Case Sensitivity

Case Sensitivity

C# is a case-sensitive programming language, which means that it distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters in variable names, method names, and other identifiers.

For example, the variable “age” and “Age” are two different variables in C#:

int age = 30;

int Age = 40;

In the above example, “age” and “Age” are two different variables with different values. Similarly, method names and other identifiers are also case-sensitive in C#.

It is important to keep in mind that C# is strict about case sensitivity, and if you try to use an identifier with a different case than the one it was declared with, the compiler will raise an error. This can cause issues if you’re not careful with your naming conventions.

In general, it is a good practice to follow a consistent naming convention to avoid confusion and errors. Many developers use camel case or Pascal case conventions for naming variables and methods in C#.

Camel case convention involves using lowercase for the first word of the identifier and capitalizing the first letter of each subsequent word, such as “firstName” or “totalAmount”.

Pascal case convention involves capitalizing the first letter of each word, such as “FirstName” or “TotalAmount”. Whatever naming convention you choose, it is important to be consistent and follow it throughout your code to make it easier to read and understand.

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