. Custom items provide a way to create new types of user interface components that are not available in the standard set of J2ME items. For example, a custom item can be created to display a map, a chart, or a video player.

Creating a custom item involves implementing the paint() method to define the appearance of the item, and handling the user input events by implementing the keyReleased() and pointerReleased() methods. Custom items can also be used to add animation and special effects to the user interface.

In summary, items are graphical components that can be used to create user interfaces in J2ME applications, and custom items are user-defined items that provide a way to create new types of user interface components.

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