Capturing the Survey Choice

Capturing the Survey Choice

To capture the survey choice selected by the user using the RadioButtonList control in ASP.NET, you can use the following steps:

Place the RadioButtonList control on your ASP.NET page, and set its ID and ListItem values in the Properties window or directly in the HTML code.


<asp:RadioButtonList ID=”surveyChoices” runat=”server”>

    <asp:ListItem Text=”Choice 1″ Value=”1″></asp:ListItem>

    <asp:ListItem Text=”Choice 2″ Value=”2″></asp:ListItem>

    <asp:ListItem Text=”Choice 3″ Value=”3″></asp:ListItem>


In the code-behind file of the ASP.NET page, handle the Click event of a button or any other event that triggers the survey choice capture.


protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    string choice = surveyChoices.SelectedValue;

    // use the selected survey choice in your application logic

} In this example, the SelectedValue property of the RadioButtonList control is used to capture the value of the selected survey choice, which can then be used in the application logic.

So far, the survey form is just a interface with no logic. Follow these steps to capture the user’s choice and show that choice in the browser:

  • In Design view, double-click an empty part of the page to create an event handler for the Page object’s Load event.

The IDE automatically inserts the following event handler code (formatted differently here) into the page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



  • In the line above the End Sub keywords, insert the following code:

lblResponse.Text = rbl.SelectedValue;

  • By default postback property of RadioButtonList is not true. You can do it two ways. First you can go through the control smart tag and second you can go to the control properties and set AutoPostBack to True.

When you run the page and click the button, the click causes the page to submit its data (a postback). A Page Load event occurs just before ASP.NET completes construction of the page. The Load event handler code looks at the RadioButtonList (rbl) and extracts whatever is in its SelectedValue property. The code assigns the SelectedValue value as the Text property of the Label so the user can see the results.

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